【Xing: Indeed, let’s not talk about attitude for now. At least when it comes to treating his sister, Zhou Ri is indeed better than others.】

【March 7: Now I seem to understand what happened.】

【March 7: Did Sunday change completely because of your sister?】

【Robin: Brother……】


On the screen in front of me.

At this moment, Sunday's voice was also heard.

"Now, do you know why she always wears such complicated necklaces?"

"How could this happen? Miss Robin……"

March 7 was also moved when he heard this.

At this time, Sunday also comforted

"It's a thing of the past, don't worry about it."

"I share this just to hope you understand the limitations and difficulties of harmony."

"No matter how great the vision of using the strong to support the weak is, it is often just wishful thinking.

Sunday said this.

He obviously did not fully agree with the idea of using the strong to support the weak.

"Likewise, I have prepared one last question for you, one last choice."

"But please rest assured, this choice will not bring any heavy consequences."

He said this and then gave a new choice.

"In fact, nothing will happen."

"Because this is just a fantasy, a nightmare that has haunted me for countless nights."

"If you have the opportunity to make a choice like me……"

"Will you still support the robin and embark on a journey of harmony?"

Sunday asked at this moment.

On the screens on both sides, completely different choices appeared at this time.

After hearing this, Xing started to communicate with everyone.

She first found March 7th

"Miss Robin has actually encountered such a thing……"

"It is great to support the weak with the strong, but if this is the price to pay……"

"I...I don't know……"

March Seven didn't know what to choose.

Because they had no right to decide the fate of others.

What happened in the past had already happened.

If they could go back in time and make a choice again, would they really change it?

And this time, the only question was whether to stop the robin from embarking on the journey.

This choice was also cruel to the robin.

One side respected her own choice, while the other side stopped her.

Respecting such a choice also meant that tragedy might happen again.

But stopping it also meant forcibly changing the wishes of others.

In any case, this was a difficult choice.

【Furninna: So what should we do?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I don’t really understand either.】

【Narcida: It doesn't feel fair to the robin, does it?】

【Navilet: We have no right to decide other people's choices. All we can do is do what we can do after making the choice.】

【Navelette: If it is evil, judge it. If it is great, respect it.】

【Xing: That’s the truth, but……】

【March 7: But this is really dangerous!!】

【Jizi: I think nothing is smooth sailing, just like the journey of pioneering】

【Himeko: Mitsuki-chan, if someone tried to stop you from embarking on your journey, what would you choose?】

【March 7: I...still want to embark on a journey】


On the screen in front of me,

Xing has already asked Ji Zi.

At this time, Ji Zi did not use real examples to explain.

"I always feel that I have dreamed of similar scenes on some nights."

"In my dream, I saw a group of blurry faces. Although I didn’t know who they were, we were like family."

"I have been fighting against some kind of transcendent existence.……"

Ji Zi rarely talked about her dream.

And this dream seemed to mean her attitude.

"I clearly remember their confusion and fear……"

"In that dream, they never chose to give up……"

"Just like Miss Robin.

After telling this dream, Jizi also began to say


Xing, if you are confused about Mr. Sunday’s question, find the answer from your own experience.

"Every pioneering journey is always accompanied by difficulties and obstacles, but will you really back down?"

"Will it stop Sanyue and Danheng from going to the next stop?"

"I think you must have your own answer in your heart.."

As she said this,

Xing fell into deep thought. Then, she found Liuying again and began to ask for her opinion.

"Miss Robin's courage is admirable"

"I thought she was just a star shining on the stage……"

"But she is also Mr. Sunday's sister……"

"Even if he has a great ideal, he certainly doesn't want his loved ones to sacrifice themselves for it."

Liu Ying said so.

At this time, she also expressed her own opinion

【Fernina: Yes, when I learned that Robin had been shot on Sunday, I immediately packed my bags and went】

【Nashida: As a relative, I definitely don’t want to take any more risks.】

【March 7: I don’t really want her to take risks, but if that’s what she wants, I can’t stop her.……】

【March 7: Forget it, let it be!】

【Gui Naifen: It’s so itchy, Shang Shang, you really need to grow a brain】

【Plain clothes:……】


On the screen in front of her, after listening to the opinions of the two people,

Xing also made a choice immediately.

She chose to support the robin.

After making such a choice, Sunday smiled helplessly.

"Heh... I see."

He said so.

Then he took the four people from his inner world.���Released from inside

"I understand your opinions."

At this moment, Sunday knew that they were not on the right path.

This was very important.

Then, Sunday also expressed his own thoughts.

He turned around and looked at everyone.

"These questions are only raised to clarify one thing."

"Pinocchio's predicament cannot be saved by Tongxie, and the one who can truly build a dream paradise is"

"Only by forcing the weak can order be restored."

This is Sunday's attitude and point of view.

He has not given up trying to convince the train crew.

"I know how it hurts when people are tortured."

"How to be lost when you lose your way"

"How frustrated you are when things don't go as you wish...even desperate"

"All this makes me miserable, because it is not happiness at all."

Sunday still expressed his views

"We must teach the weak how to live happily"

"This kind of life is not just something that celebrities and nobles talk about, but in an absolute sense, it is the way of life for people."

Sunday said righteously.

The concept hidden in this sentence is so shocking.

【Funina: Is Sunday still going to lead others to happiness?】

【Narcida: Really? What is he going to do?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Giving up on using the strong to help the weak and choosing to force the weak, isn't this still the law of the jungle?】

【Navilet: That’s true, but there are some differences.】

【Navellette: When the perpetrator becomes relatively weak, there will be stronger people to punish him.】

【Xing: Just like when a person commits a crime, there will be a more powerful law to put pressure on him, right?】

【Navillette: That's right, that's exactly what happened.】

【Jizi: I think that’s not enough.】

【Jizi: This is just another form of the law of the jungle. Unless you have absolute power,】

【Walter: That is the star core, and the power of order】


On the screen in front of him.

Facing Sunday's words, Liuying couldn't help but speak. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"In your opinion, what does it mean to live happily?"

At this time, Liuying couldn't help asking.

"good question"

"Human consciousness is essentially an illusion"

"It is a prison called self-worth"[]

"People are induced by this illusion to make mistakes, but the consequences are borne by external things."

Sunday said this. His words were full of hatred for personal self-worth. In his imagination, if there was no such illusion, everything would be different. No one would need to move towards a common goal. Without self-worth, no one would need to prove anything. There would no longer be a scale for measurement, and people would not need to rush to realize their self-worth.

"The crowd is filled with mistakes, and it is impossible to trace them back.……"

"This time, the prisons together formed a prison, with a road called"Appropriate"���The natural law of survival."

Sunday said this.

This is his will

"And nature is always accompanied by plunder and sacrifice……"

"Its opposite is called order."

This is Sunday's attitude.

The opposite of order is nature, and the opposite of nature is order.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do."

"Submit the happiness of all beings to a single order"

"People no longer have to make bitter choices or face the weaknesses of human nature."

"Only in this way can we get rid of the bad habits of beasts and build a paradise for humans."

Sunday said, and he became more passionate at this time.

Obviously, he was very confident in the world he had conceived and thought it was perfect.

Most importantly, Sunday planned to spread this idea.

He wanted to get the approval of the people on the Star Train, because they were good people.

"Simply describing the idea is too abstract, so let me give you a simple example."

"As you may know, in some worlds there is a social operation system called two-day weekend or three-day weekend."

"During the hard-earned rest days, people can free themselves from the pressure of life and return to the peace of mind."

"Only on days like this do people not have to face the law of the jungle."

"Being able to live happily in these few short days"


"Compared to the long life, two or three days and nights are still too short."

Sunday also expressed his opinion at this time.

"In my opinion, the ideal system of society should be seven days off."

"Tomorrow after Sunday is the second, third, and forever another Sunday"

"This is what the new world will look like, a day of eternal peace with nothing to do."

At this moment, Sunday has already expressed his great vision

【Funina: Seven days off a week? That sounds tempting.】

【Nashida: The first day is Sunday, the second day is Sunday, the third day is Sunday, and so on until the seventh day is also Sunday.……】

【Kamisato Ayaka: So is this a rest? This is really comfortable!】

【Xing: Um...but we don’t go to work either?】

【Xing: We are always exploring and we don’t have any Sundays to rest!】

【March 7: Uh... Indeed, we rest when we want to, and don't rest when we don't want to.】

【Qingque: This is too!!! Isn’t it great?】

【Fu Xuan:...as expected.】

【Qingque: Every day is Sunday and we can play every day. Isn’t that too cool?】

【Gui Naifen: Are you not going to slack off anymore?】

【Su Shang: There is no need to slack off for this, right? Do you need to slack off during your break?】

【Qingque: Hmm! It would be more fun if I could secretly work while others are slacking off.】

【Fu Xuan:……】

【Gui Naifen: Why? Aren’t we all taking a break?】

【Qingque: Yes! Everyone has been resting! If I don’t rest at this time, isn’t it just another form of slacking off?】

【Su Shang: Xiao Guizi, you just grew up���Can I grow longer too?】

【Gui Naifen:...I threw away my brain a long time ago】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! Seven days off? Hmm... I feel like this makes it less fun.】

【Sambo: If everyone stops working, it will definitely make work less fun.】

【Gold Dust: That's great! I will take advantage of your rest and secretly monopolize all the wealth.】

【Topa: Great! Everyone else is resting, but you are secretly working on it, trying to surprise everyone, right?】

【Jizi: This kind of social system... I can't imagine it.……】


On the screen in front of me.

Sunday is still expressing his own views

"'Thus, everyone can return to their original place in paradise."

"Some people gaze at the Milky Way, concentrating on calculating the distance between the isolated world of Pegana and us."

"Some people hug each other in the corner, without having to bear extra responsibilities……"

"No need to endure the pain of reality"

"Only in this way can people face their destined ending with the highest purity and live a life full of dignity."

"This is the happiness of living."

Sunday's world is really tempting.

Such a response is indeed very tempting.

Then, Sunday looked at Liuying.

"Miss Liuying, you who suffer from entropy loss must understand what this means, right?"

Sunday asked at this time.

And such words also made Liuying immediately feel the huge temptation.

Not only Liuying, but also March Seven beside him scratched his head.

"It sounds like... it's invulnerable.……"

At this moment, they could not refute.

The ideal world envisioned by Sunday was indeed full of ideals.

When hearing such a world,

Liuying could not help but ask at this moment.

"Then... what is the price of all this?"

If I could really make my entropy disappear, it would definitely be a beautiful world.

But such beauty also alerted Liuying.

Everything has its pros and cons. Good things are not necessarily completely good, and they may also be full of costs.

She stared at Sunday with burning eyes.

At this moment, Sunday shook his head.

"The cost is negligible"

"Just a permanent martyrdom for me..."

"If this paradise is to be maintained for all, there must be one person who will be in solitary wakefulness until the end of the universe."

Sunday said this.

Obviously, Sunday was ready.

However, Liuying obviously caught a point in his words.

"wide awake…"

"In other words, that paradise is still a dream"

"Entering paradise means giving up reality, right?"

After understanding this, Liuying's attitude remained firm.

Obviously, she couldn't give up reality.

That was not what she wanted.

"This is not giving up, but transcending."

Sunday shook his head at this moment

"Flesh and blood"

"If matter is the root of spiritual suffering, then we should defeat it."

This is Sunday's attitude.

All living things can give up their bodies to welcome the final end.

The spirit is eternal and can achieve permanent eternity.

However, the firefly cannot accept the collection of

"But in such happiness, people have never overcome suffering, and have forever lost the opportunity to overcome suffering."

"In other words... this is escaping!!"

Liu Ying hit the nail on the head.

But Sunday did not refute

"You can think so, but there is no shame in escaping"

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