In addition to having doubts about the source of the power.

Ning Guang was still thinking about the male voice that had just sounded in his ears.

She had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with that voice, and she must have heard it somewhere!

But strangely, even though she recalled all the voices of all the people she knew in turn, no one agreed.

Until he ran away Twalin and landed and entered the plot again, Ning Guang was still in deep thought, and he seemed to be soulless.

Ke Qing looked at it, and did not disturb Ning Guang's contemplation, she knew that Ning Guang Bacheng had thought of something very important and was sorting out her thoughts.

Keqing carefully wrote down the details and process in the plot.

Until Kaiya left, the plot animation ended, and the two returned to the control of their bodies, Ning Guang finally raised his head.

"I thought of it!"

"What came to mind?" Keqing was puzzled.

His eyes were full of joy, but he was a little cautious.

"Keqing, who do you think will be the person who just gave us the strength to help us fight off the Wind Demon Dragon?"

Keqing thought about it and shook his head helplessly.

"I really didn't expect that."

Ning Guang: "No, do you recall that when you used that power just now, did you feel that the elemental force in your body seemed to be triggered?" "

"This shows that that power and the power in the Seven Heavens God Statue are the same source of power!"

"That is, the divine power of the wind god Barbatos!"

Keqing frowned and thought for a moment, and said in a tone that was not very certain: "It seems that there is such a thing. "

"I didn't really care at the time, so I wasn't sure."

Unlike mages like Condensing Light, Keqing is mostly directly attached to weapons when he uses elemental power.

It is not very sensitive to fluctuations in elemental forces.

If it weren't for the staring reminder, she would hardly have noticed this faint movement.

Then Ning Guang stretched out another finger and asked.

"Think again, the person who helped us just now, is his voice somewhat familiar?"

This time, Keqing nodded very decisively.

"It is."

That voice she had definitely heard in the near future, very familiar.

But there is no specific image in my mind.

At this time, Ning Guang smiled.

"Finally, if you think about it carefully, do you remember the man who was appeasing Twalin when we first met?"

Speaking of which, there is no need to continue to remind Condensing Light.

Keqing connected everything almost instantly.

"You mean! You mean that person is..."

Keqing's pupils were enlarged several times, and he couldn't believe the conclusion he had deduced.

"He is actually the wind god Barbatos himself?!"

"That's right."

Ning Guang nodded affirmatively.

"I don't dare to say 100%, after all, Mond once had the Four Winds Guardian, maybe there are others who can use this power."

"But based on the available evidence, the poet named Wendy is most likely Barbatos himself!"

Keqing suddenly realized.

"Indeed, in this way, a lot of things can be logically justified."

"No wonder he was able to pacify Twalin, and no wonder when he discovered us, the elemental force he triggered was so huge!"


Keqing looked back at the huge wind god statue in the center of Mond and sighed.

"Everyone says Mond is a godless land, but in fact... Their gods had always been by their side. "

"By the way, what's next in the plot?"

After sorting out the logical lines, Ning Guang asked.

"Go to the Knights and meet with Captain Qin." Keqing replied.

Condensing Light nodded and continued.

"The story of this game is progressive, and the more we watch, the more clues we can get."

"And I found that the plot of the game is very concise and direct a lot of the time, as if I was afraid that we would miss some important clues."

"So I don't think our current slow-moving story progression mode is appropriate."

"If we can, let's try to speed up the plot."

With that, the two trotted in the direction of the Knights.

At this time, Lu Ran just took the time to come over and watch for a while, and just listened to Ning Guang's words.

He didn't expect Ning Guang to guess Wendy's identity so quickly.

At the same time, it is a little embarrassing.

The game started with 9+ games.

It's a game for nine-year-olds.

It's almost half a fairy tale.

Can the plot be simple and straightforward?

However, he did not fully agree with Ning Guang's statement.

Although the main plot is 9+.

But in fact, the amount of information hidden in the side and dark lines is also very large.

There is a meme called "Main Line 9+ Game, Side Line 18+ Game, Dark Line R+ Game." "

The most famous dark thread is the book written by Corrie's mother, Alice.

It recorded an idea called the "Chuchu Factory".

It's terrifying and chilling.

If the main plot is similar to a historical record, it records all the important events that have occurred in history.

Then the side lines and dark lines are the personal essence of the characters.

Take an example.

If you only look at the main plot, then Kaiya is just a mediocre cavalry captain.

But if you look closely at the side and dark plots, you can find that Kaiya is most likely a descendant of Kyria!


Led by Kaiya and Amber, Keqing and Ning Guang walked into the office of the head of the Knights.

"Acting group leader, I have already brought the people~"

Kaia's tone was as frivolous as ever.

Condensing light looked up.

A young girl with gray-purple pupils is standing in front of her desk.

The familiar face she recognized at a glance.

This is the piano that I met her in the first place!

Jean's long blonde hair was tied into a ponytail as always, with a bow tied behind her back, and two bunches of gold hanging down from the sides of her face.

She wears a predominantly white dress with gold ornamentation, and a black leather swallowtail cape attached to her back and waist, which hangs all the way to her calves.

Although Jean's age is only 19 years old.

But in every way, she seems far more mature than a 19-year-old girl.

"Welcome to Mond, travelers who come with the wind."

The piano player held his chest and sincerely thanked him.

"I'm the acting leader, Jean."

"This is Lisa, the librarian of the Order..."

[Is anyone watching?]

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