The reason why Condensing Light was able to correspond Zhongli to the Rock King Emperor.

In fact, I have to thank [Gongzi] for his words.

Zhong Li knew the meaning of money, and he also knew the meaning.

But I just can't remember to bring money.

It's like feeling that "poor" and "unaffordable" things shouldn't happen to you.

If it is a bad habit, then after years of social life, it can always be changed.

But Zhongli is not.

He seemed to take this as instinct.

When he pays the bill, or calls for someone to pay, he never looks at the price. As long as it is something that he fancy, he pays according to the quotation, and occasionally quotes a higher price to buy it.

This instinct not to take money seriously reminded Ning Guang of another name of the Rock King Emperor.

Because Mora is originally the flesh and blood of the Rock King Emperor, therefore, Mo "270" Lax also has the title of God of Commerce and God of Wealth!

For a "god of wealth", "not being able to afford" and "being poor" are of course things that should not appear in themselves.

Logically speaking, this conjecture can be described as logically rigorous and the arguments are clear.

But now, Keqing's words disrupted Ning Guang's conjecture again.

If Zhong Li was really the Rock King Emperor, wouldn't he be holding a funeral for himself now?

"This... It really doesn't make sense. Ning Guang also fell into deep thought.

For a long time, Emperor Yanwang has been synonymous with "rigorous", "serious", "orderly" and "meticulous".

If you want to associate such a god with such a funny thing as giving himself a "funeral", it is as if:

How to say it.

A bit of a serious illness.

The style of painting people and things is a bit incongruous.

In general, it just doesn't fit the personality.

Give yourself a funeral?

No matter how you look at it, this kind of thing seems to be the only thing that the harlequin in charge of funny in the drama does.

Ning Guang and Ke Qing couldn't associate people like Emperor Jun and Zhong Li with this matter.

"Let's keep reading first." Ning Guang said.

Although there were loopholes in his conjecture, Ning Guang did not rush to give up the idea that Zhong Li might be the Emperor of the Rock King.

It's just that the probability of this possibility has dropped from eighty percent to fifty percent.

After all, Zhong Li is an immortal, and this matter can already be determined.

With Zhong Li and the Yanwang Emperor's style overlapping so highly, it was really difficult to get rid of suspicion.

But more information is needed to confirm the truth of the matter.

After the seven gods kite is in hand, the next step is to hire people and go to Bu Lu to buy "immortal incense".

Asking for people is very simple for Condensing Light and Keqing.

Although the two are Liyue Seven Stars, they are not the kind of big people who "don't eat minced meat" on top.

It was easy to give the most suitable price.

On the contrary, when I went to Bu Bu Lu, I encountered a little trouble.

Because Qiqi gave himself an [edict], he couldn't grab medicine for several people without a prescription.

Under Zhong Li's maneuver, he was willing to turn the matter of "grabbing the prescription" into "helping".

But since it was a "help", then Qiqi also asked several of them to agree to her a request.

"So, what do you need our help with?" Little Paimon asked.

Qiqi's slightly dull eyes suddenly became a little smarter.

"Seven seven.... I want you to go to Tianheng Mountain and help me with the final machine... Caught the coconut sheep. "

"Coconut sheep?"

Ning Guang and Keqing looked confused.

This term has never been heard of even the two of them. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Hmm! Coconut sheep! "

Qiqi nodded very seriously.

"Coconut sheep... It's legendary... Half-immortal beast. "

"What does it look like... I don't know. Where the most .... I don't know. What is the origin.... I don't know. "

Little Paimon sighed.

"This is the legendary question and three unknowns, right?"

Even Zhong Li showed a rare look of embarrassment.

"In the end, I know, but this is the first time I've heard of this [coconut sheep]."

Instead, Keqing and Condensing Light reacted.

"Half-immortal beast?"

"And sheep?"

"Isn't that the seven-star secretary, Gan Yu?"

The two have been working with Gan Yu for a long time and know some things about her.

Ganyu's mother is Qilin. Dad is mortal.

It is undoubtedly a half-immortal beast.

And the horn on Ganyu's head also indicates the species of Ganyu, which is indeed related to "sheep".............

Doesn't this mean that Qiqi wants them to use the final machine to catch Ganyu?

Not to mention the existing and usable end machines, they are all guarded by the Thousand Rock Army.

Even if the Thousand Rock Army allows the protagonist to use the final machine, Gan Yu will not be okay to go to the side of Tianheng Mountain.

In the game, the Rock King Emperor died, and Gan Yu, a workaholic, is probably already busy with his feet, right?

"That's it, let's go to the vicinity of the final machine first, maybe there are other clues."

The two women worked hard to finally repair the final machine, but after searching for a long time, they still didn't have the slightest clue.

I can only return to Bu Bu Lu and apologize to Qiqi.

But what I never expected was that Qiqi actually regarded "coconut milk" as the milk produced by the so-called "coconut sheep"!

So, with the help of Bai Shu, who returned in time, and Gongzi, who passed by by chance again.

Spent 2.99 million to buy the last item in the [Immortal Incense], the Immortal Ceremony.

And this time, Gongzi, who happened to pass by, finally eavesdropped on the information he wanted.

He had arranged early on that near Bu Lu, Ekaterina, who was in charge of eavesdropping, listened to all of Zhongli's conversations with the protagonist.

At the same time, he also learned the location of the [Immortal Ancestor Law Metamorphosis] that is now hidden by the seven stars of Liyue.

[Gongzi], who waved goodbye to everyone, immediately withdrew his smile after leaving their sight.

4.7 "So it is, has Seven Stars sealed off the Golden House now?" "

"Then what else can be hidden in the Golden Room now besides the [Immortal Ancestor Law Metamorphosis]?"

"I'm sorry, traveler. Although you are wary everywhere and refuse to disclose the slightest bit of information, I have long warned you, the ancient Liyue proverb - the partition wall has ears! "

On the other side, Keqing and Ning Guang helped Zhong Li complete the preparations for sending the Immortal Ceremony.

Experience what they may only have once in a lifetime opportunity.

"Zhong Li pays for a treat!"

In addition, what makes Ning Guang very ashamed is that at this time, the storyteller in the store is talking about "Heavenly Power Condensing Light"!

Tian Tiezui waved the fan in his hand, and the thick and low voice of storytelling sounded.

"As we all know, the seven stars of Liyue are honored by this heavenly power, and it is necessary to say that this heavenly power star condenses light..."

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