The main plot of Xumi is when a stray soldier becomes a god.

The impact caused by Fang Ye's exposure on the group chat live broadcast was comparable to that of a comet hitting Teyvat.

Kaia: The Mondstadt is shocked!

Xiangling: Liyue people expressed shock!

Xiaogong: Mrs. Dao expressed shock!

Kelai: I... Xumi people are also shocked!

Indeed, the Sumeru people were also collectively shocked.

The Sages are working on big things and have a very secret project.

The characters in Xumi Ming all know this basic information.


It is estimated that except for Tinari, who was invited by his mentor to participate in the project, the rest of the people, even high-ranking Gale Disciplinarians like Seno, had no idea about the group of sages before the curtain of Xumi was unveiled. What on earth is going on!

Even Daefeng Disciplinary Officer like Senuo was kept in the dark before.

What about the characters from other regions? therefore.

When Fang Ye exposed the big project of the sages of the Order Academy during the live broadcast.

I also directly hit the skirmishers in the body of the God of Zhengji. I opened my eyes and shouted the classic line -

At this moment, I will reappear a corner of the Demon God War!

Meng people, Liyue people, Daoji people, Xumi people.

Everyone is eating melon in shock and horror

"I understand. It turns out that you said that this is the big thing that the Imperial Academy has been secretly doing. Is this the case?"

"Holding the grass, the teachings of the Imperial Academy, man-made gods?!"

"What's the situation? Artificial gods are certainly worthy of admiration, but isn't this the same as engaging in subversion under the nose of the Xumi ruler? What a serious act of blasphemy. How did the little grass god endure it?!"

"Unable to understand!"

"It is also incomprehensible. As Mondlanders, although our wind god Barbatos rarely does serious things, if the Knights of the West Wind come up with any new man-made gods, we will never admit it!"

"The people of Liyue also said that although the emperor retired, they could not imagine that Liyue Seven Stars 460 would create a new god.……"

"Inazuma said, we always believe in Omikami and Narukami! Narukami Eternal!"

Another place.

A small group of Fools executives.

Everyone is also eating melons, relishing it, and discussing the big event of Xumi.

Rooster: Not at the scene, but on the live broadcast, you can directly witness and witness the birth of an artificial god! Praise elf technology!

Rich man: Elf technology is indeed great. The recent currency system of the Alliance Point is scary to think about. I really want to work for Nightclub Manager Fang and participate in the promotion of the new currency!

Servant: Doctor, Scaramucci Who is the screaming father of (Skicker)?

Captain: Doctor, yes, Scaramucci (Skicker) has always been aloof and arrogant. He desires from the bottom of his heart to be recognized by his father. This figure , it really makes me curious!

Lady: Oh, are you pretending not to know, or do you really not know?

Young Master: I will only tell you one clue... Scaramucci (skirmisher) is made by the god Inazuma himself. The life of the bionic doll, so the demon should be the mother of Scaramucci (Skicker), so who else could the father he mentioned?

Suddenly, the group of executives fell into silence.

After all, who I don’t know.

Inada’s general Thunderbolt is already the concubine of Club Manager Fang.


Strictly speaking, the two Leiden sisters are concubines with Manager Fang?

Puppet: It turns out to be Manager Fang... Then No wonder!

Girl: Scaramucci... hugged... thick thighs?

Harlequin: (meditating.jpg), everyone, since Scaramucci and Fang Nightclub Manager have this relationship, then this Xumi Incident And experiments, regardless of the success or failure of the experiment, Scaramucci will retain Scaramucci's seat as the executive officer of the Fools.

Doctor: Harlequin, I very much agree with the original executive officer's decision. Retaining Scaramucci's seat is too beneficial to us. The Fools have become closer to Club Manager Fang!

Servant: Yes, they are more or less distant relatives!

Rooster: I seriously agree! Finally found the nepotism!

Rich man: Hahaha... What a surprise, since in our organization, everyone There is a relative of Club Manager Fang. Does that mean that the status of Foolish People is slightly higher than that of Club Manager Fang? What if I recommend myself to work for Manager Fang as a professional manager and manage for him? And the promotion alliance points to the new currency system... The success rate is high, right?

The rich man in the ninth seat mentioned again and again that he wanted to work for the nightclub manager Fang. Everyone else said it was normal and not surprising.

The rich man Pan Talonie is both a wealthy businessman and a big banker in Zhi Dong.

He has an almost pathological obsession with money and currency.

In the past, because Liyue was the only country on the continent that controlled the right to mint Mora coins, it had always been criticized by wealthy people. Human hostility and prying eyes.

However, the wind of the Elf Age is blowing too fast.

Online payment and electronic currency were only launched a while ago.

In recent days, with the establishment of the Xumi branch, the alliance point currency was born..

And participating in these new waves of money and currency construction will undoubtedly greatly satisfy the rich’s obsession with coinage!

However, no matter how strong the rich’s obsession is.

As the nightclub manager Fang exposed the Xumi scene, The live broadcast advanced to the fierce battle stage.

The rich man did not care about anything else and was immersed in the amazing battle scenes.

"Damn it, the travelers are so reckless!"

"Holding a training one-handed sword, you want to pierce the skirmisher's mecha? That is the true form of the god that the Order Council and the Fools have been tinkering with for a long time. How could it be so fragile!"

"That's too reckless. Hey, Champion Player, where are your Pokémon?"

"That's right... you are still thinking bad things. Release your Skin God, Brikaron, and Blood-Wing Wyvern... at least you can fight for a while, right?"

Seeing Yingmei being slapped away by the God of Opportunity, and Fang Ye broadcasting live in the rift of time and space, he couldn't help but cover his face and sigh.

Damn it! Is the original world line and the inherent animation trajectory so difficult to change


Mu is right, Champion Pokémon, where is your Champion Pokémon!

Of course, if the skirmisher at this moment and the God of Zhengji controlled by him are digitized, the level will undoubtedly exceed Lv.100 and enter the level of God. In the field. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Champion Ying is only the champion of (afbh) Liyue Competition, not the chief champion of a region in the elf world. He does not have the power to deal with gods.

But With the skin god and the blood-winged flying dragon, he still has the ability to fight for more than ten rounds without being defeated immediately after meeting. Then

, the plot progressed to Nasida standing in for Yingmei and receiving a slap from the God of Opportunity for her.

But Nasida was also controlled by the skirmishers. She grabbed her cloak and lifted it into the air like a tiny bird.

Seeing this, a large group of live broadcast barrage surged again:

"Skirmishers are so strong! Rather, this divine mecha is so powerful!"

"Um, why can't it be that the little grass god is too weak?"

"Logically speaking, although he is in charge of wisdom, the God of Wisdom...doesn't just possess wisdom, right? Divine power is not so weak!"

"Wake up, this little grass god is the successor, not the original Great Ci Tree King!"

"Please wake up again, the first generation of the Great Ci Tree King was not very powerful, right? Among the iron triangle of ancient gods and gods, the Red King is responsible for the force!"

Anyway, the scene where the skirmisher who had just announced that he was a god controlled the God of Machine Armor and simply captured Nasida was so shocking.

Seeing the barrage explode,

Fang Ye raised the corners of his mouth, and at the same time, he felt secretly in his heart. Sigh.

Skirmishers, bastards.

Whether it’s the original world line or the current world line.

Have you still not figured out when you were quietly pulled into the realm of dreams by Nasida?

In the midst of a large crowd, you thought the skirmishers were broken with one punch. When Nacida was about to take out the dazzling Heart of Sumeru from her chest,

Nacida released the power of the grass element all over her body.

At the same time, cracks suddenly appeared in the space inside the Jingliu Glass Workshop!


Like a mirror world shattered


The skirmishers in the cockpit were shocked and confused.

Nacida, who had been lifted up in the air by him, unexpectedly appeared on the ground at some point, standing beside the traveler, with Paimon suspended in the air.

Nacida:"The data has been Almost collected"

"Do you know, is this the first time you have tried to take away my God’s Heart?"

"It was the 168th time just now!"

"Did you know that in order to create you, the people of Sumeru were forced to experience the same number of birthdays of the Flower Goddess and the same number of reincarnations?"

After saying that, not only the stragglers felt as if they were struck by lightning, they fell into muttering to themselves.

The people in the group chat who were watching the live broadcast footage were also in an uproar and marveled.

Nilu: Hey, the power of dreams?

Dina Zedei: I knew it! (Excited.jpg)

His Highness (empty): Oh, the sages of the Order are too shallow, and so are the fools. Do you really think that humans can create real and great gods? The

Twig Picker (Dainsley) Bu): Sigh... At this time, the little grass god showed the authority of the true god.

Five hundred hidden beasts): Quack, interesting and interesting, does authority mean the true godhead?

Yae Shenzi: Well, in light of As far as the setting of the novel is concerned, the status of skirmishers is, at best, pseudo-gods without godhood. Isn’t it normal to be manipulated by real authority and divine power?

Mandrill: Although it is powerful and has a small microcosm of the demon-god war, it is only a small part of it..Zhenjun

Liuyun Jiefeng: It’s ridiculous. Want to know the real war between demons and gods? Just go to Guyun Pavilion on the sea in Liyue Yunlai and you will know. At the beginning, the emperor fought fiercely with a big beast, and the rock gun fell, destroying a piece of it. land, and at the same time nailed and sealed the big murderer on the seabed.

The subsequent battle did not break away from the development.

The skirmisher and the god of opportunity he controlled were defeated by Yingmei.

You know, Yingmei was instilled in the dream 168 Combat experience, and using the new void terminal transformed by Nasida, integrating the wisdom of all Xumi people...

This method is like being in a virtual venue in the Elf House store.

New Leaf Cat has not evolved, is the level not enough?

It doesn't matter , with data deduction and projection.

The complete Magical Mask Meow is beautiful and powerful.

However, now, it is Yingmei who is assisted and strengthened by Nacida.

At this time,

Nacida's whole body is exuding a gleaming green light, Floating to the heart of the God of Zhengji, he slowly absorbed a bright purple heart of God.


"Only that……"

"It’s the heart of God that Father lent me! Can't give it to you!!"

The skirmisher rushed out of the cockpit excitedly, and all the technological tubes connected to his body behind him were broken.

He screamed and fell:"Father, I failed.……"

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