"Huge idols of gods, magnificent churches, the Monds must have spent a huge amount of manpower and material resources in order to build them."

"But how much did the wind god who received this gift feel and how much did he return?"

"Of course," Dain said with a slightly mocking smile.

"[Faith] is unrequited."

"As long as the gods are at ease, there is no argument."

The four looked at Dain.

Sure enough, this Canria remnant has always been hostile to the gods.

"In addition, the matter of entering the church to inquire about the news will be left to you."

"[Letter rejectors] will not end well when they step into [the land of piety]."

【Ding! 】

[Enter the Zephyr Cathedral, 112M away.] 】

The system's task prompt appears.

Ten minutes later, the four came out of the Zephyr Cathedral.

They learned three things from Barbara's mouth.

The first thing is that the former city of Mondstadt did lose an idol, but that was a long time ago.

The second thing is that there was an incident called [Tyrant's Remnant] that happened in the Wind Dragon Ruins many years ago.

It is said that after the death of the Demon God of Tornado, as soon as someone approached the ruins of the wind dragon, a fireball would fall from the sky.

Therefore, it is considered by our people to be the remnant of the Demon God of Tornado.

But that went away on an automatic basis.

And the third thing is that the Yuan Sect seems to be making trouble in [Running Wolf Domain] again.

After returning, several people told Dain about the matter.

But when he heard that the four were going to the [Running Wolf Leader], he refused to go forward together.

"As a former demon god, the Wolf King is willing to submit to the gods, which is the difference in my philosophy from him."

"I will not walk with you in this matter."

"By the way, one more word to wake you up - be vigilant against the gods at all times!"

When he said these words, Dain's eyes were solemn and serious.

"Don't trust the gods too much, but at the same time don't think about [hunting] or [overthrowing] the gods."

[Good contradictory view. 】

When Dain heard this, he smiled.

"Is it contradictory? Yes, but that's a lesson from the past. "

"Also, let me tell you one last fact."

"Canrea is a kingdom destroyed by God, and this.... This is precisely the reason why the Abyss Sect intends to subvert the Seven Kingdoms! "

"Okay, that's it."

"You can go."

In the second half of Dain's words, the four of them had already been mentally prepared.

It didn't produce much psychological fluctuations.

It's just that the things that were a little skeptical before have been completely nailed down.

But Dain's first half of his words made several people find it very interesting.

"To maintain suspicion and distance, but not to hunt and overturn?"

The rich man put his hand on his chin and looked in the direction of the snowy mountains of Mond.

Even in Mondstadtt, a vague outline can still be seen in the towering snow-capped mountains.

"Dain's passage is interesting."

"Reminds me of the snow above the snowy mountains."

"The winter is covered with ice and snow all year round, so people in the winter often judge whether to send someone to remove the snow on the mountains based on the distance from the mountain peak to the place of residence and the value of the surrounding minerals."

"If the distance is close and the surrounding minerals are of high value, then you need to send a professional snowman to sweep part of the snow away by various means, such as triggering an avalanche in advance with explosives."

"So as not to overload the mountain and cause uncontrolled avalanches."

"If the distance is very far and there are not enough minerals, then the people of the winter will not bother to send people up to shovel snow."

"But there is only one situation, no matter how close this snowy mountain is to the residential area, no one will climb the mountain to shovel snow."

"We will even send people to disperse the inhabitants around the mountain and keep the winter people at their distance from this mountain." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Do you know under what circumstances this would be done?" The rich man smiled and looked at Keqing and Condensing Guang.

Keqing thought about it and asked.

"It's that the surrounding minerals are not too valuable, but there are too many peaks with snow, right?"

"Even if the avalanche is triggered early, the remaining snow is still sufficient, and the cost of painstakingly removing the snow has exceeded the benefits."

"That's right!" The rich man laughed.

"If I'm not mistaken, Dain treats the gods in the same way, and he believes that the gods are a destabilizing factor for humans."

"But because the risks are not proportional to the benefits, he advises us not to act too aggressively while remaining vigilant."

"This is a normal thinking in terms of his status as a remnant of Canrea."

"But he forgot one thing, the snowy mountains can't communicate."

"And the gods... But you can. "

If a devout believer were here, I am afraid that he would immediately curse the rich.

Because the words he just said faintly have the meaning of "using" the gods.

This is unquestionable blasphemy for believers.

However, for the few people who have just experienced a large wave of information bombardment, their world view has almost been subverted.

These two sentences can only be regarded as painless.

On the contrary, I think what the rich people say is very reasonable.

At this moment, the acting head of the Knights Qin came from behind.

"Traveler? Why are you here? "

"Each... Guys, it's past six in the morning. "

Fill up little by little as the task progresses.

The four finally arrived at the [Wind Dragon Ruins].

With the help of Dain, he discovers the [prototype] of the relic guard, and at the same time uses a power different from the elemental force to remove his eyes.

Subsequently, Dain again offered to destroy the upside-down idol.

The four are preparing to follow the advice and go to the place where they were to destroy the upside-down statue.

At this time, the white-haired maid lady appeared in front of them again.

Remind them that the time is up.

Immediately, several people did not continue.

They quit the game.

Enough information is available today.

Even so many that several of them didn't know whether to say it to the outside world.

And it seems that in this scene of the game's plot, the probability is almost over.

There should not be too many reversals and information in the future.

And after waking up this time, the relationship between the Zhidong duo and the Liyue duo was obviously much better.

From the previous words, do not speculate more than half a sentence.

By now, I can at least say the word goodbye with a flat expression.

Because of some enemy that cannot be said in reality.

The relationship between the two sides gradually changed from hostility to neutrality, and they were approaching the county to the allies.

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