Seeing that the two finally fought Twalin, Lu Ran directly exited the spectator mode.

As the bruises on Twalin's neck were removed, it finally returned to its original appearance, no longer hostile to the group in front of it.

Instead, after the platform collapsed, several people were picked up.

With the flash of a plot animation, the Wind Demon Dragon incident finally came to an end completely.

The rich man and his son were also transported from the ruins of the wind dragon to the outside of Mond City.

Until this time, the rich finally had the opportunity to feel the changes brought about by the level increase.

The character he controls at this time is Kaia.

Compared with the tenth-level Kaiya at the beginning, the ice element power in the body of the thirty-level Kaiya now is even stronger.

At the same time, the quality has also been greatly improved.

"Elemental power, it's really a good thing."

Fu felt the continuous existence of ice elemental power, and couldn't help but sigh.

Only in the game can he feel this power all the time.

Every release of elemental power fills him with enthusiasm to continue playing.

Especially with each upgrade, I obviously feel the pleasure of improving my strength.

It was like a dream.

The obsession accumulated over decades has not only not been alleviated through the game in the past few days.

On the contrary, it makes the rich people's desire to get the Eye of God stronger!

But after so many years, he has tried all the methods that may be able to obtain the Eye of God.

Even if he entered the Ice Empress, all he got was the Evil Eye.

Although it can release elemental power, it is too manic and restless compared to the Eye of God.

Fortunately, according to Boss Lu, by charging money to draw characters in this game, you can get the god eye of the corresponding character.

He didn't care how much truth there was in Lu Ran's words.

In fact, even if Lu Ran did not come up with any evidence, even if it was full of loopholes, he was willing to give it a try.

Without it.

It's just money.

At most, it's only 10 million mora.

This figure is not even as high as the interest that North Land, based on the total amount of deposits, has to be paid every day.

When Lu Ran came up with the evidence, he couldn't wait to stuff the money into his hands immediately.

As long as you can get your own divine eye, don't say 10 million.

That's tenfold, a hundredfold!

He doesn't even blink his eyelids.

The prince on the side seemed to have seen the appearance of the rich man.

He also felt the increase in strength in his body with each upgrade.

But this growth is still too small compared to his own strength.

However, seeing the rich man's drunken look after each upgrade, in order not to hit him, Gongzi has been endured without saying.

"Let's go, let's continue the game."

The rich man walked towards Mondstadt.

With the lifting of the Wind Demon Dragon crisis, the next task is basically to date Amber and eat barbecue.

Ask the opinion of the people of Mondstadt, go to the Knights and go around again to get acquainted.

Finally, it's time to return the Sky Lyre with Wendy.


Little by little, Wendy repairs the broken Sky Lyre and returns it to Barbara.

"So, let's slip away!"

"After all, the illusion I used to repair the Sky Lyre... Ah no! Spells, not one hundred percent reliable. "


Paimon's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his ears.

The head of the piano on the side also dilated his pupils and opened his mouth to say something.


Wendy screamed strangely and took the lead and ran out of the church.

"Sell! Sing! Target!! "

Xiao Pai followed directly in anger, and the characters of the rich man and the son also chased after him.

Jean remained in the church.

"Mond's plot should be over, right?"

Gongzi guessed while watching the plot.

"It seems that there are not many scenes of our fools."

"But what about the lady? Why didn't she move at all? "

The rich man looked at Gongzi helplessly.

"The Wind Demon Dragon is an important means used by ladies to blackmail Mond."

"Now that the trouble of the wind demon dragon has been solved by 'us', the lady has no hole cards in her hand, of course, it is not easy to do it."

Gongzi retorted.

"Then at least try it!"

"Try?" The rich man raised his eyebrows.

"Then how do you think the lady should rob it?"

"Eh... Fight directly with Barbatos? "

Gongzi said not very surely.

"Directly rushed over and beat the wind god? Then kick the wind god hard with the sole of her five-centimeter-long high heel, and finally snatch the heart of God away? "

"Do you think it's possible?"

The rich man scoffed.

"Don't look at Barbatos as he looks now, but don't forget, he's still a god!"

"The majesty of the gods shall not be offended!"

"This is the iron rule!"

Hearing this, Gongzi was also a little embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, I think too much, why are you so fierce...."

Seeing this, the rich man also shook his head and continued to look forward.


As soon as he walked out of the church door, two dark shadows appeared at Wendy's feet.

The two debtors rushed at the unsuspecting Wendy with blades in hand.

But the next moment, the bodies of the rich man and the son involuntarily came to the front, blocking the debtor's attack.

"Into the plot again?"

The rich man and the prince's body lost control, and he could only move his eyes, not his hands.

The background music starts to become intense and confrontational.

High heels sounded, a pair of slender fingers wearing lace gloves snapped their fingers, and ice waves mixed with the power of frost whistled by.

Little Paimon turned into an ice sculpture at the first time and lost his combat ability.

Wendy reached out to blow away the frost with the wind, only to find that her calves were already bound by solid ice.

Looking back, the debtor has already controlled the protagonist to the ground and pressed down on the shoulders of both of them.

At this time, the culprit of all this appeared from the gradually disappearing ice waves.

The two fixed their eyes and found that it was actually a lady!

The eighth seat of the executive officer of the fools - [Madam]!

Looking at Wendy, who was frozen and unable to move, the smile on the woman's face was calm.

"Oops~~ Finally, I got the hamster back at home."

"Nibbling on wooden stakes, biting into rice bags, causing Mond so much trouble!"

Speaking of the back, the lady grabbed Wendy's chin, and her tone became a little irritable.

Wendy raised her face stubbornly and mocked.

"You're not talking about hamsters, you're rats!"



The lady slapped Wendy in the face, crisp and moving.

At this time, Gongzi looked at the rich man with a slightly puzzled gaze.

Doesn't it mean it's better not to do it?

The rich man frowned.

"The lady is too impulsive and I am afraid that she will have to pay for this reckless action."

"But fortunately, we have already learned the news in advance and informed the lady."

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