On the screen in front of him.

After hearing this, Xing couldn't help but complain.

"Who will show their inner self?……"

She seemed very speechless at this time.

"that is……"

The tacit duo couldn't help but complain at this time.

Ji Zi also began to think at this time.

To be precise, she had gradually guessed what


"Did you do the same thing to Walter?"

Ji Zi asked.

Obviously, what happened to Walter was exactly the same.

"This is a kind of tuning】"

"The effect is stronger, but also more troublesome"

"Xing has been through this before, so she should understand."

Sunday explained

"Through tuning, you can understand my emotions more intuitively."

"This means I will not hide anything from you."

Sunday was very frank.

He seemed to really want to make peace with everyone.

【Gold Dust: Tuning? It looks like the same method, or maybe even more powerful.】

【Gold Dust: Walter was affected by this power before.】

【Liuying: It is not easy to react in the memory domain.】

【Black Swan: It is indeed not easy to be able to directly cause such an impact. They do not have the power of the Rememberer, so they are also worthy of admiration.】

【Fu Xuan: In short, Sunday's control over this dream is already extraordinary.】

【Qingque: After all, it's the other party's territory, right? It's normal for them to have some power, right?】

【March 7: So, can we really win?】

【Xing: Can we win? We will win!!】

【Bronya: This kind of power... is like a star core bewitching people.……】

【Xier: They are somewhat similar, and both can influence the other's will and judgment.】

【March 7: Could it be that the power of Sunday really comes from the core of the star?】

【Xing: It is possible. From the perspective of"990", it is indeed possible.】


On the screen in front of me.

At this time, it was still playing

"Next, I will ask you to watch the big screen."

He said this.

The huge screens on both sides also showed pictures.

"Our journey starts from here"

"From here on, you have seen the many choices I have made.

Sunday was extremely honest.

He completely opened up his heart and showed everything about himself without any scruples.

"I have selected some of them to share with you."

"I think…"

"After experiencing the same predicament, you will definitely understand my thoughts"

"let's start"

"The first decision is related to the story of a young bird." Two little Harmony pigeons also appeared on the screens on both sides. Their appearance was obviously extraordinary.

【Xing: Huh? Is this... is this the memory of Sunday past?】

【Xing: What is he planning to do? Help us remember?】

【March 7: This... I think we have met before?】

【Jizi: I have seen it, this is the memory before Sunday】

【Walter: The little Harmony pigeon? The little Harmony pigeon that died tragically in the end.】

【Liuying: Are you asking us to make a new choice?】

【Keqing: No matter what choice you make, I'm afraid it will end in tragedy. There's no way to avoid it.】

【Furninna: If that's the case, then there's no point in making any choice?】


On the screen in front of me.

It is also playing at this moment.

Sunday is also continuing to speak at this time

"This story happened when I and the robin were very young."

"We are victims of a star-core catastrophe"

"Mr. Gopher of the family - the future owner of Pinocchio"

"Seeing that we were helpless, he adopted us."

"After that, I spent some relatively carefree time with the robin.

The story of the past slowly unfolds at this time.

【Firefly: This is the same as what I said before.】

【Xing: I was taken in by the dream master, but now I didn’t expect that the two sides would become opposites.】

【March 7: I feel like Mr. Gefeimu took them in for his own purposes, right?】

【Gold dust: reasonable suspicion, this is the reality】

【Gold Dust: However, since they usually pretend to be harmonious, it was the robin who took it seriously.】

【Mockingbird: This... I still want to believe that they were not like this at first.】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! This is what makes it fun!】


Sunday also continues to tell that story

"After dinner one day……"

"My sister and I accidentally found a lonely little pigeon in Mr. Gopher's yard."

"The chick is still small."

"It hasn't even grown all its feathers yet, and can't sing"

"When we found it, it was dying in the grass, as if it had been abandoned by its parents."

Sunday said.

He seemed a little regretful at this time.

The tragedy in the world is often like this, coincidences and accidents always follow one after another.

Faced with the situation at that time, they also made their own decision immediately.

"We immediately decided to build a bird's nest for it."

"But think about it……"

"The winter of that year was very cold. The wind in the courtyard was very strong at night, and there were many poisonous insects and wild animals......."

"There is no doubt that if the chick is left in the yard, it will never survive until spring."

"So I suggested taking it home, putting it on the wooden stand in front of the window, and asking adults to build a birdcage for it.

This is the story in my memory.

In order to save this little Harmony Pigeon, they immediately took action.

"We agree……"

"When it can fly on its own, they will release it back into the sky."

In their original plan, they wanted to give the little Harmony pigeon enough time to grow.

Unfortunately, sometimes things don't go as planned.

"Unfortunately, we never expected"

"The bird's fate was sealed long before that."

"What will happen to it depends on our thoughts"

【Funina: Hasn’t the outcome of this matter been explained long ago?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It is indeed explained that in the end the bird still failed to fly into the sky】

【Xing: But before dying, it had tried its best】

【March 7: Indeed, no matter what, what this bird wants is to fly into the sky】

【Gold Dust: So next, he might let you choose.】

【Bottiou: Hehehe! His dear! Is it just such a simple choice?】

【Bottiou: Since we're all going to die, there's no point in choosing anything.】

【Hanabi: Hehehe, judging from the results, that’s the case.】

【Firefly: Are we going to decide its life or death now?】

【Jizi: This has nothing to do with life or death, it's just a choice we make.】

【Walter: That’s right. We can only make a choice at the beginning, but the final result is beyond our control.】


On the screen in front of me.

After Sunday finished talking about the background.

It was really as expected, letting them make a choice

"Now, I will give you the right to choose."

"Faced with this situation, what choice would you make?"

"Should we adopt our original plan and use soft cushions to build a bird's nest for the little pigeons in place?"

"Or should you choose to build a birdcage for it and raise the bird carefully in a warm house?"

"I look forward to your answers."

He said so.

But in fact, such an answer is meaningless.

What Sunday wants is for Jizi and the others to understand his thoughts.

So that after understanding his thoughts, they can make the same decision.

However, even if both sides make the same choice, they are still powerless if their ideas are not unified.

【Funina: Okay, now it's time to start choosing. 】 (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Nashida: Yes, it is time to make a choice.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: This is really... I can only take it back and make a birdcage, right?】

【Xing: Hey! Anyway, it's most reliable to go back and build a birdcage.】

【March 7: This is really... I did the same thing on Sunday】

【Liuying: In other words, we made the same choice as them.】[]

【Black Tower: Yes, it is the same, but the same choice does not mean the same result.】

【Black Tower: You can’t blame yourself for the choices you made just because the results didn’t meet your expectations】


In the screen in front of me.

After listening to Zhou Ri's words, Xing immediately began to ask for other people's opinions.

The first time, Xing went to Liu Ying.

"I can't figure out his intention yet.…"

"If I only look at the title, I would choose to build a birdcage for the little Harmony Pigeon.……"

"At once���To put back into the sky…"

"It also needs to be able to spread its wings and fly"

"If you leave it in place……"

"I'm afraid it will never have the chance to fly into the sky again."

Liu Ying chose the birdcage directly.

After all, if it simply stayed where it was, the risk of the little pigeon dying was very high.

Then, after asking Liu Ying's opinion,

Xing found Ji Zi.

At this moment, Ji Zi also laughed.

"It seems that he really doesn't intend to imprison us"

"If it's just a question-and-answer game, it's okay to play with him."

Compared to Liuying's guessing of Sunday's thoughts,

Jizi is more of a gambler at this moment.

At this moment, especially in Sunday's inner world,

Jizi only cares about one thing.

That is whether it is safe.

If Sunday really wants to take action, Jizi must consider whether there is any danger.

"Back to the question itself, I personally would choose to build a birdcage for the little Harmony Pigeon"

"No special reason"

"I just think every baby bird has the right to fly into the sky……"

"But if it doesn't live to that time, there's no point in talking about it."

Ji Zi's attitude was the same as Liu Ying's before.

Let's not talk about what will happen in the future, just for now, the situation is like this. After asking two people in a row, the results obtained in the end did not deviate much........

【Keqing: In this case, would the answer be different?】

【Xing: It seems that I won’t do that. Even I would choose to build a birdcage.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: This is really...completely expected.】

【Gold Dust: Hahaha! It seems like everyone here is very kind-hearted! Then this problem will be solved very easily.】

【Hanabi: Yeah, congratulations, you're almost the second Sunday.】

【Hanabi: Hehehe!!】

【March 7: Uh... this is not funny at all……】

【Firefly: Anyway, let’s keep watching.】


On the screen in front of him.

After asking Ji Zi and Liu Ying in succession,

Xing found March Seventh.

"Hey! That guy threw such a question to us without thinking……"

"What does this mean?"

"But it's not impossible to answer it.……"

March 7 sighed helplessly

"If it were me……"

"You would probably choose... to build a birdcage for the little Harmonious Pigeon, right?"

"After all, if you leave it where it is, it will definitely be hurt by wild animals.……"

"In that case, the little bird would be too pitiful."

There were no unexpected answers.

It can be said that this time everyone passed.

After that, Xing also made a decision.

She chose to build a birdcage for the little Harmony Pigeon.

The answer was exactly the same, and it remained the same in the end.

After getting Xing's answer, Sunday was very happy.

"I'm glad to see that you made the same choice as we did back then."

He said

"Since you have made up your mind, let me reveal the result of this choice."

Sunday said this, more like a declaration

"We raised it carefully, prepared fine food for it every day, and combed its feathers."

"Later, on the day when the robin left Pinocchio"

"We opened the cage door and let it go back to the sky.

Sunday recounted what happened.

This time it was his own experience.

"I looked at it from the window for a long time, maybe three days."

"During those three long days, the little Harmony Pigeon tried again and again to spread its wings."

"Flying into the sky, and falling to the ground

"This cycle repeats itself……"

When Sunday talked about this experience, he could already feel the pain and torture coming at him.

"Finally, on the 137th try, it succeeded."

"But this attempt was not successful.……"

"After a while of shaky flight"

"It fell to the ground because it could not accurately grasp the direction of the air flow."

"This fall completely broke its wings."

"It struggled in my arms, but to no avail, and eventually died a painful death."

"Our careful care, love and high hopes"

"At this moment, they all became the driving force behind its destruction."

Sunday began to summarize.

However, this summary was obviously unusual.

He attributed all the choices he had made in the past and all the inducements to the murderer who killed the little Harmony Pigeon.

【Funina: Wait! Isn't this wrong? Simply using the result to refute the process is problematic, isn't it?】

【Nashida: Even if we didn't make this choice 0.3, would the final result be different?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: The fact that the little pigeon didn't fly into the sky has nothing to do with it being locked in a cage, right?】

【Xing: There is a certain relationship, but I don’t think it plays a key role.】

【March 7: I think so too. After all, the little Harmony Pigeon finally flew into the sky.】

【Jizi: Yes! Although the result was not smooth, it was the final result.】

【Jizi: As for the fall that followed, that was obviously not what we expected.】

【Liuying: It is a bit too arbitrary to deny all the processes with such a result.】


On the screen in front of me.

After experiencing this first choice.

Sunday also began to announce the second thing.

This matter naturally also had a significant impact on Sunday.

"For the choices we make……"

"I deeply regret"

"Now, let’s move on to the second choice."

"this time...It is the story of a dreamer.

Sunday hesitated a little, but continued.

"This story happened during my tenure at Duoyin."

"Duoyin is a position unique to the Oak family"

"Responsible for listening to the confusion and bewilderment of the dream residents and giving them corresponding guidance"

"It was during that time"

"I was able to hear voices from all sides of the dream"

"There is joy, there is sorrow, there is pride, there is regret……"

"The world is woven by complex human nature, and I am fortunate to have a glimpse of it."

"He was a dream chaser and a stowaway"

"Like everyone else, he came to Pinocchio with a yearning for a better life."

"But the price he paid was enough to be called giving everything for a mortal."

When Sunday said this, everyone had already started to guess what it was.

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