Genshin Impact: Invite Nasida And Mc Build The Jingshan Palace

1448. Otto: Don’T Let Too Many People Live Forever In The Mc World!

The true meaning of the letter circle has brought a lot of impact to the immature hearts of the Teyvat people.

Of course, Zhongli finally learned the true meaning of the letter circle. As expected, this time Wendy received an unprecedented blow.


This behavior itself is quite consistent with the nature of the letter circle, so after this beating, Zhongli not only failed to get rid of the trouble of the letter circle.

On the contrary, it made everyone more convinced of his relationship with Wendy.

In response to this, Zhongli had a dark face and wanted to continue to deal with Wendy.

In fact, as a traveler who has traveled through many worlds, this guy can definitely talk about things like letter circles if Sora is there.

Unfortunately, he went out for a walk.

And the letter circle itself is not the first time it has appeared in Teyvat. Strictly speaking, in fact, Ying brought the method of letter circle to Teyvat a long time ago.

Now, Jiang Xuan and his many girlfriends occasionally have sex.

Of course, the props used are generally harmless. Apart from Jiang Xuan's slap, there are no stimulating props.

It can only be said that it was only by chance today that the alphabet circle has successfully spread to the men of Teyvat, who have the most backward ideas.

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a kind of progress in consciousness.

On the other side, Jiang Xuan and Otto also put away their cameras, keeping a new videotape while retaining the happiness of the moment.

As for whether Wendy will come back to cause trouble in the future...

One bottle of good wine can be easily won. Two bottles of good wine can make Wendy admit that she is a victim. With three bottles of good wine, Wendy can run out and declare to everyone that she is a big player in the 157 parent circle.

Wendy's dignity is so cheap.

Anyway, it is Wendy who is embarrassed, what does it have to do with Barbatos?

It was precisely because of Wendy's dishonest style that she once wanted to change to a famous official.


Jiang Xuan took a sip of tea and said softly:

"When you plan to go back and cheat on the restraints, just call me."

"For the time being, there should be no such plan."

Otto leaned back on his chair, holding his head leisurely and narrowing his eyes.

"This world is so comfortable. There is Karen, Theresa, and all my dear friends. There is no collapse or sadness. Every day is fulfilling and happy."

"I don't want to leave such a comfortable world just yet, and little Theresa and the others don't want me to go back either."

"You know, my existence is too stressful for the collapsed world."

Jiang Xuan rolled his eyes and complained:

"So you're completely flat."

"Can't you see it?"

Otto pointed at himself lying down.

"It couldn't be more peaceful, my dearest friend."

"Yeah, look at Renmei and the others, they are still working hard. I heard that they haven't slept for two months in a row, and they have used seven or eight totems of immortality."

Jiang Xuan said helplessly:

"On the other hand, if you leave the experiment and follow us out to explore, eat, drink and have fun, travel around the mountains and rivers, flirt with Theresa and talk about love with Kallen during your free time."

"I'm too busy to find a monster to fight, or else I'll harm Siegfried and the others."

"Your life is really interesting."

Otto was not ashamed and said with a smile:

"This is the retirement life I dream of... When I think about this kind of life lasting tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, I feel..."

"Ah...being happy for too long may also become a kind of trouble."

"Take the time to die for a while, and then let Theresa resurrect me after I have truly experienced death for a period of time."

“It will be useless to keep the resurrection totem anyway.

Jiang Xuan was stunned by these words and hesitated:

"What do you think?"

"It's normal, right?"

Otto spread his hands.

"I have lived for more than five hundred years. Listen to me, my friend, Changsheng is really not that friendly."

"In the past five hundred years, I have regretted it all the time. What happened that day was like a needle stabbing my heart every moment. In the end, I was numb."

"The most terrifying thing about immortality is not despair, but the numbness and emptiness after despair."

"If I didn't have the dream of resurrecting Kallen, I would have died a long time ago. I am just a smarter ordinary person, not you or Zhongli or the others who are born demons.

"My friends, longevity is a valuable trait for you, but for many ordinary humans, it is a curse."

"During my long life, I kept thinking. Finally, I was shocked to find that short life is not a constraint for human beings."

"But relief......"

Otto looked sideways, his eyes revealing a kind of wisdom and vicissitudes that could see through everything.

"Human beings are selfish, greedy, cruel, hypocritical, arrogant... They are born with the most negative emotions in the world.

“But they are also selfless, kind, fair, friendly, humble... They are also born with the most positive emotions in the world.

"You know me very well. I have been the most brutal and vicious villain for five centuries, but I am the one who believes in human emotions and that love (ccaf) can create miracles."

"In Chinese terms, I am a supporter of the theory of good nature."

Hearing this, Jiang Xuan nodded in agreement.

"I don't believe what others say, but I really believe what you say."

Otto smiled sarcastically.

"So when I said you were my best friend, I didn't lie. You understand me very well."

"I have lived a long time. Of course, compared to Fu Hua and others, I am still a little guy."

"But as an ordinary person, my dear friend, over a long period of time, the most essential and original kindness of human beings will deteriorate into the most vicious traits."

"It will turn a good man who is eager for justice into a selfish thug like me."

"This is no joke. Time is the most unacceptable test for human beings."

Otto put his head in his hands, sighed, and said quietly:

"Fu Hua is a good person, a real good person. I can't become her. Kallen is a good person, a real good person. She will become Fu Hua."

"But I don't want to bet on how many good people like them there are in the world. I think that after a long life, there will be 999 thugs like me among a thousand people.


Suddenly, Otto looked sideways at Jiang Xuan.

"I have a suggestion, Jiang... don't let too many people get immortality...

"No matter how beautiful the world is, it cannot bear the endless greed of human desires.

Jiang Xuan raised his eyebrows and chuckled:

"So, you went all the way around just to tell me this?"

"Half and half."

Otto shrugged.

"Actually, I didn't lie at the beginning. I did plan to take the time to die for a while in the future, and use death to span a period of time to ensure that my humanity will not continue to disappear."

"Other than that, it's just a matter of staying away from work for a while."

Jiang Xuan rolled his eyes.

"This is the real reason, but...I don't intend to let ordinary people live forever. It's just that people in our circle and some people of high value can live forever."

"The rest, unless they make some contribution, will follow the natural laws of birth, old age, illness and death.

"As for human greed, in fact, it doesn't matter to me. When you become a server administrator, you will know what kind of power it means to master the code."

"There will never be any trouble in the MC world."

"As for the boring thing about immortality..."

Jiang Xuan glanced at Otto and said with some pity:

"You just think from your own starting point. Look at Zhongli and the others. With friends accompanying them, they become younger and younger as they live, and the more they live, the more they want to live.

"I have Gan Yu and the others, and our immortality will only become more and more valuable."

"The reason why you feel tired of living is that you are too lonely. Try another idea. If Kallen had not died, you two would have been alive..."

This time, Otto became a little silent.

After a moment, he scratched his cheek slightly embarrassed.

"It seems...that's the truth..."

"If Kallen hadn't died and we had been living forever, Honkai might have been gone long ago..."

Jiang Xuan spread his hands.

"So... I would like to give you some life advice. Singles, don't try to persuade someone you are dating from any angle, especially if the other person has many girlfriends and they are very beautiful."

Otto only felt that he had been hit hard. After a long silence, he said quietly:

"Then let me give you some life advice. Think carefully about your proposal and start on the right foot!"

This time, it was Jiang Xuan who felt shocked. .

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