【Xing: Not as a savior, but as an unknown guest among mortals?】

【Nashida: This identity is indeed possible! I think the only ones who can save them are themselves.】

【Navilette: Indeed, it was sublimated in an instant.】

【Funina: Pinocchio must be saved by Pinocchio himself! There is no doubt about that.】

【Nilu: There are many ordinary people, they are all ordinary heroes】

【Kamisato Ayaka: This is too... truly shocking!】

【March 7: I really feel like this is a very high level of enlightenment.】

【Xing: Yeah! The high one is like entering the gear】

【Jizi: This is history from the perspective of ordinary people!】

【Ji Zi: Heroes will emerge from among them, and these heroes themselves come from among them】

【Walter: Everyone can be a hero. Everyone has this opportunity.】

【Varta: Their future should not be defined by others! They themselves should not be defined by others!】

【Xing: That's right! I think Pinocchio no longer needs a [Watchmaker]!】

【Xing: They never need any heroes! Because they themselves are heroes!!】

【Gallagher: Hahaha! Is that so? Indeed, if there is no so-called savior, they will not feel helpless when the savior leaves.】

【Gallagher: Once Mikhail leaves Pinocchio, the family will no longer take advantage of him.】


At this moment, a dazzling white light circle fell to the ground.

From it, a hint of bright white could still be seen.

Huang Quan also continued to speak.

"In this way, you will definitely be able to meet in the sun."

This is Huang Quan's expectation.

The one who saves Pinocchio is not to become the next family.

Nor is he to become the next God Lord's Day!!

Pinocchio does not need a family.

Nor does he need the [order] above people's heads like God Lord's Day.

Without a family, there is no [order], which is very important to many people.

Huang Quan is also looking at the stars in front of him attentively at this moment.

"The rain is starting to get heavier."

"Before we part, let me ask you a few questions.

Huang Quan said this.

Then, she began to ask

"In the beautiful dreams so far."14"You have established unbreakable connections with many people and many things"

"Excuse me, are you afraid of severing this connection with your own hands?"

Huang Quan asked

"I won't be afraid."

This is Xing's response.

But at the same time, it is also surprising.

【Qingque: What does this mean?】

【Gold Dust: Cut off this connection with your own hands? Do you want to kill the other party?】

【Botio: Darling! Are all Huang Quan's questions so explosive?】

【Black Swan: I think Huang Quan is not asking these questions.】

【Black Swan: Every time you go to a place, you will meet different people】

【Black Swan: You may encounter many of these people】

【Black Swan: But in the same way, not some people will accompany you throughout the journey】

【March 7: I see! If that's the case, I can understand.】

【March 7: Probably people like Bronya, Natasha, and Sil Clara, right?】

【Bronya: Yes! Although we were unable to continue sailing together, I will never forget the time we met.】

【Xi'er: At this time, do we need to talk about this topic? Anyway, if you pass by, remember to come back and take a look】

【Liuying: Does this count as leaving a significant mark in a person’s life?】

【March 7: Yeah! That’s about it!】

【Xing: I think, even if some people may leave, we will still remember why we set out in the first place.】

【Furninna: Huh...it seems to be starting to burn.】

【Botio: Hahaha! Good, good, good! The pioneering nameless guest is indeed interesting. You have the potential to be a ranger.】


At this time, after Huang Quan got the response, she continued to ask questions.

Her questions seemed to have a lot of

"If there is a huge dream"

"It is realistic enough to be indistinguishable from reality"

"There is no life and death there"

"Everyone can harvest the happiness and contentment they deserve and live happily forever."

""Excuse me, would you like to live there?"

Huang Quan asked again.

This time, the question seemed to correspond to the illusory dream.

The dream had become illusory.

Similarly, it was very similar to the present.

But no matter how beautiful the dream was, it was not reality after all.

Therefore, Xing's answer was also very decisive.

"No matter what, I don't want to live in a dream."

Xing said this.

She shook her head.

【Furninda: Ah, this... isn't this the world described by Sunday?】

【Qingque: Xing believed it at that time……】

【Xing: Accident! It was definitely an accident! It's not true!!】

【Nashida: Anyway, this kind of thing is really touching!】

【March 7: No matter how realistic and beautiful the unreal dream is, it is not reality after all! Even if you want to escape for a while, you can't escape forever, right?】

【Xing: Anyway, I can’t accept it.】

【Robin: I still hope that everyone can wake up from their sweet dreams】

【Robin: Although reality is cruel, it is not always like this】


After two questions in a row,

Huang Quan asked for the third time.

"What if this beautiful dream is destined to be shattered!"

"Everything will go away"

"Friends, family, strangers……"

"Then the brisk wind, the flying birds"

"The stars... and finally you���"

"Everyone, everyone in their memory"

"Those smiles and tears, completed and unfulfilled promises, will eventually move towards the predetermined ending."

"If you knew the destination when you started your journey,……"

Huang Quan paused when she said this.

This is to lose everything.

Everything will be lost.

Everything will end.

Nothing will be left... and this ending has long been known.……

""Excuse me, will you still embark on this journey?"

Huang Quan continued to ask.

This was not a simple question.

From these questions, one could already feel the will emanating from Huang Quan.

"I will continue to explore without hesitation!!"

At this time, Xing's eyes were determined to the extreme.

She had already made a decision, and could even say that she had thought of everything.

From the moment she embarked on the journey, many decisions had actually been made long ago.

And Xing did not regret it.

【Xing: What if you knew that everyone would lose?】

【March 7: This question is a bit heavy! But you still made a choice】

【Walnut: You will embark on this journey without hesitation! This is indeed rare, and it is a great decision!】

【Funina: Is the final ending a bad one? I don’t think all stories will end like this, right?】

【Nashida: It’s hard to say! After all, who can see their own future?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Their star core hunters seem to be able to……】

【Nashida:...That was an exception.】

【Aratake Ichito: Do you know the ending? This question is hehe!】

【Gallagher: Mikhail would have done the same thing. If there is any craziest anonymous person, he should be one of them.】

【Mockingbird: I think...everyone is going to die, sooner or later.】

【Mockingbird: We are not afraid of the tragic ending, but we are afraid of doing nothing in the process leading to the ending.】


On the screen in front of him, after hearing Xing's answer,

Huang Quan also nodded.

"I'm happy, the answer doesn't matter"

"What matters is that you have made a decision."

She said so.

Maybe everyone will find their own answer.

Such an answer may only benefit them.

"Listen, touch, think……"

"This is how you get the feeling"

"Cherish it!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"By feeling we exist,"

"This is also the only answer that humans can give in the face of nothingness.

Huang Quan said this.

Her words were filled with too much meaning.

【Ying: The answer is not important!】[]

【Kong: What’s important is what choice you make!】

【Black Tower: This is interesting! Perhaps this is the so-called meaning for Huang Quan?】

【Black Tower: From these few words, some people make choices, some people make decisions】

【Black Swan: There is no right answer, as long as people do���The moment you make a choice and think it makes sense, it's over.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: This... sounds like it's pretty good】

【March 7: Hehehe! After all, the result doesn’t matter】

【Gold Dust: Is it different from nothingness? This is really interesting.】


Huang Quan was still talking at this time.

"If nothingness is the most primitive fear and trembling of life"

"Any noble belief seems insignificant under his huge shadow.……"

"Then, behind this shadow, there must be the most powerful light source in the world."

"Just like every life that is heading towards death, it is growing vigorously towards the end of nothingness.……"

"We chase after the first light."

Huang Quan's words immediately made people sigh with emotion.

【March 7: I feel like Huang Quan is not the illusory messenger at all!】

【Xing: Indeed, I feel like Huang Quan is the one who is looking for meaning.】

【Black Tower: The Void Commander is looking for meaning? This is just a strange thing.】

【ScrewGum: There are still many things in this universe that we cannot understand.】

【Screwgoom: The same is true for the mysterious star god.】

【Ruan Mei: Perhaps, this story will provide us with some new ideas.】


On that screen, there was still a flickering picture.

It was as if at this moment we had returned to the time when the Blood Guilt Spirit

"Although I am in the void, I still want to watch people leave the void.……"

Tiernan said this.

He only felt sad about the current situation.

"What an absurd and meaningless mission."

He said so.

And Huang Quan also gave his attitude directly.

"But someone has to do it"

"As for the meaning of what you said……"

"Even without it, I have come this far, haven't I?"

Huang Quan said this. Even if it is meaningless, she still has to move forward.

This is related to her past, and that past is something she doesn't want to touch.

"Even if the future you create may not belong to you?"

Tiernan continued to ask.

"It may not belong to me, but it will definitely belong to someone."

Huang Quan's words already have a full sense of dedication.

She is no longer acting for her own personal significance.

What she does now is full of altruism.

"How hard your past must have been.……"

Tiernan sighed

【Funina: People who can have such thoughts are indeed extraordinary!】

【Nashida: That's right, the past is so elusive.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I can even feel that Huang Quan has stumbled along the way and experienced too many tragic things.】

【Furninna: But even so, does she still maintain this kindness?】

【March 7: Wow! You guys are so moved that I am about to cry!!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: No matter what, it is indeed very touching.】

【Star: Just like���Like a little angel】

【Robin: We are lucky to have Huang Quan here.】

【Robin: Without her, I think it would be difficult to achieve results.】

【Black Swan: A virtual messenger whose actions have given rise to great significance】


Tiernan on the screen couldn't help but ask

"In that case, let me do something meaningless.……"

"Finally, please tell me your name."

Tiernan asked.

This matter is indeed meaningless.

After all, knowing the meaning will not bring any influence or change.

Huang Quan:...

Tiernan saw Huang Quan's hesitation.

Then, he continued

"Maybe next moment……"

"My existence will disappear……"

"No one will remember this conversation, or your answer.……"

The bloody soul that is ready to be liberated still wants to know

"But I still believe...your name should be remembered……"

Tiernan said so

"And this universe...will also remember it." There was a certain heaviness in such a voice.

【Xing: So Huang Quan can say his own name?】

【Furninna: I think she should be able to do it. After all, it’s just a name.】

【Nashida: Could it be that after Huang Quan was contaminated by the power of nothingness, he has already forgotten it?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Huh?……】

【Xing: Don’t say that it’s really possible】

【Gold Dust: The Void Commander doesn't have his own name... Hmm! This possibility exists.】

【Portio: My dear! Not only does it exist, it has always been there, right?】

【Heita: Yes! There is this possibility】

【Xing: I felt like the knife suddenly came up!……】

【Black Swan: Hmm! There is some deep meaning】


On that screen.

Huang Quan also spoke at this time.

"Some things I find hard to remember"

"But there are some things I can't forget……"

"This is memory"

"It is something created in the past, but can blossom into meaning in the distant future."

"I still remember"

"That was the beginning of my journey"

"It is the origin of red in my life"

"It is the most intense and passionate thing in every storm.……"

"That's my name……"

""Raiden Wangchuan Shou Meiyi!!"

Huang Quan said with great determination.

Obviously, this name is very important to her.

And such a name seems to be with Huang Quan for a long time.

【Xing: Have you never forgotten your name?】

【March 7: I don’t know how much time has passed, but I can feel Huang Quan’s determination!】

【Black Swan: Can't forget it no matter what? This is so interesting】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! It looks like this is a past that no one knows about.】

【Gold sand: It has been able to survive in the void until now, which can be regarded as a kind of gold content.】

【Walter: Mei……】

【March 7: Uncle Yang, what's wrong with you? Are you familiar with this name?】

【Walter: Yeah! I remembered the old friend, but now everything is fine.】

【Jizi: Maybe they are just similar people, not necessarily the same person.】

【Walter: Maybe.】


On that screen.

Huang Quan, who had asked all the questions, was now extremely serious.

In this empty space, drops of rain began to fall.

It was raining.

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