In response to Dina Zedai's special request, Fang Ye held a group chat live throughout the process.

Be a kitten and transform yourself into a kitten.

Became a cat girl.

Suddenly, the group chat exploded


"Is this the Magic Mask Meow? Such good looks!"

"I suddenly have the idea of ​​adopting a new leaf cat! This is a proper development game!"

"The question is...where do you find a kitten? This is the brand new Royal Sanjia in the Padya region! Wake up boy!"

"Raise your hand and ask, is this new leaf cat owned by rich woman Dina Zedai a male or a female?"


"I was shocked, and suddenly I remembered that such a beautiful cat girl actually had a huge dick hidden under her fluffy fur?"

"No way, no way! For example, Gardevoir and Aluredo are not the same species at all! 05 Fang Ye coughed lightly and said:"Actually, male New Leaf Cats account for the vast majority, accounting for as much as 89%, while female ones are very rare."……"

"Dina Zedai, this new leaf cat, is a very rare female."

"You don’t have to worry about finding a strange giant dick if you push through the thick, fluffy body hair."

As he said that, he was about to go up, and in front of the live broadcast camera, he pulled back the hair to see the gender:"Meow~meow~ don't move, in order to prove that you don't have a big dick under your crotch, you have to clean it up!"

From New Leaf Meow, it evolved into the complete form of the Magical Masked Meow Queen.

Dinazede's Pokémon is obviously much more sensible after evolution, but it is still very shy.

It is a female...

How could it not happen like this? Shy!

The Magic Mask Cat almost exploded with fur, its claws were padded, and it was waving anxiously, refusing the approach of Club Manager Fang.

Group members:???

"Got the grass!"

"Stop it, Manager Fang Ye, this is not Zi Gongxiang’s car! Be careful of driving too fast!"

"The store manager stopped. In fact, Pokémon doesn’t have that stuff at all."

"It's so obvious that you're talking nonsense upstairs. Ordinary cats have penises and balls... I just want to see what's going on with the big dick underneath the pretty and cute appearance?"

"I think what you want to see is not big cocks, but……"

No matter how much the crowd joked, all the words were surprisingly consistent, and no one questioned the appearance of Magical Masked Cat.

It has an elegant and slender human body.

Height is 1.56 meters.

Light green hair covers most of its human body, its legs are dark green, and there is a short, fluffy tail behind it.

At the same time, the reason why it is called"Magic Mask" is precisely because it has a mask-like flowing dark green hair on its face, and hidden under the hair mask is a pair of pink eyes.

The cat's classic fleshy paws surprisingly only have three fingers, with green nails and pink fleshy pads. as well as.

There is a petal-shaped pink collar around the neck connected to the cloak.

"Wow——"When Dina Zedai saw Xin Ye Miao in full form, she already had starry eyes, a smile that filled her lips, and she pounced on the Magical Masked Meow.

"Seeing you so beautiful, these 20 million Moras are well spent!"

Dina Zedda was very happy, with an aunt's smile on her face. Her whole head was arched back and forth on the body of Magical Masked Cat, and she was madly inhaling the scent of grass on her Pokémon. Fortunately, this Magical Masked Cat is female. , if it is a male with a huge dick, I am afraid that Dina Zedei should be more reserved.

At the same time, the Magic Mask Cat also enjoys the way the trainer loves and caressing her. A pair of cat pads with only 3 fingers are placed on it. On the shoulders of Dina Zede


Fang Ye didn't want to disturb the intimate interaction between trainers and Pokémon, but he had no choice. After all, he received a service fee of 20 million molas, so he must give what he deserves:

"So, Dina Zede"

"Next, in this virtual venue, you will get a precious virtual battle opportunity"

"That's right!"

"It means that you can temporarily evolve the complete Magical Mask Meowth with you. You can select a virtually formed opponent, and you can also specify which Pokémon the opponent will send to fight.……"

Hearing this, Dina Zedai was stunned for a moment.

It’s not just Pokémon experience business.

Are you also going to get an extra chance to experience a virtual battle?


This time, it was the pink eyes of Magical Mask Meow, showing full of fighting spirit and determination, saying something to Dina Zedei. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dina Zedai understood:"You mean, you want to challenge the most powerful opponent?"

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Dina Zedai's mind.

Just now.

Didn't these three"cute newcomers" Seno, Candice and Elhaysen challenge the champions of the last Liyue Competition, Yinghe Paimon?

In the eyes of all the new trainers of Sumeru, the champion's three complete physical masters, Calibron, are indeed a wall of despair and sighs.

"But now... I also have the complete body of the three grass-type Yusanjia!"

"Magic Mask Meow!"

"We challenge the champion Yingba!"

Magic Mask Meow nodded vigorously and responded to Dina Zedai.

Fang Ye said:"So, the opponents you choose to challenge are the previous champion Ying, and the selected Pokémon 057, who is also a complete member of the three grass-type royal families. The body of Bricaron?"

Seeing the trainer himself and the Pokémon, he nodded firmly again.

Fang Ye snapped his fingers for the second time.


So, the people watching the live broadcast were stunned.

Directly opposite the venue, after the magical light of the stage fell, the pair of Ying and Paimon suddenly appeared.

"It's you who decides~Brikalon~!"Pamon shouted in mid-air with his hands on his hips, and responded by throwing the Poké Ball.

At the same time, in the real Xumi, there is a temporary camp of resistance forces at the junction of desert and rainforest.

The live-action combination of Ying and Paimon just beat up Xeno, Candice and Alhaysen.

Watch the camera with another pairing on the screen.

I can't help but stare with big eyes.


Paimeng was confused:"How did Club Manager Fang do it?""

Yingmei shook her head, expressing that she couldn't understand.

By the bonfire,

Seno, Candice and Elhaysen looked at the pair with strange eyes.

Look at the pictures in the illustrated book, and then look at the people in real life..

Hold the grass!

They are also confused.

Is this... true or false?

(PS: Please give me a monthly pass, flowers and full subscription!).

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