Fang Yuan heard this and ran even faster.

Gu Yue Yidai let out a sigh. He had not expected that Fang Yuan was so young and slippery that he could see through his malicious intentions. At that moment, he thought about it and another group of nearly a hundred blood bats chased Fang Yuan.

His distraction allowed Tiexue Leng to see a flaw that was not a flaw.

Heaven and Earth Sound Gu!


The giant puppet opened its mouth and let out a roar that shook the nine heavens. In an instant, a magnificent and vast sound wave formed, washing over the four fields and eight poles, like a thunderous roar. The knife-winged blood bat Gu that was close was immediately killed by this powerful sound and fell down one after another.

The blood bats that were farther away were also shocked and flew up and down in the air.

The blood bat army that was originally dense fell apart in an instant and could no longer do anything in a short period of time. The

Heaven and Earth Sound Gu was as high as the fifth level and was a group attack weapon. It was best at dealing with the attack of the blood bat group. Tiexue Leng used it before, but the power was not obvious. He deliberately restrained himself. Now with the help of the giant puppet, the true power of the Heaven and Earth Grand Sound Gu was finally released.

Even the blood drops in the sky were blown up countless times. The diffuse blood mist dissipated, and it was clear again.

The sound waves hit the surrounding mountain walls, and the entire space and the entire mountain were shaking violently.

With the giant puppet as the center, the surface of the blood lake was squeezed downward, and the entire blood lake formed a bowl shape. The blood overflowed the cave entrance and poured into it.

But before that, the sound waves had reached it.

Fang Yuan also suffered because of this, and the white light virtual armor flashed for a while, and almost collapsed. In order to resist this sound wave, the true essence in the empty cavity suddenly decreased by more than 10%.

The sound wave echoed in the narrow cave, and Fang Yuan's ears kept buzzing. He staggered and almost fell to the ground. However, this sound wave was also helpful to him.

The two groups of blood bats chasing him, the second wave had been annihilated, and the first wave was stunned by the sound waves, and flew around in the cave for a while, unable to chase Fang Yuan.


【Young Master: No, our ancestors even attacked their own descendants!】

【Otto: I knew it! There are no good people in the Gu world!】

【Arata Ichito: @Sir, you guessed wrong. Fortunately, my Lord Fang Yuan ran fast, otherwise it would be dangerous.】

【Shen He: @Jiefeng Zhenjun, Master, you finally guessed it right once】

【Borrowing the Wind:……】


Not to be missed, Fang Yuan took the opportunity to run and distance himself from the blood bats.

This group of blood bats was the farthest from the source of the sound, and they quickly recovered, flapping their two pairs of wings and starting the chase again.

There were nearly a hundred blood bats in the group, all of which were at the third level. Fang Yuan could not contend with them, so he had to run away.

Previously, he thought the cave was dark and he didn't know where it led to. But when his eyes gradually adapted, he could see the situation in the cave vaguely.

It was all due to the faint light emitted by the red soil.

Although the Thunder Wing Gu had become unreliable, it could at least add a little help, and Fang Yuan tried his best to activate it.

But even so, the speed difference between the two sides was large, and the distance was quickly shortened.

"The distance is almost right, it's time to use the Autumn Cicada!" Fang Yuan gritted his teeth, watching the blood bats approaching, he could only resort to this last resort! The

Blade-winged Blood Bat Gu is only the third level, the breath of the sixth level Gu can scare them to death. But Tiexue Leng and Gu Yue's generation are not far away. Once the

Autumn Cicada comes out, it will inevitably cause a strange phenomenon, and the movement is too loud, enough to attract the attention of both of them.

But Fang Yuan is also helpless. In the current situation, he can only hope that the two sides are in a stalemate in the battle and cannot be distracted.

Squeak, squeak, squeak...

The blood bats are approaching, and are less than a hundred steps away.

Fang Yuan exhaled a breath of turbid air, and said in his heart:"Spring and Autumn Cicada, come out!"

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Fang Yuan was stunned, standing where he was, the Autumn Cicada was firmly in the empty cavity, emitting a gorgeous yellow-green light.

"How could this happen?!" Fang Yuan was shocked.

The sky in the distance was dimly lit.

Dawn had arrived.

On the hillside, Gu Yuebo and the three clan leaders of the Bai and Xiong families stood side by side.

"Although the real three-tribe competition is still tomorrow, the preliminaries are still necessary. The two of you, the time is just right, can we start?"The head of the Xiong family said with a smile.

The head of the Bai family snorted coldly and ignored him.

"Then let's get started."Gu Yuebo replied absentmindedly. He shifted his gaze to the Gu Masters gathered at the foot of the hillside. After a careful search, he still did not find Fang Yuan.

This made him even more worried.

These Gu Masters were all young faces under the age of thirty. They stood next to each other and formed three distinct groups.

Looking around, the strength of the three families was clear at a glance.

The Xiong family had the most Gu Masters, and they took the initiative to evacuate, preserving a lot of combat power. The number of people in the Gu Yue family and the Bai family was relatively small, but there was a Bai Ningbing in the Bai family camp. He alone raised the overall strength of the Bai family to the top of the three families.

The head of the Xiong family shouted:"This competition will be held in a radius of 100 miles and will last until the evening, ending when the sun sets. Fighting is a matter of life and death, but I hope you will restrain yourself. You have all been given a nameplate in your hands. Only those who have collected 30 nameplates are eligible to participate in the next three-family competition! Let's start!"

A life-and-death battle, as long as the criteria are met, there is no limit to the number of people, and the competition area is within a hundred miles. Even joining in midway is allowed.

This is not a fair competition. But the three clan leaders had no opinions or complaints.

To survive in this world, you rely on fists and strength. If you are strong, you are qualified to occupy more benefits. If you are weak, then you should consider yourself unlucky, keep a low profile, secretly accumulate strength, and become a strong person.


【Arata Ichito: What's going on! ? Master Fang Yuan is in trouble now! There are pursuers behind us!】

【Jiuqi Shinobu: Boss, who is your Lord Fang Yuan? How could he be in trouble? Just watch.】

【Zhongli: @久奇忍, it's hard to say, Spring and Autumn Cicada is an important trump card, and now it can't be used. I can't think of any other means.】

【Paimon: He failed at the critical moment, just like the Traveler!→_→】

【null:???,@Paimon, you are talking nonsense! I will let the Hillichul people eat you!】

【Paimon: This is so scary, @空, don't come over here, I was just talking nonsense⊙﹏⊙】

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