【Arata Ichito: So that's how it is. Fang Yuan did it for his people! Lord Fang Yuan really loves】

【El Haisen: Is Fang Yuan really a good person? So many people are cheering for him.】

【March 7: How come this happened? Or is Fang Yuan really a good person?!】

【Paimeng: I don't understand Paimeng, but judging from the dialogue, it should be……】


Fang Yuan came to the secret cave and a crudely made stone door appeared in front of him.

"The Golden Centipede Cave will kill you, but you can use the Earth Listening to avoid disaster." Fang Yuan raised the torch and found some words engraved on the stone door.

Earth Listening...

Golden Centipede...

Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes, and his eyes flashed for a while, and he had a vague understanding.

"If I'm right……"He squatted down and touched the ground with his hands. Soon he felt a moist patch of soil in front of the stone gate.

"Got it."He was slightly delighted, and dug up the soil with his hands, and indeed found a Ksitigarbha flower.

Carefully, he pulled apart the petals. He took out a Gu worm from the center of the flower.

This Gu worm was quite special.

It was like a human ear, only smaller, and the whole body was earthy yellow. It was shriveled and dull. It was a little shriveled in the hand, like a pickled radish, with a little warmth.

Around the ear, rhizomes extended outward. These slender roots, dozens of them, looked like ginseng roots.

This was a second-level grass Gu, and people called it - Earth Listening Meat Ear Grass.

Looking at the Earth Listening Meat Ear Grass in his hand, Fang Yuan's eyes flashed a few times.

This Earth Listening Meat Ear Grass came in time and could be used for reconnaissance. It was just right for him.

One of the great advantages of the Earth Listening Meat Ear Grass was that the reconnaissance distance was as far as 300 steps, which was quite outstanding among the second-level reconnaissance Gu worms.

However, there was a certain price to pay to use this Gu worm.

At night, Fang Yuan looked indifferent and reached out to grab the dagger. The sharp blade was shining coldly, and could be used as a mirror.

In the dim light, the boy's eyebrows were reflected on the dagger, revealing a kind of coldness.

At this moment, Fang Yuan couldn't help but think of a martial arts secret book on Earth,"Sunflower Manual".》

《The first sentence on the first page of the Sunflower Manual is"If you want to practice this skill, castrate yourself."

To gain quick power, you must give up and sacrifice!

So what if you castrate yourself?

Without such a cruel decision and sacrifice, how can you achieve your ambitions and realize your hegemony?

Wanting to get something without paying is a fairy tale that deceives children.

In Fang Yuan's current situation, what does it matter if he pays a little price to use this ground listening meat ear grass! ?

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan suddenly sneered.

Generally speaking, during this process, the Gu Master will use some other Gu insects to paralyze his nerves. But Fang Yuan does not have such conditions, and can only rely on his own iron willpower to carry it.

After all, it is a young man's body. Fang Yuan endured such severe pain, and his body began to shake.

More and more roots extended into the wound. Slowly, the ground listening meat ear grass and the bloody wound adhered together, becoming Fang Yuan's new right ear.

In the end, the wound no longer bleeds, and there is not even a scar.

But Fang Yuan's face was pale, the pain only slightly reduced, still tormenting him


【Paimon: That's so cruel. I feel pain just thinking about cutting my own ear with a knife.】

【Wendy: @Paimon you can try putting a toothpick between your toenails and kicking it against the wall】

【Paimon: Jiumengzi, what are you up to? Stop talking. I already feel the pain. Who says words can't convey pain?……】

【Arata Ichito: As expected of Lord Fang Yuan... If you want to get something without paying anything, that's just deceiving a child. I've learned another sentence.】


A few days later, one night, a wave of wolves suddenly launched an attack. Fang Yuan ignored it. The sound outside the window reached his ears. Others were fighting for life and death. As you can imagine, there was a rainstorm and thunder outside the mountain village. The Gu Master and the wolf pack formed a lively and extraordinary stage. No matter which role it was, they were showing the true colors of life to the fullest.

Life is a play, and it is a good play. But Fang Yuan did not realize that he was in the play at all.

Instead, he felt an unspeakable loneliness.

Boundless loneliness.

This is not because he is a time traveler, a reborn person, and he carries a secret that cannot be told.

But everyone is born lonely!

People are like floating ice islands, floating in the ocean of fate.

The encounter between people is like the collision between floating ice islands. As long as there is a collision, there will be an impact.

Sometimes, the floating ice islands stick to each other with"interests"."、"Family"、"Friendship"、"love"、"In the name of"hatred".

But in the end, they will all separate and go to destruction alone.

This is the truth of life.

Unfortunately, people are always afraid of loneliness, always greedy for lively crowds, and never want to do nothing.

Because when they face loneliness, they often face pain.

But once they can face this pain, they often have talent and courage. So. There is a saying - outstanding people must be lonely

"This is the taste of loneliness. Every time I taste it, I become more determined to pursue the path of magic!" Fang Yuan's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but think of the story of Ren Zu.


【Jiefeng Zhenjun: Those who are outstanding must be lonely……】

【Otto: It's getting more and more exciting. The strong are lonely. I agree.】

【Zhongli: From a universal rational point of view, only those who can always face loneliness can be outstanding. The reason why we are not outstanding enough is because we are afraid of loneliness. When we have a little achievement, we think about sharing it. When we are sad, we find someone to complain to... Isn't this just an escape?】

【Yae Shinko: What are you saying... I'm still more curious about the human ancestor's inheritance.]

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