Five hundred hidden.

One of Inazuma's great demons.

Because Hu Zhai Palace was killed in the disaster, the top management of the first generation of the ruling team were dead and disabled. There were not many friends left. They felt lonely and chose to seal themselves in the guarding forest.

Its true form is a big raccoon demon.

Therefore, all the tanukis living in the area of ​​the Guarded Forest are actually the descendants of Gobaizang.

Gobaizou must have been secretly observing the returning relatives and friends such as Raiden Jin and Kitsune Palace for some time, and now he finally couldn't help but show up during the public beta of the game"Pokémon Legends: Beginning in New Town"!

Everyone in Inazuma was not surprised at all.

Wubaizang unlocked the seal and observed secretly, how could he hide it from the"eyes and ears" of the Thunder and Lightning sisters.

Including Shen Zi, Hu Zhai Palace, Bai Chen's bloodline, the demon power is not weaker than Wubaizang.

Hu Zhai Palace greeted playfully:"Ha……"

"Five hundred hidden"

"Do you know how to choose your time? Show up at this point."

The human image of Wubaizang is a naive little fat man with a playful smile:

"I sent my raccoons and grandsons to transform into humans and queue up all night in front of the store."

"But I’m afraid I won’t be able to get gaming equipment!"

"After all, Inazuma’s store has a limited sales limit of 20,000 pairs of holographic eyes, and they are afraid they will be sold out within an hour of opening the store!"

While smiling naively, he moved quickly, trying to get through the door on the wall before everyone else.

"So brave——"

Yu Yu Qiandai scolded.

Thunder and lightning are really not surprising at all:

"It’s been five hundred years, Wubaizang, are you still so naughty and funny?"

Everyone followed Fang Ye and Wubaizang and entered the virtual space of the training hall one after another.


The virtual space inside the Elf House store that connects Daozhu, Liyue and Mondstadt.

At this moment.

Gathering of famous characters.

Not one of the famous characters from the three regions was left behind, arriving on time and on time.

At this time.

There was another fluctuation in the"door" behind everyone.

I saw the Fool's Executive Officers, a total of ten people, arriving in a mighty force, led by the Commander-in-Chief Harlequin.

Piero the Harlequin glanced at the crowd:

"Skirmisher, Scaramucci, is he not in the group chat?"

The lady and the gentleman looked at each other and said:

"Skirmishers never joined the group chat."

The arrival of the executives of the Fools caused a commotion among the characters of Daozhu, Liyue and Mond.

Diluc had a blood feud with the Fools. He snorted coldly, crossed his arms and squinted at the group of executives:

"If it weren’t for the prohibition and terms of the nightclub manager Youfang"

"I want to give all of you evildoers...just judgment on the spot! Amber also put her hands on her hips angrily, especially staring at the doctor among the executives:

"We will never forget your experiment on Kelai’s demonic residue!"

Collet... then I remembered such a name.

Doctor Dotore raised the corner of his mouth and said:

"There is indeed such an excellent experimental subject, and he actually formed a symbiosis with the devil's residue."

"But Kelai escaped from the control of the Fools a few years ago with the help of your Mondstadt Justice Envoy."

Piero the Harlequin, in the crowd, saw His Highness Empty, who was in charge of the Abyss Order. He also saw Dainsreb, who was also a survivor of Camria.

He and Dainsreb.

In the distance, They met each other's deep gazes. Their respective eyes were silent.

They, the remnants, were all seeking peace of mind in their own way... and even revenge! Subverting the order of heaven!

Yingmei was chatting with her brother Kong Kong about daily life..

Because Kong will not bring any subordinates of the Abyss Religion this time.

Yingmei has no idea that Kong is the"His Highness" of the Abyss Religion now."


Fang Ye saw that everyone had greeted everyone and the atmosphere was about the same, so he clapped his hands.

When everyone looked over, with Fang Ye's applause, the virtual training hall space seemed to suddenly turn on the lights.

It was unveiled. A stage curtain!


The area directly opposite the entrance and exit.

Now, it has been renovated and renovated into an Internet cafe area.

There are transparent glass walls all around.

Inside, it is divided into separate small private rooms for game cabins.

There is a bar area with a front desk.

There is a rest and waiting area.

There is a library corner.

Outside the glass wall of the Internet cafe area, there is even a small battle training ground next to it.

In addition, this virtual training gym space already has many Pokémon training equipment.

When the characters are waiting for the machine, they are not in a daze and have nothing to do.

Fang Ye walked to the front desk.

This is the network management area, but it is also divided into a wine and milk tea bar and a fried chicken snack bar.

Standing at the bar in the network management area.

Above the head, there is a large dynamic screen displaying"boarding" information.

At this moment, everyone was looking at him for a moment.

See the desire in a pair of eyes. curious. excited.

Fang Ye didn't show off, and went straight to the point:

"There are currently only 35 game cabins"

"There are exactly 70 of you"

"Therefore, on the open beta day, the rules for getting on the computer are:……"

"Take turns!"

"Divided into 1 team and 2 teams, each team is all up and all down! I was forced to get off the plane in an hour!"

The famous characters in the three areas, except for the scattered soldiers, there are also Zheping, Wubaizang and others.

Fortunately, the three immortals Zhu Jun, Ping Lao Lao and Jueyunjian are not here, otherwise the number would exceed 70, which would be even worse. Formations were formed.

No one had any objections.

Soon, the lineups of Formation 1 and Formation 2 were also randomly selected.

There were many famous characters from the three regions, jumping up and down with joy:


"Wuhu! take off!"

"I'm on Team 1's roster and can play the game right away!"

While forming the formation, the network management backend also randomly assigned their respective small game cabins based on their illustration numbers.

"Everyone can look at the number and room number on the screen and find their own game cabin according to the number."

"Don't worry"

"The game cabin has smart brain guidance, just follow the guidance and operate."

The 35 people dispersed quickly.

The Internet cafe waiting area was half empty with the density of customers visible to the naked eye.

The executives of the Fools were collectively stunned.

Including the young master and the lady.


Dadalia pointed to herself and couldn't believe it for a while:

"Are we so badass?"

"No one lined up to get in?"

Other executives were also depressed.

Just in time,

Wendy's voice came out:

"Eh, eh? Old man, it turns out you didn’t get the chance either?"

The executives turned their heads to look, feeling much more comfortable immediately. Wendy was patting Zhongli on the shoulder. Her movements and smiles were far from comforting, and they were clearly a wave of bad taste coming from Barbatos, the God of Wind. Even the rulers in this world were not included in the schedule.

The machine...

Oh! That's okay!

Didn't get the machine? What else can I do? Let's have it cold.

We could only find a place separately. Those who were interested in browsing the elf-related books in the library corner, such as Lisa, went straight away. In the past,

Goro and Teppei had a fight, occupied the small battle field next to the Internet cafe, and released their Pokémon.

Of course, the dining area and sofa area had the most people.

After all, there was a split-screen live broadcast here.

Multiple large ultra-clear screens.

The signal is being connected.

The game progress of the first batch of people to get on the computer will be presented in real time to the eyes of those waiting in the Internet cafe in a live broadcast.

Some signals have been connected, and some have black screens. Apparently they are still Famous characters are activating the game cabin……


Fang Ye was at the bar, waving to a loli cat girl who ran to the bar in the drinking area and poked her head in to watch.


Mond's number one bartender. (For cool novels, go to Fei Lu Novels Net!) calls herself a killer in the wine industry.

She has a strange physique and seems to have been blessed by the spirit of the spring.

As long as the wine prepared by Diona's hands will become unimaginably delicious wine

"Fang nightclub manager……"

Diona has been in the group chat for a long time, but she is a little transparent and is usually busy working in the tavern.

"Should we also open a Cat Tail Tavern in an Internet cafe?"

Fang Ye plans to poach.

For the time being, the game cabin technology has not been deciphered and thoroughly understood before it can be mass-produced.

Game cabins are rare items and can only be obtained through system draws.

Therefore, the elf store's Internet cafe business still needs to be It will continue to operate for a long time, and until the next device can truly replace the game cabin, the business may decline.

As we all know, high-end Internet cafes have attentive services.

Food, drink.

Even hotel... and massage?

And Leave the"drink" to Diona and her Cat Tail Tavern.

Tsk tsk, I'm afraid there aren't many that can be beaten in the entire Teyvat!

"……Open a tavern or branch here?"

Diona's cat tail suddenly shook with excitement.

But she is a arrogant cat lady who hates the liquor industry very much and calls herself the Mondstadt Wine Killer.

"I...why should I open a shop in an Internet cafe? Who wants to see those nasty drunkards here too?……"

Fang Ye held back laughter:

"It’s not wine, that’s fine too"

"Milk tea, lemonade, whatever you want is fine."

"And, Diona, you are also very good at making some snacks, right? For example, fried fish and special sauces eaten with French fries……"

After changing the explanation, Diona visibly reconciled with her strange tsundere attribute.

"Then, I will reluctantly set up my tavern here!"

"But be warned beforehand!"

"Drunkards are very annoying!"

Fang Ye almost laughed out loud.

He looked at Diona's cat ears and tail.

He wanted to pet the cat, but he held it back. Otherwise, Diona's hair would definitely explode.

Tsk, Diona's existence undoubtedly means that Ti Watt has a qualified beast-girl bloodline.

Should he raise a beast-girl in the future?

Forget it... you have to ask Ah Ying first.

When Fang Ye and Diona explained in detail how to divide the accounts and open a shop in the Internet cafe,


The first batch of 35 famous characters all lay down in the game cabin and loaded the game.

A melodious melody:

The technology of the Elf Age brings you a new life in the second world.

The sweet female voice finished speaking.

《The text of"Pokémon Legends: Beginning in a True New Town" gradually emerged.

A CG animation.

Play in front of all characters. at the same time.

In the rest area of ​​the Internet cafe outside, the 35 members of Team 2 waiting all gathered in front of the live broadcast screen. Each one of them suppressed their breathing and watched the CG animation carefully.

First, the first generation, looking around the Kanto region, the big stage of the story.

From Joban City, Hualan City, Dry Leaf City, Golden City, Rainbow City, Light Red City, and Red Lotus Island.

Dojos with different styles.

A male and female gym leader with different names.

Then to the Quartz Plateau.

Looking down from the camera, on the quartz sports field, there is a wonderful showdown between king-level trainers!


The audience cheered enthusiastically, and the fireworks soared into the sky, finally gathering into a row of brilliant characters:


Let's... start from the very beginning of Zhenxin Town!

Chirping, insects chirping and birds chirping.

Everyone who had just left the CG animation was a little confused.

Time, morning?

Ah, this.

The window is still open?

The temperature difference at night has not recovered yet, and the temperature is a bit low.

On the live broadcast screen in the Internet cafe lounge area.

The second group of people waiting outside.

Seeing"Ash" in the game, Arataki Yito's incarnation, he cursed, lifted the quilt, and rushed over to close the window.


The window was closed with great force.

But Arataki Yidou seemed to be awakened by the loud noise. He stared blankly out of the glass window at a vast and boundless forest.

That was the back mountain.

The river was winding and was being The rising sun casts sparkling light.

Bird spirits such as Bobo and Bibi can be seen above the forest.

"This, this, this, this, this……"

Arataki was dumbfounded.

He was shocked.

Is that a real scene outside the window?

Isn’t it a texture that deceives vision?


Amid the stunned reactions of everyone in the waiting area, Ichito Arataki, who was being watched live by the game, opened the window and jumped out.


If it falls to the ground, the dog eats shit.

Hold the grass?

Arataki was even more confused (Nuo De) after a fight.

It’s not that the body was hurt in any way.

After all, peopleHe controls the body of Master Chi, known as the"True New Town Superman".

This body can withstand the ultimate move of a mythical beast head-on without being destroyed.

But... the body of a 10-year-old child.

In reality, Arataki Ito is tall and tall, but he has not yet adapted to it and cannot master his sense of balance.

After all, he is the child king of Inazuma Castle and Hanamizaka. physical fitness.

Plus psychological courage.

After jumping out of the window, Arataki quickly controlled his balance and stood up. He jumped up and down in the small garden at the back of his house. He was very surprised.

"Hold the grass, hold the grass, hold the grass!"

"Not a sticker……"

"I feel like I am jumping around in a real environment!"

Arataki Yidou turned his head and looked around.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

He rushed towards the fence of his house.

He pulled it gently.

He actually broke the sharp upper half with his bare hands!

Then, Arataki Yitou operated"Aoshi"", demonstrating what is called gamer syndrome-like behavior.

With a backhand, he pierced the sharp half-section of the fence into his little arm.……


"Pain, pain, pain……"

Arataki bared his teeth and cried out in pain.

But no matter the tone or expression is good.

They are all fanatical! incredible!

"Xiaozhi, what are you doing?!"

At this time, a woman appeared at the window of the bedroom upstairs.

Her message box appeared in Arataki's eyes:

Mom, Hanako.

Age: 29

"You are already seriously late"

"Why don't you have breakfast quickly and go to Dr. Oak to get your initial elf?"


After Mom Hanako finished this sentence.

Tip: You got a message about the career of a trainer.

Go to Dr. Ohmu's Research Institute and get the initial elves.

(PS: Please give me a monthly pass, flowers and full subscription!).

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