Huang Quan's words seemed extremely terrifying at this time.

And the people who gradually realized the truth.

At this moment, the cross-world chat group was already split.

【Xing: What do you mean? So we were already tricked from the very beginning?】

【March 7: Doesn't this mean that when the train jumped into Asdena, it was actually disturbed by the star core power?】

【Bronya: Does this star core actually possess such powerful power?】

【Jizi: I think there is a reason why this star core is more powerful than Yalilo VI.】

【Narcida: For example?】

【Dan Heng: On Yalilo VI, although the star core has been tempting, the great guardians of all generations have been resisting the temptation of the star core.】

【Dan Heng: But the star core of Pinocchio can do whatever it wants.】

【March 7: In other words, one has fully exerted his strength, while the other has not?】

【Jizi: That’s right!】

【Jizi: Not to mention, Asdena is a memory area.】

【Ji Zi: In this memory domain, it is easy to affect people's memory and perception】

【Funina: So it is the combination of these factors that has led to the current terrible situation?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I think that’s the case.】

【Xing: I just didn’t expect that after a circle, we are in the dream again.】

【March 7: It’s different. This is the narrow gap between reality and dream. It’s neither real nor illusory.】


On the screen.

It was still playing at this time.

Black Swan also directly explained the terrible situation at this time.

"In the paradise ruled by order"

"Everyone can achieve their own perfect dream and live happily."

"I think, except for that one flaw, what you experienced in your dream is still real."

"Only in this way can he help you reach your ideal destination: save Pinocchio from crisis and embark on the next pioneering journey."

【Xing: What does this mean? Is everything that happened before something that has happened before?】

【Qingque: It seems that there is some discrepancy.】

【Qingque: Putting aside other things, the general was definitely not summoned by you!】

【Qingque: At least before the real confrontation with the Lord God on the 10th day, you are all right.】

【Gui Naifen: At that time, they felt that their vision was a little blurry, and that should be the time to take action on Sunday.】

【Su Shang: That’s right! It was only later that the God appeared in the world. There is obviously a difference!】

【Bai Lu: Oh! I didn’t expect it to be so troublesome.】

【Portio: Damn it! Do you want this to end quickly and send the people away?】

【Fu Xuan: It seems so.】

【Fu Xuan: As long as the train leaves Pinocchio, the subsequent events will slowly fade away, and it will naturally be even more difficult to wake up.】

【Xing: I feel a headache for no apparent reason. Is this all calculated?】


On the screen in front of me.

Black Swan also continued to thank

"If Miss Huang Quan hadn't planned ahead of time, we might have been trapped in this dream forever."

Obviously, Huang Quan had already sensed

"Fortunately, the destiny of order controls everything, but cannot affect nothingness itself.

Huang Quan also seemed somewhat relieved.

"I also realized this when the dream master expelled me at all costs."

【Fu Xuan: It seems that everyone guessed wrong. Huang Quan can only affect Taiyi's dream.】

【Qingque: That’s right, if it wasn’t for this, the dream master wouldn’t have chased her away.】

【Hanabi: Woohoo! Others don’t even get this kind of treatment.】

【Shajin: That's true. Other fates are even worse. This situation is by no means accidental.】

【Black Tower: It seems like this is really a coincidence.】


At this time, the Black Swan also continued to speak

"This is why you felt strange when you were with her before."

"But I wasn't so lucky."

"Even as a rememberer, he is still affected by order and falls into hallucinations."

"However, thanks to your memory, we still have a chance to survive.

That memory is exactly what made Misha so strange.

【Xing: So, the Black Swan and I are in the same dream.】

【March 7: What about the others? Do they have problems too?】

【Dan Heng: I think that not everyone will be in the same dream】

【Dan Heng: After all, some dreams are beautiful, but for some people, it is not so.】

【Gold Dust: Good! As a member of the company, to be honest, I can’t accept that my world has become like this.】

【Topa: Is the company giving up on Pinocchio? How is that possible? Look at what they have done?】

【Bronya: Uh... this time, I really stand on the company's side.】

【Xing: Indeed, although the company has a bad reputation and is not well received, its management capabilities should be no problem.】

【Placer gold:……】

【Gallagher: Oh no! It's time to start all over again! I don't know if I can win this time.】

【Xing: I believe we will win, but how we will win is hard to say.】

【March 7: My head is full of headaches now.】

【Jizi: Now, I believe everyone is ready】


When everyone was enthusiastic, some people were in a difficult situation.

Some people in the Pinocchio family were just like this.

"Total failure!"

"The little loophole that had been hidden was also revealed at this time."

The dream master said.

He was very���

After planning for so long, I failed in the end.

"Mikhail!! Watchmaker!!"

""We shouldn't have used this name to get all the forces in the universe to come to the meeting!!"

Now, the dream master was a little bit furious.

Zhou Ri, who was standing next to him, also had a very ugly face at this time.

After all, they were the ones who planned all this, but now... things were completely different from what they imagined.

"Even if dreams and reality are intertwined, this can't succeed, how can it succeed?"

This failure was a huge blow to them.

If it weren't for this experience, everything would be different.

"Misha! That was the bad thing that happened in the dream bubble!"

The dream master directly pointed out the truth at this time.

"Now that you know that the bad guys are in Liumeng Reef, I think you should know what to do, right?"

He said indifferently.

When he said this, the intention in his words was very clear.

"go a head!"

"Neither Mikhail nor his dream bubble should exist."

The dream master was completely murderous at this time.

Since he couldn't get it, he would destroy it all.

"The heritage and will of pioneering!"

"This time, it shouldn't exist!"

The dream master has become indifferent at this moment.

All unstable factors must be eradicated first.

"I understand!"

Sunday said so.

Then, he was ready to take action.


But on that screen.

It was still the same at this time.

Huang Quan also revealed the source of the flaw.

"Even if mortals have the power of destiny, they cannot create a perfect world like God."

"That's why there are flaws in your dreams."

"In other words, as long as you can detect the abnormality of the world, your consciousness will have a chance to escape from the dream."

She said this

【March 7: Uh... Why does it feel like Xing doesn’t notice any other flaws except Misha?】

【Gold Sha: The company’s attitude is so clear, can you believe it?】

【Doctor Truth: It is hard to understand that the Genius Club is cooperating and intends to provide support.】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! Little Gray Hair doesn't know anything about this.】

【Xing: What can I do? I am not omniscient and omnipotent.】

【Xing: I was hit by some force just now, and I just woke up and told me that everything is settled.】

【Xing: I am still a hero, and I am about to leave Pinocchio... Do you think this change is fast?】

【March 7: Now that I think about it, it’s a little hard to react.】

【Mockingbird: No matter what, we must stop this from happening!!】

……(To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

On the screen with the traces, it was still playing.

"The flaw in your dream is Misha, who should not appear in reality.

Black Swan continued to speak along with Huang Quan's words.

"It was when I turned over this page of memory that I was sure of my���Also in illusion"[]

To be honest, the current situation can only be described as lucky!

If it weren't for so many coincidences, I would have been fooled.

Hearing this, Xing also directly expressed his attitude.

"We still have a chance to fight back!!"

【Xing: Yes! Since you have already woken up! Then there is still a chance!!】

【March 7: We will definitely beat Sunday!!】

【Liuying: Believe in everyone! Believe in everyone!】


Huang Quan in the picture also continued to speak his mind.

"Today, Sunday usurps the authority of the chorus (the embodiment of the unity of will) through the Harmony Ceremony."

"As a result, Asdena fell into Taiyi's dream, turning everyone equally into his notes.

Huang Quan said this terrible thing.

"But failure doesn't mean you are weaker"

"On the contrary, only strong people can stand against the beautiful dream and break the constraints of order."

"Now, we still have a chance"

"To make it a reality……"

As he spoke, Huang Quan looked at the black swan beside him.

"Miss Black Swan, please take us to meet those who are just as strong."

"Everyone, follow me."

Black Swan said, and prepared to lead the way.

【Qingque: It looks like it’s not just one person who has woken up!】

【Fu Xuan: That's a helper! I believe there will be many such helpers.】

【Yanqing: I believe that if we gather everyone's strength, there will be a good result in the end.】

【Jing Yuan: Hahaha! As long as we work together, we can definitely defeat the enemy!!】

【Shajin: So many people are blessing me! Let me guess who they are this time.】

【Gold Sand: There will be quite a few people on the train, including the Rememberer, the Void Commander, and perhaps a Sea Patrolman.】

【Botio: Hehehe! My dear! Isn't this configuration enough?】

【Gold Dust: Well! From a rational point of view, this is enough.】

【Xing: As long as you don't fall into a dream, God Lord's Day is definitely not your opponent!!】


On the screen,

Xing followed the black swan and prepared to leave.

But soon, she saw people standing by.

All of them had their eyes closed, not opening them at all.

The features of these people were also surprisingly consistent.

Their eyes were dull, and the corners of their mouths were slightly smiling.

It can be seen that they seemed to like this look very much.

"These people are…?"

Xing looked at them, a little confused at this time

"People who accept Taiyi's dream and indulge in the illusion of happiness……"

Huang Quan said helplessly.

Although I don't want to admit it, this is the reality.

"There is no way to shake the reason for their sleep for the time being, not even your clock trick can do it.

Huang Quan shook her head helplessly.

It seemed that the current situation was something she could not change.

"But we still have a chance to turn the situation around in other ways, so let's keep going.

Huang Quan is confident about the future.

If they are defeated on Sunday, then everything will turn around.

【Xing: It's over! Looking at these people, each one of them is difficult to deal with!】

【March 7: It’s really hard to deal with! People are all in their dreams, how do you deal with them?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Ah this……】

【Xing: This looks so scary! Help! Was I like this before?】

【Qingque: Hehehe! I think it's possible! After all, they are exactly the same.】

【Gui Naifen: Wow 430! If this can be filmed and live-streamed, it will definitely make a lot of money!】

【Su Shang: You don’t even have to go to Suiyuan】

【Huo Huo: Suiyuan is not a place where you can just barge in, so don’t do that!】

【Xing: Uh... are you going to film a weird story?】

【March 7: Okay, okay! Let's go quickly!

They were eager to leave at this time.

However, at this moment, Xing still caught a glimpse of the words in front of those people.

【This is the promised land we have been waiting for!】

【It’s done! It’s done!】

【We are following your will!】

【Blessed are those who sleep!】

【You responded to me! You responded to me!】

【You and I are in paradise together! 】

These words really made people feel creepy.


Xing followed Black Swan and Huang Quan to the hall.

"We are here."

Huang Quan said.

Then, Xing saw the robin here.

This was very unexpected.

【Bluebird: Is it Miss Robin? She woke up so soon?】

【March 7: You are indeed a big star! I like you more and more!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Is this true? How did you do this?】

【Narcida: That's amazing! I didn't expect Miss Mockingbird to wake up!】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! The robins are awake! Little Gray~】

【Fu Xuan: This should not be an accidental event, it is likely to be inevitable.】

【Jing Yuan: Yes! It has something to do with Sunday. I believe that is why I woke up.】

"Finally, you are here."

As he said this, the robin looked at everyone.

"Let's meet Miss Robin.

Huang Quan also introduced

"She is the one who awakened from Taiyi's dream by her own will."

"It is also this strong lady who has tirelessly led us here with her singing."

【Xing: OK! That's amazing! As expected! It's really strong!】

【Furninda: Ah, this... could such a thing happen?】

【Bluebird: Did everyone wake up under the guidance of Miss Robin?】

【Fu Xuan: Is this... because of the harmonious singing? In the midst of order, this is the greatest discord.】

【Gold Dust: Tsk, tsk, tsk! Is that the only discordant sound? It's really amazing!】

【Shajin: I didn't expect that she, who is not a envoy, could achieve this level.】

【Xing: If that's the case, then our battle with God's Day will depend on the robin!】

【March 7: After all, Sunday is her brother, so it’s not a good idea to say that, right?】

【Robin: Don't worry, everyone! Please help me! Wake up my brother!

�� Facing Huang Quan.

At this time, the robin also seemed very humble.

"The reason I was able to wake up is the same as yours."

"In my dream, I experienced things that would never happen in real life.……"

When she said this, there was an expression of disbelief on her face.

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