A quarter of an hour ago... gurgling.

The Yuanquan whirlpools rose and fell, and a lotus flower seemed to appear and disappear in the spring water. Fang Yuan threw pieces of Yuanshi into the water, making the image of the Tianyuan Treasure Lotus clearer and clearer.

"The ten thousand Yuan stones donated at the previous class reunion, plus the forty thousand Yuan stones provided by Gu Yue Mo Chen in installments, have all been invested. How come this Tian Yuan Bao Lian hasn't shown its entity yet?"

Fang Yuan concentrated his mind and looked at the Yuan Quan through the crystal wall with some doubts.

Tian Yuan Bao Lian is very precious. After it is promoted to the sixth level, its value is not inferior to that of Chan.

Even in Fang Yuan's previous life, he had only heard of it but never touched it.

Therefore, this life is his first time to touch it, and it is inevitable that he has some doubts.

But he quickly calmed down and laughed:"A total of fifty thousand Yuan stones are more than enough. Why am I so worried? Even if the refining fails, so what? Hehehe."

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, took a deep breath, and jumped up, hitting the crystal wall.

This wall was transformed by the Tongqian Gu.

Fang Yuan hit it, just like jumping into the water. Ripples appeared on the wall, swallowing him up in an instant.

The spring water immediately enveloped Fang Yuan from all directions. Fang Yuan opened his eyes in the water, but could not see the Tianyuan Treasure Lotus.

Before the Tianyuan Treasure Lotus was picked, it could only be seen through the crystal and by the naked eye.

Fang Yuan had expected this and was not surprised. He had estimated the distance before, and even calculated the refraction factor of the light, and reached out his hand to grab it according to his memory.

This grab was like a magic trick, A lotus appeared in the middle of the spring. The lotus was blue and white, with closed petals, plump like a lamp, and full of holy breath. But it had its own consciousness. Although it was caught in Fang Yuan's hand, it resisted faintly.

But it didn't matter!

A slight leak of the cicada's breath allowed this third-level flower Gu to be refined by Fang Yuan in an instant.

The Tianyuan Treasure Lotus was obtained!

In the spring water, Fang Yuan's mouth curled up a smile.

With a thought, the Tianyuan Treasure Lotus turned into a blue and white light in his empty cavity.

Without the Tianyuan Treasure Lotus, the countless whirlpools in the Yuanquan suddenly dissipated. The spring water that was originally full of vitality seemed to have become a pool of stagnant water at this moment, without any ripples.

"The Yuanquan has been destroyed. I can't stay here for long. I have to take the opportunity to escape. Fang Yuan's expression turned solemn. However, just when he wanted to return the same way, something strange happened!

In the depths of the Yuanquan, a dazzling blood light suddenly burst out.

A huge suction force suddenly arose, and Fang Yuan was caught off guard and was transferred to the depths of the spring.

The spring water suddenly turned red and turned into blood, wrapping Fang Yuan tightly and pulling him down.

Tianpeng Gu! Leiyi Gu!

At the critical moment, Fang Yuan shouted in his heart.

The mountain wall was a bit slippery and it was not easy to land. But Fang Yuan relied on the sawtooth golden centipede and barely found a rough section and stood on it.

"What the hell is this place?"After temporarily stabilizing his body, Fang Yuan immediately looked around.

According to the direction, this should be deeper underground, below the underground cave.

"How could there be such a place? Fang Yuan was surprised. In his previous life, he was not at a high level and had not been exposed to the secrets of the high level.

In fact, this was the Blood Lake Cemetery, a secret forbidden place where the coffins of a generation of clan leaders were buried. Even among the elders, only one or two knew this secret.

Fang Yuan looked down, and the blood lake was full of red light. The area was larger than the mountain village, revealing a strange and terrifying atmosphere.

On the top of the cave, hundreds of holes were constantly washed down by water, carrying scallops, turtles, snakes, fish and other wild animals in the underground river.

Hualalalal... streams of water poured down from the holes on the top of the wall intermittently and fell into the blood lake.

As the blood water churned, countless fish and shrimps fluttered and fell into the blood lake. After a few breaths, all the blood in their bodies was drained and they became mummies, appearing and disappearing on the lake surface with the blood-colored waves.

The blood lake became even more red.

Fang Yuan looked at it, his pupils slightly contracted. If he fell into this blood lake, even with the protection of Tianpeng Gu, I'm afraid his fate would be worrying.

He looked carefully, in addition to the fresh mummies, some bones occasionally appeared in the blood waves.

There were small pieces of fish bones, huge bear bones, and obviously human skeletons.

This was a huge burial ground, weird and bloody.

The blood lake rolled and washed the surrounding walls. The bright red blood penetrated into the surrounding soil, making the surrounding soil all dyed red, forming red soil.


【Paimon: Fang Yuan got what he wanted but he still doesn't leave. Why?→_→】

【Wendy: @Paimeng, was it me who drank too much or you, didn't you see what happened?】

【Paimon: @Wendy, the wine drinker!】

【Master Jiefeng: What happened? Why is the clan leader's place so strange? Could this generation be a demon?】

【Arata Ichito: Master Fang Yuan has achieved his goal. What will he do next? Where will he go? I am looking forward to it!】

【Jiuqi Shinobu: @荒鳷一斗, the boss is crazy! 】

At this moment, the light screen changed again.

【The following exposure

"04.23, eating ice cream with Fang Yuan, sweet and delicious, Fang Yuan even helped me wipe my mouth"

"04.24, went to Shangjia with Fang Yuan to discuss the mountain. The warmest place in the world is in Shangjia's martial arts arena."

"04.26, went to Sanwang Mountain with Fang Yuan, someone was practicing Immortal Gu there"

"04.25, went to Heaven with Fang Yuan, Xingxiu Xianzun was very scary, but with Fang Yuan around, he wasn't scary anymore"

"Fang Yuan is the best"——Wonderful girl

"Fang Yuan, I'm pregnant……"】

Everyone: ???

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