"Successfully Capture the Heart of God Pajama Party..."Su

Chen's proposal of "Celebrating Rosalyn's Successful Capture of the Heart of God Pajama Party" is very much in line with Rosalyn's heart.

Rosalyn's arrogance is so ingrained in her soul that even if she wants to celebrate, she won't feast and drink with her subordinates.

It wasn't elegant, it wasn't stylish, and it didn't make her happy.

Only dining with people of the same level, or people who are chatting, will not make her feel bored.

Su Chen is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Seeing that Luo Salin was standing in place and had no intention of leaving, Su Chen knew that she was moved.

"Rosalyn, it's up to you to decide whether or not to have a slumber party, I'm a delicate altruist, and I won't force people to do things they don't like. Su

Chen behaved very seriously at this time, if he hadn't been holding the two little lolias...

Rosalyn blinked, "Didn't you just say that it was old Mondstadt's rule to have a slumber party, and if I refused, wouldn't it be a broken


Su Chen waved his hand and smiled: "Our old Mondstadt's rules naturally can't be broken, and if the rules are broken, then it's not authentic..."

But if you don't want to do it, I can also go to other parties, little Amy, Ying, Noelle, Barbara, Jean, Eula, Amber..."

He said that I should not worry, but I am already starting to worry about it now

! Su Chen, this guy is forcing himself to make a choice!

If it were another man, it would probably be a joke to say such a thing.

But Su Chen said that he was going to those girls' houses to have a silver party at night, and he was probably serious.


Rosalyn glared at Su Chen, gritted her teeth and said, "Count you as powerful, I agreed to the 'Capture the Heart of God Party'." "

It's a slumber party that celebrates the capture of the Heart of God. Su Chen said with a simple face.

"Whatever you want, whatever you want, whatever you want to have a swimsuit party, nasty guy >_<.

Rosalyn walked over quickly, picked up Su Chen's handsome face that people loved and hated, and rubbed it for a while, venting the anger in her heart.

"I prefer the hazy beauty of tulle pajamas, hazy and romantic, like Mondstadt's poetry... Hmm, don't rub it

..."Su Chen took Rosalyn's slightly cool little hand and continued to ask, "Go to your house or go, little Amy's house, or the church, I'm quite familiar with it..."

"I also have a residence in Qingquan Town.

Hearing this, Su Chen showed a sudden expression: "Sodas, I said that I couldn't find you after saying goodbye to the lake last time, and I was hiding in Qingquan Town."

"I'm not hiding, I just don't like to stay in Mondstadt for too long.


Rosalyn glared at Su Chen, but found that Su Chen pinched his chin and his eyes wandered, as if he was a little distracted.

Su Chen was indeed distracted, because he thought of something.

An event that has the potential to trigger in Springs.

In the original plot, Yingmei met Xiangling, a Liyue chef who traveled around collecting ingredients

, in Qingquan Town, "The Dragon Disaster had just ended, and Xiangling came to Qingquan Town around this time... Is it possible for me to meet her in the past now?What can I do if I do..."

Once Su Chen began to think seriously, he completely forgot about the sounds and environment around him, and walked forward mechanically.

One step, two steps....


Su Chen felt that he had suddenly crashed into a fragrant and soft embrace, this elegant fragrance, it was Rosalyn who was right.

"Hmm, Su Chen, what are you doing> _<.

Rosalyn didn't expect Su Chen to be so bold in front of Klee and Dvalin, and she bumped into her arms with her eyes open, and was almost pushed down by this guy.


?" Su Chen came back to his senses, and when he saw Luo Shalin's beautiful face that was close at hand, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I'm sorry, I was distracted just now, are you okay?"

As he spoke, he gently hugged Luo Salin, and his warm hand brushed along the curve of Luo Salin's back, and immediately made this cold and glamorous royal sister lose her temper.

"You... Pay attention next time.

Luo Salyn gently pushed Su Chen away, and then looked him up and down with those amethyst-like clear eyes: "I'm fine, but it's you, why are you suddenly absent-minded, and it doesn't look like you're worried about something..."

Don't guess.,The owner must be thinking of the little sister.,Judging from the fluctuation of the soul connection.,It should be a young, energetic, and energetic beautiful girl who is good at using long-handled weapons.。 "

However, as a good family member of the master, I must not pierce the mask of the master's hypocrisy at this time.

So she also showed her distressed brother's little eyes like little Klee

, and sighed~"Brother Su Chen, how are you, you haven't been knocked unconscious, right?"

Klee gently hugged Su Chen's thigh, buried her cute little face in Su Chen's waist, and sighed distressedly.

"Tsk, you're a little dizzy when you say that.

Su Chen looked at the large snow-white fields in front of him, and felt that his brain was buzzing, what Xiangling, what plot was all replaced by the majestic white scenery.

"Quick, Rosalyn hold me a little, I... I'm a little dizzy>_<. "

Hey, why all of a sudden... Come here.

The confusion on Rosalyn's face turned to worry, and she hurriedly grabbed Su Chen's shoulder, and the proud collar naturally pressed tightly to Su Chen's arm.

"Rosalyn... I...... I...... I'm dizzy~"


!" "Sinei!"

Rosalyn directly lifted Su Chen up and slammed it on the ground.

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