"This is enough time for us to take a good look at the current situation."

""In your opinion, where is the problem?"

Botio asked Danheng.

He wanted to see what Danheng thought about the current situation.

After hearing this, Danheng told him the results of his investigation.

"The situation is indeed unclear. Something must have happened to the star of the event."

"But the public is unaware of this"

"There must be someone in a powerful position in the family who is covering up the situation."

Dan Heng gave his own guess in a short moment.

To be honest, this guess is still very credible.

"『It is unusual for Tongxie to invite other factions."

"Besides, there are companies and fools involved."

"If the Emissary of Nothingness you mentioned is real"

"The current situation of Pinocchio……"

"It's a bit too complicated."

Dan Heng said this.

In this situation, he shook his head helplessly.

Obviously, he couldn't understand it.

【Fernina: This is too……】

【Portio: My dear! There are so many people?】

【March 7: It feels so chaotic! Is the family really going to take action?】

【Xing: Let's count, the company, the Fool, the train, the Void Commander, and the Sea Ranger, this is indeed a bit too much.】

【Robin: They are all gathered here. Do we really want to take action?】

【Fu Xuan: Anyone with a normal mind would not think of taking action.】

【Fu Xuan: However, there are always many people with abnormal brains.】


On the screen.

Bottiou also raised his own confusion

"Actually, there is one thing that concerns me about Huang Quan."

"You also know"

"The faction that believes in"hunting" is the most untouchable group in the galaxy."

【Gold Dust: Yes! I can prove that this is indeed seeking death.】

"No sane guy would dare to pretend to be the Immortal Boat Alliance or the Sea Patrol Ranger."

"This is totally seeking death.……"

【Xing: But Huang Quan still did it】

【March 7: So, Huang Quan should have some ideas, right?】

【Liuying: What does she want to do?】

【Portio: I even offended the dream master. That's a bit too deliberate.】


On the screen.

Portio is now quoting from the classics.

"Don’t the people of Xianzhou have a saying?"

"The emperor's bow only uses the arrow of light to reveal his wheelchair——"

"The imperial edict, announce the imperial edict."

Dan Heng had no choice but to calmly expose

【March 7: Hahahaha! I laughed so hard! Danheng is so pitiful】

【Xing: Uh… Although this word is a little difficult to pronounce, it’s not that difficult.……】

【Bottiou: He's precious! You don't have to expose it like this, right?】

【Danheng: You made too many mistakes.】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! I can already imagine what it would look like if Arashi dragged the wheelchair.】

【Hanabi: It would be really interesting if Arashi, who is always elusive, needed a wheelchair.】

【Xing: There is a picture! I feel that Xianzhou will not let Botio go.】

【Yan Qing:...Now even the Immortal Boat has been affected】


On the screen.

Facing Danheng's revelation, Potiou seemed very calm.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you understand what I mean"

"Anyway, don't think that the Sea Patrol Ranger has disappeared for so many years."

"We have been staring at this universe."

"Many fools would rather offend the Annihilation Gang than offend the Ranger."

Potiou said this.

Obviously, he has great confidence in the Patrol Ranger.

【Xing: The Annihilation Gang? What is that?】

【March 7: Yes! What is that?】

【Jizi: A group of evil guys in the universe, claiming to be the destroyer of faith】

【Pam: In fact, Nanook didn't even bother to look at them.】

【Xing: Being favored by Nanook? If so, I have a say.】

【March 7: At a time like this, let’s not engage in this kind of weird competition, okay?】

【Qingque: Actually, both of them are not easy to deal with, right? One is evil, the other is revengeful.】

【Botio: Yeah, that's why I said Huangquan is really strange.】


On the screen.

Botio continued to talk about his guess

"But that Huangquan…"

"At least from what she did, she didn't seem like a madman."

Potiou shook his head.

He felt that Huang Quan shouldn't be so insane.

Then, there would only be one truth.

"On the contrary, she is very logical and organized."

"Hold back when you should"

"When it comes to killing, he is also ruthless."

Potio gave Huang Quan a very positive evaluation.

"Do you think that such a person, borrowing the name of Sea Patrol Ranger, has other purposes?"

Dan Heng also expressed his concerns.

"I didn't conclude, I just thought it was weird."

"Or maybe she really knows the Sea Patrolman."

"Or maybe she wants to lure us out for some reason.……"

At this time, Potio showed a different kind of wisdom.

【March 7: I didn’t realize you are so smart!】

【Portio: My dear, you just say what you think. How can I not be smart?】

【Xing: So, it seems like what exactly does Huang Quan want to do?】

【Liuying: She came out of the family directly and did not fight with the dream master】

【Hanabi: That's right! This is such a pity.】

On the screen, after making some guesses, Poteo shook his head.

"I don't know."

Dan Heng's focus was not on Huang Quan at this time.

"I'm more concerned about the differences in my family."

"Because of this event, dozens of travelers were summoned to Pinocchio."

"No matter how tolerant the family is, they will not make such an abnormal move."

Dan Heng felt that the family should not be so stupid.

So many fate walkers gathered together, it would cause a turmoil in Pinocchio.

Then, Dan Heng gave a possible explanation.

"Unless...the invitation was not sent by them"

【March 7: I feel like this is a direct revelation! Dan Heng guessed it right!】

【Sand Gold: This is actually easy to guess. What is the specific attitude?】

【Gallagher: Yes, the family's attitude is also ambiguous now. They seem to want to do something bigger.】

【March 7: I can’t figure it out anymore. I always feel like things are hard to handle.】

【Xing: No matter what kind of conspiracy or trickery it is, we will win in the end】



Dan Heng gave the next step of inference.

"Under such circumstances, the family still insisted on holding the Harmonious Music Ceremony.……"

"It is even more intriguing."

Knowing it is a trap, but still going into it.

This decision cannot be said to be correct.

At this time, Potio also made some judgments.

"Maybe all this was the instruction from Harmony Shipe."

"You think this is unreasonable"

"That's because people can't do it."

"People will do stupid things because of irrational impulses."

"Will give up principles when it comes to their own interests"

"I will believe things that I know I shouldn't believe."

"What a treasure!"

"People will even break the rules they just set!"

Potio said that people will adapt and have some inherent weaknesses.

This is human nature.

【March 7: It seems that Poteo has a deep understanding of human nature.】

【Portio: His baby! We are the Aquaman. Do you think those who are being avenged are all good people?】

【Botio: If you don't be careful, you will fall in love with him directly.】

【Xing: So, the Dream Master isn't the most problematic person? Does this have anything to do with the Star God?】

【Gold Sha: Things are becoming more and more interesting. Family, oh family, what on earth are you thinking about?】


On the screen.

Portio continued

"But the Star God won't"

"The Star God will only go one way to the end, and will not turn back until he hits a wall."

"No!! I won’t even turn back after I bumped into you."

Potio even adjusted his words.

Danheng immediately had his own ideas after being reminded of this.

"Do you think that this incident was driven by Xi Pei's will?"

If he is really a star god, maybe he can really accommodate so many factions at the same time.

"It may not be Him either."

Potiou began to change his tone.

"But there must be a metaphysical consciousness at work."

"Don't say you're pessimistic."

"If human free will is credible"

"What is the point of patrolling the sea rangers then?"

Potiou still believed that the abnormality of Pinocchio had nothing to do with humans, but more to do with the Star God.

"If we attribute everything to the Star God and fate, things won't be that complicated."

"Just like Lan is always on the road of"hunting""

"Just like Akivalli, although he is nowhere to be found, the train is still running on the road of exploration and will never go off the track."

Bothio gave two examples.

Both of them are���They are closely related

【Xing: We are indeed getting closer to the truth, but I don’t know what they are really going to do.】

【March 7: I already know that there may be a problem between Sunday and the owner. I don't know the rest.】

【Hanabi: Maybe they'll attack everyone? Hehehe!】

【Gold Dust: Yeah! The people in the family do have the courage to take such an adventure.】


On the screen.

Dan Heng has a different view

"But I think"

"The fall of Akivali is also a precious legacy left by Him for the Nameless Guest."

Danheng expressed his attitude.

Potio also laughed directly.

"I guess it's because we lost our"absolutely correct" leader."

"No-name guests, you must be responsible for your own choices?"

Now, Botio can even be said to be able to understand everything at once.


"I think the meaning of a journey is not to walk on an"absolutely correct" path.……"

Danheng believes that everyone should have his own path

"But for the countless roads"

"Relying on my limited knowledge and judgment"

"Try your best to choose the path that suits you』"

【March 7: I didn’t expect that you two would end up chatting with each other.】

【Xing: Yeah! This is really unexpected.】

【March 7: It’s more than an accident, it’s too much of an accident, okay?】

【Gold Dust: The issues they discussed also started to become interesting.】

【Liuying: Everyone has his own path to take. This path is different from others.】


On the screen.

At this time, Potio nodded and agreed with this.

"I don't know what you've been through."

"But I agree that people should be responsible for themselves."

"No one can do it for you"

"That’s why"

"Sea Patrolman, we must find that impostor……"

"Find out what she is going to do."

After going around in circles, Botio returned to the starting point.

At this point, Botio began to reveal the truth.

"in case"

"If the rememberer never appears"

"I have a backup plan... This is the last one."

He emphasized it, perhaps because Dan Heng had complained about it before.

【Xing: What did Danheng say before?】

【March 7: It seems like you’re saying… can you tell me about the backup plan first?】

【Xing: If I were Dan Heng, I would take his head apart to see what's inside.】

【Dan Heng: It is really difficult to cooperate with this sea patrol ranger.】

【Bottiou: His dear! Isn't our cooperation pleasant enough?】

【Dan Heng:...What do you think?】


On screen

"You have a lot of backup plans."

Danheng couldn't help but complain.

But Potio didn't care.

"I'm not really good at beating around the bush."

"If I could go back to my old job"

"Many things will become much simpler"

【Xing: Old profession? What do you mean? Aren't you a sea ranger?】

【���Yueqi: I feel like Danheng is really going to be gone.】

【Liuying: I feel like... this sea patrol ranger…】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! That's unreliable! Very unreliable!】

【Gold Dust: Let me guess, you are not trying to rob?】

【Gold Dust: This is a family, not a company.】

【Portio: Robbery? No no no! Remember our bottom line?】

【Portio: His baby! We need to make some conveniences for the operation.】

【Gold Dust:...Isn't it still the same?】


On the screen,

Botio formally gave his thoughts

"Brother Danheng, you walked around the hotel before."

"Did you see which guest or guests are more distinguished?"

Potiou began to look for the target.

"What do you want to do?"

Dan Heng felt something was wrong.

Combined with the previous wisdom, this bad feeling was even more serious.

"It's simple. We need to quietly take a few hostages."

"Everything will be easy from now on."

Potio directly proposed kidnapping hostages.

【Xing: Pfft! Isn't this still a robbery? Are you really crazy?】

【March 7: I feel that Danheng has been under pressure that he shouldn’t have been under.】

【Danheng: Next time, I will definitely refuse to go out with him】

【Portio: Hey! Come on, brother! We can talk to each other easily, right? It shouldn't be like this, right?】

【Gold Dust: Hahaha! You are now under the name of Starry Sky Train, do you really think it's okay? 】

Ps: Please give me some fresh flowers and votes. I wish all pioneers a stable guarantee and gold every time. The update time after the first day is tentatively scheduled for 8 pm, see you there. There will be no new chapters after 10 pm.

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