【Nashida: Ms. Himeko is so gentle!】

【Mockingbird: If I wasn't a pilot, I might be a teacher.】

【March 7: Hehe! After all, she is an intellectual elder sister!】

【Xing: Suddenly I began to feel an inexplicable sense of relief.】

【Xing: With Himeko here, everything should be fine.】


In the exposure screen, under the guidance of Jizi,

Misha led everyone into the room where the toys were placed.

"There are muffled sounds in the room-……"

"Origami bird?"

"It's the name of a good friend."

Misha said happily.

Sanyueqi couldn't help asking after hearing this.


"Are you friends with the origami bird too?"

She was a little surprised.

"Well, it's the same as Clock Kid and Mirror Lady"

"All of them were members of the Compass"

"There is more than one origami bird!!"

"They are a big family with many brothers and sisters who look exactly the same."

Misha also said so seriously

"They follow Miss Mirror's orders."

"He is in charge of various tasks on the ship and is the best sailor."

When talking about this, Misha talked endlessly.


"Does Origami Bird have this setting?……"

Seeing that Misha had some memories, Jizi let him continue to recall.

"Millet Sand"

""Can you tell me more about the story of the Compass?" she asked.

Misha also told her everything.

"The Compass was a ship bound for the New World"

"It leads Clock Boy and his friends through layers of fog"

"Sailing to the Deep Sea"

"Whenever there is danger, the Clock Boy will operate the compass"

"Leading everyone in the right direction!!"

【Bottiou: Darling, isn't this just a fairy tale? Why? What's wrong with this?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Uh... I feel like there's a conflict in my memories】

【Funina: From what Misha said, it should be when Misha was a child, but Misha doesn't look very old.】

【Nahida: So what exactly is Misha?】

【March 7: I started to have a headache. I can’t figure it out.】

【Gold Dust: Perhaps, Misha himself is a member of the fairy tale?】


On the exposure screen.

Ji Zi also expressed her approval

"What a great story"

"But in Pinocchio's animation"

"Clock Boy and his friends have always lived in Dream Town"

"It seems like he has never left?"

Ji Zi felt that this was a conflict.

"Eh? It seems to be true."

Misha thought about it and felt that what Jizi said was correct.


"But I clearly remember……"

"The Clock Boy finally arrived in the New World……"

Now Misha is starting to doubt himself.


Maybe Clock Boy has a past that we don't know about.

"So where is the Clock Boy?……"

Misha asked uncertainly

"Are you going to protect the Dream Town?"

【Furninna: My memory is starting to fail! Is this a divergence point?】

【Nashida: It looks like that.……】

【Bottiou: My dear! If you keep going around in circles like this, you'll definitely end up getting me into trouble.】

【Botio: This is the first time I have encountered such a headache. It's not refreshing enough.】

【Gold Dust: I think it’s quite childlike.】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! So what will happen next? It's really exciting.】


In order to help Misha find more memories, they set out again.

This time, they came to the room with the fireplace.

And here, Misha recalled who Mikhail was chatting with here.

"Mikhail - that's the name"


Now we all know that he is a watchmaker.

"So who is he talking to?"

""Misha, do you know anything?"

Sanyueqi couldn't help asking curiously.

To be honest, she was very curious and didn't understand.

However, Misha shook her head helplessly.

"Feel sorry"

"I don't know much about the watchmaker."

"But Mikhail……"

Misha seems to be somewhat impressed

【Furninna: He remembers Mikhail! It’s true!!】

【Yae Kamiko: Yeah! That's much simpler. Mikhail is related. Misha knows Mikhail, not the watchmaker.】

【March 7: What do you mean, before Mikhail became a watchmaker?】

【Xing: Then the time doesn’t match. So, how long did Misha live?】

【Gold Sand: Maybe, not the same person?】


On the exposure screen.

Seeing Misha's reaction to Mikhail's name, Jizi immediately asked

"Have you thought of anything?"


"This is my grandfather's name.

He said

【Xing: Grandpa? Misha is the watchmaker's grandson?!!】

【March 7: This... really has offspring?】

【Gallagher: Unfortunately, the watchmaker had no children; he had no descendants either.】

【Gallagher: Otherwise, he wouldn't have said anything.】

【Gold Dust: Hey! The little sign that I had just started was killed by the wine glass! Haha! How interesting!】

【Bottiou: My dear! Why do I feel like everyone is playing a trick on me?】

【Black Swan: If you don’t make assumptions, I believe it will be easy to understand】

【Huang Quan: Mikhail mentioned by Misha should have nothing to do with the watchmaker】


After hearing Misha's words, Sanyueqi was also shocked.

"What does grandpa mean?"

"Are you a descendant of a watchmaker?"

Before Misha could say anything, Jizi interrupted her.

"But the story we learned earlier did not mention that the watchmaker had descendants."

"This name is not uncommon, it may just be a coincidence."

Ji Zi's thoughts are obviously clear.

"Millet Sand"

"Can you tell us more about Grandpa Mikhail?"

Ji Zi asked gently.

"Yes! Of course!"

"Mikhail is a navigator"

"No matter how mysterious the sea is or how violent the storm is, it can't stop him."

"He was always out and about, and he had many friends traveling with him."

Misha said this.

When he mentioned this, Misha's memories became more and more...

"Mikhail doesn't like people calling him grandpa"

"He said it sounded old, he was still young"

"Mikhail is the name his parents gave him."

"Mihaly and Iris. (Mikhail)"

"They are two great sea travelers."

【Xing: This... seems to have less and less relevance the more I listen to it.】

【March 7: Misha doesn’t look that old… It’s a childhood thing… So it really has nothing to do with the watchmaker?】

Jizi : I think it’s better to wait until Misha finishes speaking before making a decision.

"Every time he came back, he would show me the logbook."

"Talking about what happened at sea"

"My dream is to become an adventurer like Mikhail."

Misha said firmly.

This is the only thing he wants to do now.

March 7 also made a helpless summary of such past experiences.

"It really doesn't sound like it has anything to do with watchmakers."

"Is it really just the same name?"

She didn't quite understand

"So where is that grandpa now?"

Sanyueqi asked.

And Misha responded

"He's on a new journey."

"We haven't seen each other for a long time."

【Funina: So it really doesn’t matter at all?】

【Nashida: It seems... it's true.…】

【March 7: This really has nothing to do with it!】

【Xing: Aren’t the names the same? 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【March 7: You... now is not the time to make such a joke】

【Portio: My dear! Your dream bubbles are so magical!】

【Gold Dust: I can feel that the truth is getting closer and closer】


Exposure screen[]

They continued talking.

At this moment, March 7 seemed to hear the sound of water.

"Ah! I remember now"

"I heard from Xing that there is a particularly spectacular fountain ahead."

March Seven was a little excited.

They immediately followed the direction of the sound of water and then felt something there.

""Look! It's here!"

Sanyueqi said excitedly.

The fountain in the distance was also so obvious at this moment. The huge fountain flowed continuously, as if it was a long blue ribbon falling from the sky.

At this time, Misha seemed to have thought of more.

"The water in the pool is like a gem, embedded in the dreams of all sailors."

"Every day of wandering, staring at the light spots under the waves"

"I seem to be back here, back to you……"

Misha murmured.

This was obviously not what he should say.

【Funina: This fountain is so huge! Isn't it a bit too spectacular?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Just looking at it makes me feel shocked. It is really amazing.】

【Nashida: From what Misha said, it seems to be closely related to his grandfather.】

【Gold Dust: Yes! That's true, but the more of this stuff I have, the more I feel it's different from the watchmaker.】

【Gold Dust: Now it all depends on Misha’s existence, what exactly it is】


On the exposure screen.

Hearing Misha speak,

Jizi immediately began to ask


"Did you remember anything again?"

At this time, Misha also responded directly

"This is what Mikhail wrote in his logbook."

"Grandpa said that although going out to sea involves many dangers"

"But whenever he stood on the deck in the afternoon"

"Looking at the sparkling waves on the sea…"

"He always thinks of the fountain in front of his house.

Misha remembered what his grandfather had told him.

"He often said"

"At that moment, it was like returning to my family."

"No matter how hard life is at sea, it is no longer that hard.

Misha was obviously talking about the voyage.

【Furninna: A seafarer? Yes! If you can't see the coast, you will miss home.】

【Xing: Is this Grandpa Mikhail’s own remembrance?】

【March 7: I feel like... this memory is also hinting at something?】

【Narcida: What do you mean?】

【March 7: I always feel that Mikhail must want to go home after sailing for so long, right?】

【Liuying: I just want to go home! Sailing is not as romantic as I imagined, right?】

【Xing: Hmm! It seems that sailing is not all about adventure and treasure.】


On the exposure screen.

Listening to Misha's words, March 7 was filled with emotion.


"I can understand this feeling.……"

Xing looked at what March Seven said and couldn't help but complain.

"Don't take advantage of your age!"

After hearing this, San Yue Qi was helpless.

"I'm not taking advantage of my age."

"I just felt something!!"

At this time, Ji Zi was also full of emotion.

"Perhaps every adventurer who is away from home has such a fountain in his heart."

"The other side of the ocean is always full of unknowns"

"The fountain at the door of my house is my grandfather's compass"

"Always lead him back to his loved ones."

Misha also felt very happy when hearing what Jizi said.


"When Mikhail was at home"

"We'll stand by the fountain."

"I put the Compass in the pool. It was a toy boat I made myself.

Misha's eyes were full of longing.

Obviously, he really wanted to go sailing.

"I would ask him when I could have an adventure like him."

"Mikhail always smiled and said that the child was too young."

When he said this, Misha was obviously unhappy.

When March 7 heard this, he was completely helpless.

"It seems so"

"This Mikhail is really a navigator"

"This has nothing to do with watchmakers as we know them."

【Funina: Looking at this kind of story, it really doesn’t matter】

【Nashida: Shouldn't Mikhail be the unknown guest and the watchmaker of Pinocchio? He has nothing to do with the navigator, right?】

【Xing: It is indeed completely irrelevant.】

【March 7: Anyway, if you look at it this way, they are definitely two different people. 】

At this time, Jizi also admitted

"Well, from Misha's description"

"The scenes in the dream bubble are also his childhood memories."

"But this way, there are more mysteries."

March Seven was even more confused.

"According to Misha"

"He was obviously born on an ocean planet."

"A child living an ordinary life"

"It has nothing to do with Pinocchio.……"

She totally couldn't understand

"Is this a metaphor?"

"The sea refers to the realm of memory?"

【Xing: This idea is quite interesting.】

【March 7: Right? That would explain it clearly.】

【Gold Dust: Yes! Mikhail is a watchmaker, and he also set out as an unknown traveler.】

【Gold Dust: So, the last journey is when he will die.】

【Portio: My dear! It's really troublesome. Can't you put it in a simpler way?】

【Bottiou: Anyway, now apart from the similarity in name, there is no other similarity.】

【Black Swan: That’s true. If you must force something to be similar, then the feeling is the biggest problem.】


On the exposure screen.

Misha didn't understand what March Seven said.

"Sorry, I don't know either."

"But memories are like water in a fountain, flowing uncontrollably……"

Misha now obviously remembered more


"Maybe if I go further, I can remember more.……"

Misha spoke uncertainly, but there was a kind of confidence in her.

They walked down the stairs and headed forward.

Unexpectedly, in the air, there were lines of words floating.

【Is it something important?】

【I also want to share with you……】

【Can you take me with you?】

【I want to go too……】

They followed the words all the way.

Soon, a divergence point appeared.

Suddenly, the road in front of them changed.

A road that shouldn't have appeared suddenly appeared.

"Hey? Why does the road feel different?"

Sanyueqi asked in confusion.

They continued to walk forward.

After pushing open the door, they finally came to a door.

"In front is…"

"Mikhail's Study"

"The last time I saw Grandpa was there."

Misha said this.

But as he walked in, the words floating in the air made him feel more and more that he was leaving.


【Will you come back?】

After they walked in, they saw a new line of words.

【Captain Misha! This time we are on the right path.

They walked into the study, and both sides of the walls were lined with books.

"The atmosphere in this room is so different."

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