The new employee of the Hound family came and promised to do it.

Firefly also pretended to be a robin and distributed small gifts.

"Thanks for your hard work"

"If any members are still feeling uneasy, please let me know."

"Protecting dreams requires everyone's joint efforts."

Hua Huo's disguise also makes people feel a little relieved from the overall situation.

"This is a small gift prepared by the Iris family for the guests."

"I'll give you one too."

"Open it at the Harmony Ceremony and you will get an unexpected surprise."

Hanabi gave the strange gift away.

The new hound family members were instantly attracted by the gift.

"I actually received a gift from Miss Robin. It was like a dream!"

"No, I am already in a dream!"

It was obvious that he was almost going crazy with joy.

The experienced hound family member beside him also immediately began to express

"If someone really comes to find trouble"

"We are not afraid of going to the battlefield!"

"Don't worry! The hounds will protect the peace and stability of the dreamland!!"

At this time, the difference between the old and the new is so obvious.

The old man said nothing, and the new man said everything.

【Xing: So, Hanabi sent out gifts again.】

【Robin: This is really... I can't even imagine who would come looking for me if something really happened.】

【Gold Dust: Hey! I'm the one who's hurt the most, right? You're blaming me for everything.】

【March 7: I feel like she treats everyone fairly. She even gives gifts to family members.】

【Funina: Yeah! It feels like we should all be in trouble together.】

【Portio: His treasure. Now I am the only one who wants to know, what exactly is this fool giving away?】

【Hanabi: Guess what! Hehehe!】

【Gold Sand: Yeah! Someone slashed with a knife in the dream, causing such a big commotion.】

【Gold Dust: If I were a fool, this would be nothing more than child's play, right?】

【Sambo: Now that you mention it, I suddenly have a bold idea】

【Xing: Hmm? Do you have any other bold ideas? Tell us what you think!】

【March 7: Uh... isn't this a dangerous idea?】

【Sambo: Do you think it is possible that a button actually corresponds to a bomb?】

【Sambo: At the height of the Harmony Festival, everyone pressed the button】

【Sambo: And then... Boom! What a spectacular sight that will be! Hahahaha!】

【Portio: He treasures his legs! Okay! Such a scene is still treasured. It seems like something a fool would do.】

【Mockingbird: Is it that dangerous?】

【Fu Xuan: With such a group of people, no wonder the dream master was anxious to drive you all out.】



Chaolu Mansion.

Before the dreamer could speak, Sunday had already looked at the dreamer.

""The Fool who shouldn't have come, should we persuade him to leave?"

He asked in a questioning tone.

The meaning of his words was very clear.

If we continue to keep Hua Huo here, there might be some big trouble.

This time, the Dream Master was silent for a longer time.

A Void Commander was already a headache.

Now there is a masked Fool who is sending bombs everywhere.

It is obvious that he wants to drag Pinocchio into the water completely.

Although this is his territory.

But before the time comes, some things can't be done as he pleases.

"Let’s wait and see!"

"If it is a bomb, then we can discuss it."

"if not……"

"You should think carefully about offending a fool who only knows how to have fun."

"How much trouble will she cause outside the dream?"

The dreamer obviously thought a little long-term.

If she blew up in the dream, she would be dead. Just wake her up.

If there is such a bomb in reality...

Pinoconnie can really close down directly.


Now, the pressure on some people has started to grow.

After saying goodbye to the Hound family, Hanabi met a fan.

"Miss Robin…?"

"It's the superstar who is famous in the universe!!"

The guest was full of excitement.

"I didn't expect to meet fans here."

"I am very honored"

"Welcome to Pinocchio, a world full of beautiful dreams."

Hanabi continued to greet.

I think as a fan, it might be easier to deal with.

"I didn't expect to meet a real person.…"

"Shouldn't you be preparing for the Harmonious Music Ceremony at this time?"

"Miss Mockingbird!"

The fan seemed a little surprised. He didn't quite understand what was going on.

"Stage preparation is important"

"But the purpose of holding the ceremony is to convey the harmony of the god to everyone."

"If there is a chance to sing with everyone, I should not refuse."

Hanabi said, acting so devoutly.

She had not forgotten her mission.

"The incident just now brought a bad experience to some guests."

"As a member of the family, I should come here to apologize to everyone."

Hanabi apologized.

She actually just wanted to go through the motions and send out her gifts.

When she said this, the fan suddenly changed his expression.

In fact, the fan began to doubt.

"But...was it really an accident?"

"We all saw the chips falling like raindrops…"

"There is also a red light that cuts through the sky. It is too realistic to call it a special effect, right?"

Obviously, this fan knows more than before.

"I also met that generous gentleman, who looked very wrong"

"Always talking to myself…"

"Is this also the setting of the script?"

This fan was very careful and found it hard to believe that all this was fake.

【Funina: This person seems to know more. There is also a gentleman who talks to himself.】

【March 7: More problems have emerged! This is really…】

【Xing: So now there are really more and more problems.】

【Shajin: Yes! It can be seen that the impact of this accident is still very large.】

【Black Swan: The fool is almost unable to hold on.

Facing this, Hanabi continued to explain

"Please don't panic, I believe the family will give you a satisfactory answer."

"But even if Miss Mockingbird said so, it's hard to believe.……"

The fans were still not giving in.

No matter what, he was not going to believe what the"Mockingbird" said.

Although the previous guests had problems, they were easy to deal with.

The one in front of him was not willing to listen to any of the questions.

At this time, Hanabi was completely speechless.

"Alas, there are people like this who won't listen to advice."

"It never ends…"

"I get tired too."

Hanabi can no longer hide her true voice.

If everyone is so troublesome, she will die of exhaustion in Pinocchio, which will be the biggest fun.

"Miss Robin...?"

Seeing that Hanabi, who was pretending to be Robin, was a little tired at this time, he couldn't help but ask

"But let's help people anyway."

"There is no other way. I am known for my charity."

Hua Huo said.

The guest in front of him suddenly felt his eyes blurred.

He covered his head and then began to wake up.

"What was I doing?"

"Miss, you are…"

He looked at the girl with twin ponytails in a pink dress in front of him and was confused for a moment.

"Please accept this gift, my little guest."

Hanabi immediately changed back to her original form and gave the gift.

"This is a gift specially prepared for you by the family."

"Be sure to hold it well"

"Wait for the Harmony Festival to begin, and then... at the climax of the show, press this button together with the people around you."

Hanabi explained how to use this thing.

"Maybe...something very interesting will happen..."

This scene gradually disappeared with the sound of fireworks.

【Xing: Are you finally feeling tired? Not all fools are out for fun!】

【March 7: People who are looking for fun cannot always become the fun themselves, right?】

【Sambo: It’s hard to say. Some people just like it this way.】

【Esta: That's really... a bit of a masochist feeling.…】

【Bottiou: My dear! Can't you just press it? They are all like riddles!】

【Gold Dust: There is no other way! Now it seems that everything has to wait for the Harmony Festival! Haha! It is really exciting!】


On the screen, there was a new change.

Subtitles appeared on it.

【at the same time……】

Two people stood opposite each other.

Both girls had gray hair.

But one was wearing a jacket, looking a bit cool.

The other was wearing a long skirt.


And Firefly.

The space where the two of them were seemed to be in a strange place.

【Xing: Me? And pretty girls?】

【March 7: Tell me, who is that person next to you?】

【Xing: How should I know? Maybe I met him at Pinocchio!】

【Firefly: This seems to be... me】

【Xing: Great! I must go to Pinocchio!】

【March 7: Isn’t it very dangerous?】

【Xing: It's okay! Danger can be overcome! After all, there are beautiful girls!】

【March 7:……】

Liuying looked at Xing.

At this time, she also started to speak.

"Everything is back to square one"

"You have stepped into the"golden moment" from here, and you will also step into the real"Pinocone" from here.』"

Liuying said.

And her words instantly caused an uproar.

【March 7: Real Pinocchio? What does that mean?】

【Fernina: Didn't you say that Pinocchio was a dream? How can there be a real dream?】

【Nashida: Is there some hidden story behind this?】

【Gold Dust: Hehehe! Things are starting to get interesting! Looks like there are a lot of secrets!】

【Black Swan: Can anyone from the family come out and explain?】

【Robin: I'm not sure about this...……】

【Mockingbird: Isn't there only one Pinocchio?】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! Apparently, even the big star of the family doesn't know about it!】

【Portio: His precious legs! So there's something else going on here that we don't know about?】

【Gold Dust: Yes! There are indeed many secrets. After all, Pinocchio was just a frontier prison at the beginning.】

【Gold Dust: Later it evolved into the current Pinocchio】

【Hanabi: But, even the family members don't know about it now, hehe! It seems like it's hidden very well!】

【Jizi: What the dream master did was very suspicious.】

【March 7: Starting to feel like there’s a conspiracy!】

【Xing: Yeah! I do feel a bit sweaty! I won’t say who it is. 】

Liuying also continued to talk

"It's a pleasure to be with you again"

"Now that things have come to this, I can finally reveal the whole truth to you."

She said

"As you can see, my other name is"Star Core Hunter" Sam."

After hesitating for a while...

Liuying finally revealed her identity.

【Xing: Star Core Hunter? Is she also a member of the Star Core Hunter?】

【Bottiou: His baby! Star Hunter? I remember you were from the Star Train, right? Are you traveling together?】

【Silver Wolf: Yeah! That fits my impression of her. She really can't hide anything. Right? Kafka?】

【Kafka: As far as I can remember, her script should be the least? Can't this be hidden?】

【Liuying: Oh no! Something must have happened to reveal his identity! It definitely won’t affect the script!】

【March 7; Star Core Hunter? Star, you are in danger!!】

【Xing: Hmm? What danger am I in? Is that wrong?】

【Botio: Hehehe! These people are covering the traces of the star core in the universe and are also on the company's bounty list.】

【Portio: Of course, anyone can take the reward for the company's treasure.】

【Jizi: In short, don't act rashly before confirming the other party's identity.】

【Xing: I didn't move either? And the colleagues she mentioned……】

【March 7: Yes! What does this mean? Do you have any collaborations in Pinocchio?】

【Xing: Even if you ask me, I’m not sure.】

【Black Swan: Hmm! I didn’t expect it to be a little girl.】

【Black Tower: It is indeed surprising. According to rumors, Star Hunter Sam has caused a lot of damage and is very famous.】

【Gold Sand: I have to say that those who are on the company's wanted list are not ordinary people. I just didn't expect that there was a little girl under the mecha.】

【Xing: Mecha? Wouldn’t that be even cooler?】

March 7: Hey! Are you listening to me?

"Are you... the soul of Firefly?"

Seeing Firefly appear again, Xing was now more or less panicked.

"I know you have a lot of questions…"

"Remember when we encountered"death" in a strange dream? At that time, I was held in the hands of memes……"

Liuying mentioned another thing.

That is death.

Hearing the sensitive word death, the people in the cross-world chat group suddenly couldn't sit still.

【Furninna: Death? Is there death in dreams?】

【Narcida: Is this true? Didn't you say it was safe before?】

【Navilet: So it should be true.】

【Botio: Damn him! I knew that the dream master was not a good guy! I'm going to give him a 9mm bullet.】

【Star: Isn't Pinocchio a dream? Is there really death?】

【March 7: Does this feel too scary?】

【Robin: Death...Pinocone shouldn't die! If it encounters danger, it will be forcibly awakened!】

【Hanabi: It seems that even the little girl in the family doesn't know about this.】

【Shajin: Oh? That’s interesting. There is death in dreams.】

【Doctor Truth: Are you going to try it again, Gambler?】

【Gold Dust: Hehe! Nothing, I just want to see it.】

【Jizi: This is definitely a big deal! If someone really dies, it will have a huge impact on Pinocchio.】

【Walter: Could it be related to the dream master?】

【Ji Zi: Before knowing more information, anyone could】


Interstellar Peace Company.

After sending the message, Shajin's smile deepened.

"This is great! It just appeared when I needed it."

"If there is real death in dreams, then we can intervene directly."

Emerald shook the red wine bottle in his hand and said with interest.

"Even if it doesn't, it will be there."

Ps: Please give me some fresh flowers for recommendation. I wish all pioneers a guaranteed success and win every time. The update time after the first day is tentatively set at 8 pm. See you there. There will be no new chapters after 10 pm.

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