"Ahaha... The meal is coming~"Floating House holds four plates in each of his four hands, and there are many delicious dishes on them.

Ying Da held chopsticks in one hand and couldn't wait to stomp his foot, and a lot of saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Eat! Food! Food! Mi

Fu also stared at the food, and his saliva could already be described as flying down three thousand feet.

Felling and fish are much calmer.

Looking at the meal in front of them, they are waiting patiently.

The character is such that it will not lose too much grace.

And the fish is... Didn't wait for the meal he wanted.

When the almond tofu came forward, the fish immediately broke the defense.

I saw that the image of the cold immortal disappeared, and immediately showed a longing look, his eyes widened, and he stretched out his two hands to shake and shake to grab the plate.

"Tofu... Give me tofu! "

That's when the fish can let go of itself."

Everyone else has a customary expression.

This fish was damaged by Jiang Xiaochen hundreds of years ago, and he was a cold male god on the outside, but he was a middle and second man who would almost be soft when he saw almond tofu.

The meal arrived and everyone was seated.

"Dry rice, dry rice!" I saw Fushe give an order.

The hungry soul immediately lowered his head and gobbled it up!

Fushe and Fa were so ugly that they ate like this, and they also smiled helplessly.

"Okay, wei, no one robbed you of almond tofu."





Just how to eat, everyone will start nagging after eating some.

Fushe was the first to speak: "How has everyone been doing in recent years?" "

That's right, they only have a dinner like this once in a few years.

Usually they are very busy and only meet several times a day.

Like getting together and chattering now, there is generally a lot to say.

"It's okay, it's either going to work or going to work, torturing the dead..." Ying Dato cheeked, very irritated.

That's basically the case for everyone.

"That's right." Mi Fu thought of something and said, "Didn't a little boy come to you every day and say he wanted to marry you? Why haven't you seen him in recent years? The

little boy in Mi's mouth is a man saved by Yingda in an operation, and the little boy falls in love with Yingda at first sight and changes his methods every day to propose to him.

Although Yingda is very impatient, he is still friendly.

When Ying Da heard this, his eyes were a little complicated, but he still said: "A few years ago, he joined the Thousand Rock Army, but a year ago, his family told me that he died in the Strata Abyss.


Mi Fu slapped himself fiercely in his heart: "Damn! Lao Tzu's mouth really owed!!

And Wei said: "I know about this, I heard that the situation was urgent, and he gave up the opportunity to escape to someone else." "


there was even more silence.

"Huh?" Rays tilted his head.

What did I say wrong? I must be praising him for being self-denial.

And Fa Nan hurriedly hit the circle and said, "It's up to me!" I've always collected 379 figures of Lord Agarez over the years!

"Eh! It's a lot more than before! Fushe said with a smile.

"Speaking of Lord Agares, do you think that the current Lord Agareth is the same as the previous Lord Agares?" Yingda said.

This also caused everyone to fall into deep thought.

This is indeed a question that everyone has been thinking about.

Without seeing others, there is no conclusion at all.

Fa Nan blushed and said, "I think Lord Agares is definitely the same Lord Agares!" No matter what he becomes, it can't change the fact that he is our benefactor! I still like Lord Agares!

"That being said..." Indor wanted to say something.

But in the next second, everyone collectively heard a voice.

"Boss! Golden shrimp ball Buddha jumps off the wall! "

Familiar voice, familiar intonation.

Goyasha looked over collectively.

I saw that on the seat in the distance, Jiang Xiaochen was sitting on the seat and ordering.

Wuyasha was shocked when he saw Jiang Xiaochen!

"Lord Agares?!"

Unexpectedly, since you met Lord Agarez in a place like yours!

And the felling is red all over the body, and the tension is extreme!!

Everyone else had nostalgic eyes.


"Huh?" Jiang Xiaochen suddenly felt a chill in his back.

"Strange, how do you feel that there are so many people watching me?" Jiang Xiaochen felt strange.

And when he turned to look, he found a table of people in the distance.

I was stunned!

Yingda, Fa Yan, Mi Fu, Floating House, Fish.

Five nightsha, all five brothers have arrived.

And there is no smell of karma on it.

Seeing this, how could Jiang Xiaochen not understand that this was his previous handwriting.

Seeing that as soon as they saw themselves, they immediately turned around nervously, and immediately smiled.

How does it feel a little cute.

"Go check it out, after all, it's the first time I've seen them standing there intact." Jiang Xiaochen thought so and walked over.

When Yasha saw Jiang Xiaochen coming over, they became even more nervous!

Lord Agarez saw us!!

Seeing that, Jiang Xiaochen looked at them with a smile, crossed his waist and said: "Several, why are they all looking at me?" When

Ying Da heard this, he was immediately speechless.

"Ah, this, that, maybe, when it's not right, sure, you're wrong!" Ying Da's mouth twitched, not daring to look directly at Jiang Xiaochen's face.

"Although I have amnesia, it does not mean that I am a fool." As Jiang Xiaochen said this, Wuyasha was suddenly stunned.

Immediately said respectfully: "Welcome back!!" Lord Agares!

Looking at this scene, Jiang Xiaochen only felt a little bitter smile, and quickly said: "There is no need to be so grand, I am Jiang Xiaochen now, no matter how respectful you are, just call me Mr. Jiang." Hearing

this, everyone nodded and said, "Understood!"

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaochen looked at them and said, "You are Wuyasha." I'm happy to see you guys alive.

As soon as these words came out, Wuyasha was suddenly stunned.

If you say anything to others, you will think that it is cursing them to death.

However, Jiang Xiaochen, who said this, meant something extraordinary to them.

Back then, the disaster and anger killed each other due to karma, and at the critical moment, Jiang Xiaochen came to their rescue.

He used a lot of strength to clear the karma, and the first thing Jiang Xiaochen said to them was: "I am very happy to see that you are still alive." "

When Ying Da was about to expose himself to death due to karma out of control, Jiang Xiaochen appeared, hugged her and endured the karmic erosion for her, while eliminating karma.

One of the words was: "I'm happy to see you're alive." "

When Fushe went crazy due to karma, it was Jiang Xiaochen who stepped forward and saved the danger.

The first words to the float were also: "I am very happy to see that you are still alive." "

Although, that's not the case for fish.

Jiang Xiaochen came forward to solve the karma in the fish's body, freeing him from the painful reincarnation.

At that time, Wei's body softened and collapsed in Jiang Xiaochen's arms, and the first thing Jiang Xiaochen said in his ear was: "For so long... Good work on you.

These words freed Ray from his sins and swore to follow Agares and the Rock Emperor to the death.



- Gaqun -


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