In his previous life, Fang Yuan founded the Blood Wing Demon Sect. He wanted to refine the Blood God Son, not the Spring and Autumn Cicada. Unfortunately, the world is helpless. For various reasons, he had to settle for the next best thing and refine the Spring and Autumn Cicada.

There were tens of thousands of these Blood Droplets. They swept across the battlefield like a hurricane, and wherever they went, the wolves howled.

They swept left and right and drilled into the body of the lightning wolf. In just a few breaths, the blood of the lightning wolf was sucked dry by the Blood Droplets.

But this beast blood could not decompose the Blood Droplets. Only the blood of the Gu Master containing the true essence could have this effect. The lightning wolves were drained into mummies and fell to the ground, losing their life force.

In a few breaths, the crisis was resolved.

Afterwards, considering that the wolves had a grudge, the Gu Yue tribe leader wanted to catch up and kill them all, and at the same time make up for the loss of the Gu worms, because the wolves had Gu worms on them , so he led everyone to chase after them. Fang Yuan thought about it and decided to chase after them. He wanted to see where the blood droplet came from. In his previous life, he was of low status and didn't know many secrets in the village.

But who knew that he would meet Bai Ningbing on the way there.

Bai Ningbing was very excited at this time.

Seeing that Fang Yuan was still the same, she started fighting with Fang Yuan in an instant. The two were surrounded by wolves while fighting. Fang Yuan's expression changed and he found a wolf.

It is said that wolves and wolves are in cahoots, wolves and wolves are in cahoots. Wolves are offensive creatures, and wolf-wolves with short limbs can only be carried by wolves, but wolf-wolves have extremely high intelligence, even higher than humans, and are good at using various strategies.

The moment Fang Yuan saw the wolf's wolf-wolf, he had already wanted to retreat, but at this time he had been surrounded by wolves.


【Yae Godson: Fang Yuan is indeed not a good person! He founded the Demonic Cult in his previous life! He killed countless people!】

【Arata Ichito: @Yajyoshin, you can’t say that. Now that Fang Yuan has been reborn, those people are alive too. It means he didn’t kill them, right?】

【Otto: God's theory! It seems to be true】

【Zhongli: Generally speaking, I killed these people, and then I was reborn. That doesn't mean I didn't kill them.】

【Ganyu: Wow! I can't even refute it!】

【Shen He: I actually think it makes sense!】


In such a desperate situation, Fang Yuan could not escape alone. However, he wanted to dissuade Bai Ningbing from cooperating with him. However, he understood Bai Ningbing's kind of person. If he wanted to persuade him to cooperate, he could not play by common sense.

He said:"Bai Ningbing, don't you want to witness the wonderfulness of this world?"

After saying this, Fang Yuan did not say anything more.

Even if Fang Yuan really died in this wolf tide, he would not regret it.

Because he had fought for his goal, worked hard, and lived everything according to his own wishes! Only when you put down life and death, you can see the greatness of life and be truly free and unrestrained.

Bai Ningbing was shocked when he heard this! He kept saying that he was not afraid of death, but he was not really free and easy, but he could not see through and let go of life and death.

When a person is afraid, he becomes a slave.

Think of him, Bai Ningbing, as just a slave under life and death.

But this is not his fault, after all, he is still too young. Many things require a lot of experience before you can really see through them.

However, Fang Yuan's words really opened a window for him who had been entangled in this.

"Witness the excitement... Already on the road... No regrets even if I die?" Bai Ningbing murmured, and suddenly asked,"Road! What is the road?"

Fang Yuan sneered and continued to approach:"Everyone has his own road. I don't need to tell you my road. How can I know your road?"

In this world, many people have no road from birth to death. Some people walk on the road, constantly groping, and walk towards the holy place in their hearts in the darkness.

Bai Ningbing's sky blue eyes suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

"Road...Yes, I will find my way!" At this moment, the excitement in his heart was incomprehensible to others.

It was like a man who had been pursuing a girl desperately but failed, and suddenly one day he found the right way. It was also like a treasure hunter who was blocked at the last checkpoint for a long time, and suddenly one day he found a way to break through the checkpoint. It was also like solving a difficult problem, thinking hard for several years without any progress, and suddenly found the right way to solve the problem.

Bai Ningbing had no way and could not find the meaning of life, so he was confused. Fang

Yuan could not directly resolve his confusion, but he hinted at it and gave him hope. He gave him a way to comfort and counsel him when facing death - as long as he was on the road, he would not regret it even if he died, and death would not be scary.

"I feel like I'm about to find my way!" Bai Ningbing clenched her fists, her expression becoming extremely excited.


At the same time, somewhere not far from Xingxiu Immortal Venerable, outside in the gray, a man in a red Taoist robe and a copper coin mask appeared. Xingxiu Immortal Venerable's face suddenly turned cold.

It was because this lunatic rushed towards him madly when he saw him, and said something:"Let's not separate anymore, okay, Miaomiao."

Fortunately, Xingxiu Immortal Venerable's killing move can isolate everything and isolate the surroundings, so as to stop this lunatic outside.

Xingxiu Immortal Venerable's killing move can teleport people to an unknown place, but the consequence of using it is that you will go there with the teleported person, and then the two will lose their cultivation and become ordinary people. They need to start from the beginning to practice to the Immortal Venerable to get rid of it. Otherwise, Xingxiu Immortal Venerable would not have used it if it was not to protect the people in the Heavenly Court. It

's just that the lunatic in front of him kept talking nonsense, which made Xingxiu Immortal Venerable extremely irritated.

"Miaomiao, have you forgotten your husband? It’s me, Li Huowang!"

"Why don't you say anything? Don't be angry, I didn't mean it...your family……"

"I was wrong. I'm sorry.……"

Fang Yuan on the side said:"My dear Xingxiu Immortal's husband, I've never seen him before."

Xingxiu Immortal Venerable glared at Fang Yuan:"Liantian Demon Venerable, shut up! When I practice to restore you, you will die without a burial place!"

Under this killer move, you can only rely on your own qualifications to practice and cannot attack each other. Xingxiu Immortal Venerable heard that Liantian Demon Venerable only had Class C qualifications at the beginning, so he thought of this killer move.

This killer move can make people start from scratch.

"Hehe." Liantian Demon Venerable sneered. In the eyes of Li Huowang outside, Fang Yuan was threatening Xingxiu Immortal Venerable, and he was directly angry.

"It's you again! Wait for me when I get back!"

"Oh?" Hearing Li Huowang's words, Fang Yuan realized something and looked at him with doubt.

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