Chapter 234: Zhiye’s version of Koga Ninja?.

Foolish executives:? ? ?

They just opened the group chat message library and found the group chat message posted by Kamisato Ayaka a few minutes ago. There is the original Elf Illustrated Book!

Kamisato Ayaka didn’t show off either, she just put a few rows of exclamation marks

“Limited Edition Koga Ninja, Water and Evil Type, Ninja Pokémon Level: Lv. 36”

Features: Trap Transformation Skills: Secret Attack on Vital Points, Surprise Blow, Flying Water Shuriken······

“They appear and disappear like ninjas, toying with their opponents with agile movements and then splitting them open with water shurikens.”


The color of the illustration frame is not the blue of the water elves, but···Just like the legendary Pokémon, it’s gold-plated!

Golden legend!

【Doctor: So, why is the Koga Ninja Frog the color of a mythical beast?】

【Rich man: [continue to be confused.jpg], you didn’t lie to me? Isn’t Koga Ninja a water spirit from the Gosan family? Why is it marked with the color of the mythical animal?】

【Dadalia: [sarcasm], I suggest you see an ophthalmologist. Didn’t you see the limited edition mark on the illustrated data?】

【Zhongli: As an elf researcher [self-proclaimed], I have studied the Koga Ninja Frog. Its ethnic characteristic is rapids.】

【When the physical value is lower. Koga Ninja’s water-type moves will become more powerful.】

【At the same time, another hidden feature is the freedom of change】

【This is also the origin of the classification of Ninja Pokémon, Koga Ninja! It can temporarily convert its attributes into the same attributes as the move!】

【In other words, in actual combat, don’t try to target the Koga Ninja in terms of attribute restraint, because the Yinhe Ninja can turn into another backhand to restrain your attributes at any time. Fang Ye saw the excitement in the group chat. 】

Especially, seeing Zhongli come forward as a researcher to explain the characteristics of the Koga Ninja Frog. He felt relieved.

Look, the oldest of the Seven Earthly Gods.

They are all immersed in the work of elf researchers. With Mr. Zhongli’s wisdom, wouldn’t he become a big boss and authority in this field in minutes?

【Fang Ye [Group Leader]: Applause.jpg, @Researcher Zhongli’s popular science knowledge is very correct!】

【Koga Ninja······】

【In the elf world, among the three imperial families in various regions, it can be said that its popularity ranks among the top two.】

【Only Charizard can fight the Koga Ninja Frog】


【The Koga Ninja is not only handsome in appearance. The attribute conversion characteristics mentioned by @Researcher Zhongli just now are the reasons why the Koga Ninja remains so popular in actual combat!】

【Because of its flexible ninja characteristics, it is even said to be no weaker than the mythical beast! Hidden beast! 】Change freely!

This characteristic is almost exclusive to the Koga Ninja series. Apart from its entire evolutionary chain, the only exception is the”Hidden Dragon” because its presence is not high, so it can be almost ignored.

And you must know that exclusive characteristics and so on are the benefits that only mythical beasts have! and!

This”exclusive feature” is not trivial. Its practicality is ridiculously strong in actual battles. It is easier to use than many mythical beast exclusives.

Handsomeness + practicality are the reasons why the Koga Ninja remains so popular. Among the Gosan in its final form, the strength echelon is firmly at the top. so.

The normal version of Koga Ninja. The intensity is already high enough.

However, Miss Ayaka Kamisato’s luck is still outrageous. He actually got a [Magic Egg] as a prize for answering questions.

An official god-level version was hatched? Grass [bilingual]!

Fang Ye couldn’t help but complain.

【Zhongli: @Fang Night Club Manager, but I’m sorry, my research on this limited edition Koga Ninja Frog is completely blank, so I’m very curious.】

【Its characteristic is to bind and transform】

【Is there any difference between the normal version of Koga Ninja’s ability to change freely? 】Zhongli’s question immediately caused silence in the entire group. Everyone stopped making noise!

“As expected of Mr. Zhongli.”

At this moment,

I don’t know how many people liked Zhongli’s question that pointed to the core.

Including Kamisato Ayaka himself, who had just hatched the limited edition Koga Ninja, they were all paying close attention to the group on the illustrated device. Chat interface.

Fang Ye didn’t whet the appetite of the group members either.

【Fang Ye: Is the bonding transformation characteristic?······【laugh】】

【@Kamizato Ayaka, are you sure you want me to explain? This is the core secret of your Koga ninja frog. In a battle, you can be infinitely ahead of your opponent. 】Saw this @ message.

Kamisato Ayaka couldn’t help but hesitate for a moment. But she figured it out quickly.

With the current flow of information in Teyvat, the special nature of her Koga ninja frog cannot be hidden for long……..for example.

In the group chat, there was a big-shot researcher like Zhongli.

It won’t be long before her limited edition Koga Ninja Frog will be studied till her pants are gone.······

【Kamisato Ayaka: @Fang Nightclub Manager, please tell me, everyone will know soon anyway [wry smile】】

【Fang Ye: cough······When going into battle, after defeating the opponent’s Pokémon, the Koga Ninja with the characteristic of Bond Transformation will undergo a special transformation.······】

【Well, you can understand it as a special evolution due to a very deep bond!】

【In this form, Koga Ninja’s race value will be greatly increased!】

【The exclusive move Flying Shuriken will not only have a fixed number of attacks at 3, but its power will also be greatly enhanced! 】As for the value to which the race value has been greatly increased, Fang Ye did not clearly announce it.

If only he had come clean about the data.

Koga Ninja’s 530 racial points will be obtained after”Tie Transformation”. Increased to 640 points!

Not only does it exceed the 600 points of the quasi-gods, it can also stably suppress some weaker third-level gods and second-level gods. Probably everyone in the group.

Well, bag���Ms. Ayaka Kamisato herself hatched this limited edition Koga Ninja Frog. It’s probably going to be crazy and unbelievable.


“This is Zhiye’s version of Koga Ninja! The intensity is unbelievable!”

Fang Ye secretly said.

While everyone in the group chat was digesting Fang Ye’s explanation. 4.

At the same time, in the virtual elf world of [Pokémon Legend]. Golden City.

Not long after logging into the game world, there was a tent in the forest outside the city. Inside, there was a skirmisher who was holding a illustrated book and browsing information on Tewachi’s network. He was also attracted by the noisy group chat.

That’s right.

Not long ago, [Pokémon Legends] updated a new feature to embed the functions of external illustrated book devices.. In this way, even if you are infinitely addicted to the game world.

But when you are traveling, if you have time, you can stop and check the messages on the Teyvat Elf Network. Reply and check some messages and so on.

Therefore, there is the present, scattered. Not long after Bing logged into the game, he was in the tent, holding a picture book device, and connected to the group chat in the real world outside.

【PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full reservations! 】.

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