But strangely, the lady's expression at this time was very flat, and there were no other fools behind her.

Even Wendy put on a posture and was ready to "fight back".

The lady remained silent.

Just when Wendy was puzzled, the lady suddenly reached out her hand.

Wendy was startled, but found that the other party still did not move.

"Barbatos, hand over the Heart of God."

Wendy laughed.

"Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about, but if you came to grab money because you were so poor, I can give you these moras."

The lady did not talk too much nonsense, raised her right hand and snapped her fingers.

A cold wind mixed with biting frost rushed towards Wendy.

Wendy responded hastily, and the wind elemental force formed a barrier in front of him, blocking most of the frost.

But when he turned his head, he saw that his calves and floor tiles had been connected by frost.


Wendy's hands and feet suddenly exerted force, and the wind element was overflowing, wanting to forcibly break the blockade of the frost and resume action.

The lady's right hand glowed and rushed to Wendy, piercing straight into his chest.


A gorgeous chess piece was taken out by the lady, and upon closer inspection, the shape of this chess piece was the [queen] in chess.

After getting the Heart of God, the lady didn't talk nonsense and disappeared directly in front of Wendy.


Wendy stumbled two steps, and seemed to have finally fallen to the ground and fainted due to lack of strength.

After a long time

Even after Wendy's hard-to-save bag of Mora was secretly taken away by a homeless man, he didn't move at all.

It wasn't until she was sure that there was really no one around that Wendy finally woke up from her "coma".

"Phew, it should be gone, the breath has completely disappeared."

After Wendy searched again and again with her divine power, she said with a sigh of relief.

But the next moment, the moment Wendy got up, the figure of the lady appeared again around the corner.

Wendy was shocked and quickly covered her chest with one hand and pretended to have just woken up.

"Don't pretend, I saw it all."

"How come, I clearly confirmed that your breath has disappeared in Mond."

Lady: "I'm sorry, but I used the Empress's power to hide my figure. "

"The power given by the Empress, you use it to hide and seek? You are blasphemy against the Ice Queen! Wendy accused.

Lady: "...."

The lady did not wrestle with Wendy on this issue, but let out a long sigh and said.

"Sure enough, just as the rich people analyzed, Barbatos, you didn't even think of really confronting me."

"I will even deliberately limit my strength and create an opportunity for me to personally beat you."

"At first I didn't really believe it. But now.... I'm already sure for sure. "

"It's funny to say, after confirming this conjecture, I even disappeared the idea of making a move on you."

The lady sighed helplessly.

Don't look at Wendy's yin and yang weirdness in the plot, and the mockery keeps coming.

But in this case, the lady is really angry when she is ridiculed, but she is also really relieved when she starts to do so.

The heavier the hand, the cooler the qi in the bottom of your heart!

When the lady knew that Barbatos had deliberately beaten her in order to make her angry.

Instead, she didn't have the idea of doing it.

It was a punch on cotton.

There is no place to sprinkle gas.

"Say, why?"

Wendy was still playing the fool: "What why?" "

"Why did you deliberately show weakness and give me the heart of God, and why did you deliberately bind your hands and feet to make me angry?"

"You don't have to play the fool anymore, the things in that game are true or not, I'm sure you will understand after the Twalin incident, don't think about continuing to lie to me."

"Oops, okay then."

Wendy reluctantly got up from the ground, stroked her right hand, and as a gust of wind flew by, the dust on his body was blown clean.

"Anyway, I basically don't care much about Mond's affairs, it's useless for me to hold the Heart of God, and it still occupies space."

"If you want it so much, then give it to you."

"As for why I specifically let you beat you..."

Wendy paused.

"Maybe out of guilt, after all, you were also a citizen of Mond."

"I didn't protect you."

"Not well protected... I? "

Hearing this, the lady became emotional, pulled Wendy's sleeves, and dangled his feet in the air.

"Are you sorry for me? It's him!! "

"It's that Rustan who believed in you and respected you until he died!!"

"What you're sorry for is that five hundred years ago, all the people who believed in you and had no hesitation to use their lives to resist the army of monsters!"

"But it was you who disappeared in Mond when he needed you most!"

"Tell me! What shit thing were you doing!! "

"Being able to save Mond and save your people is more important than saving your people!?"

Wendy did not resist after being arrested, quietly listening to the lady's hoarse roar, and her eyes could not hide the sadness.

"I can't say."

"I'm sorry..."

It's good that Wendy doesn't apologize, and as soon as she apologizes, it completely ignites the lady's emotions.

"Apologize?! Can an apology give Rustan back to me!! "


Wendy was thrown to the ground, and then the lady flew in with another kick.

Like a rag doll, Wendy was kicked and flew several meters away, spinning in the air several times before falling.

This high-heeled sole kick, as if it was fate, finally fell on Wendy's face.

But this time Wendy didn't pretend to faint, and after rolling on the ground a few times, she slowly got up and said.

"I'm sorry."

"But if doing it makes you feel better, you can continue."

The lady's chest heaved violently, obviously not lightly breathed.

At this time, outside the corner, there was a lot of movement.

It seems that several people are coming.

Soon, the lady returned to her previous cold appearance.

"This kick, even if you and I are clear, from now on I have nothing to do with Mond."

With that, the lady's figure disappeared in place.

At this time, the three people outside the corner finally arrived.

Two strong men walked in with a homeless man.

After seeing Wendy, the two said with a smile.

"Heroic poet, just now this guy came to buy something with your sack, I recognized it at a glance, you count quickly, see if there is less Mora in the bag?"

"Even the money of the heroes of Mond dares to steal, I see you don't want to live in Mond!" This notifies the Knights of the Zephyr and drives you out of Mondmond! "

"Don't, I won't dare again."

The homeless man cried and begged.

In Mondstadt, at least the monsters can't be touched, the rain can't be dripped, and if you're lucky, you can have well-wishers to give something to eat. (It doesn't rain in Mondstadt.) )

If you are really thrown out, once you encounter a monster, a chuchu and the like, I am afraid that you will be caught and stewed and drunk.

At this time, one of them noticed a red mark on Wendy's face and asked suspiciously.

"Huh? Heroic poet, why are you swollen with such a piece of your face? "

Wendy looked up and smiled.

"I accidentally fell just now, don't care."

"Thank you two for your help, otherwise I really don't know where to find the bag of money."

"As for this thief, please leave it to me."


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