There is no way, it tastes the same as ordinary eggs, it really can't get a high score.

Give it two points, because it tastes like eggs.

And eggs are also his favorite eggs.

If it was replaced with duck eggs or something like that, it would be directly one point.

And Weiss also gave his score.

His score is a little higher than Su Bai's, but it's not much better, so he gave it three points.

There is no way, his taste has been spoiled by all kinds of delicacies on Earth.

An egg that tastes like an ordinary egg really has no appeal.

At the same time, Bardos also gave his own score.

It is directly a full score of ten!

If it is not the highest score stipulated, it is ten.

Bardos even wants to give a hundred points, a thousand points!

This plate of golden egg fried rice is definitely worth such a high score, it deserves full marks!

"Lord Xiangpa, what are you still struggling with?"

After giving the scores, Bardos looked at Xiangpa who was still struggling.

She knew what Xiangpa was struggling with, but she would not allow Xiangpa to deliberately give a low score.

If even such a delicious golden egg fried rice had to be deliberately given a low score.

That would be too much.

Shamelessness is not so shameless.

Seeing that Bardos had finished the scoring, Xiangpa, in desperation, also gave a full score of ten.

There was no way, even Bardos gave a full score. If his score was lower, even if it was a nine,

Bardos would not agree.

However, Xiangpa was still very unwilling.

"Su Bai, you just said that you made this dish yourself, right?"

"Yes, what?"

"Isn't it a bit inappropriate for you, the God of Destruction, to cook your own food for a competition?"

"What's wrong with that?"

Since they can't compete in cooking, Xiangpa wants to improve in other areas?

"Anyway, it's inappropriate. We were talking about a food contest of the seventh universe, but you, the God of Destruction, are cooking your own food."

"It doesn’t count, this competition doesn’t count!"

Xiangpa started to cheat.

"But we never said before that the God of Destruction is not allowed to cook by himself."

"If you can, you can also cook your own food for the competition."

"You didn't say it before, but now you suddenly say it doesn't count. That's not appropriate."

Su Baike090 won't spoil Xiangpa. If he says it doesn't count, it doesn't count? Why?

The previous rules didn't say that the God of Destruction couldn't cook by himself, right?

"Lord Xiangpa, don’t we still have two dishes? Let’s continue the competition."

Even Bardos couldn’t stand it anymore and spoke up to stop Xiangpa from cheating.

That’s not the way to cheat.

Besides, the other party is not Lord Beerus, he won’t tolerate him.

Even Bardos spoke up, Xiangpa had no choice but to continue the competition.

Of course, he no longer had any hope for the food competition.

Since Su Bai could prepare one dish, he could prepare three dishes.

The remaining two dishes should have been made by Su Bai himself.

Moreover, there was no need for a higher level, even if it was just the same level as the golden egg fried rice.

Then the food from their sixth universe couldn’t compare!

For the second dish, Xiangpa took out a steak.

But it was not steak, but the sixth. The meat steak of a dragon-like creature in the universe is juicy and delicious.

The second dish prepared by Su Bai is also related to dragons.

Shenlong dumplings!

The dumplings that Xiao Dajia used to win the dumpling competition!

Moreover, although this dish does not glow, after opening the lid, in the surprised eyes of Xiangpa, Bados and Weiss.

The Shenlong dumplings on the plate actually stood up by themselves!

That's right, this is the biggest feature of Shenlong dumplings.

It will stand up by itself!

The principle is actually very simple, because the power of heat drives it to stand up.

But it's easier said than done. Needless to say

, if it was just an ordinary dumpling, it would definitely not be as good as a steak.

But the problem is, this is Shenlong dumplings.

Moreover, both the dumpling skin and the dumpling filling are not ordinary ingredients.

So needless to say, Su Bai still won the second dish.

Of course, this time Su Bai and Weiss gave Xiang Pa's dish a higher score.

At least this steak must be much more delicious than the previous egg.

The third dish prepared by Xiang Pa was a fried dish made with unknown ingredients.

And it was wrapped with a layer of something on the outside.

It was a bit like tempura.

And Su Bai's third dish finally had nothing to do with frying.

It was the dish that Xiao Dajia used to obtain the qualification of a super chef, catfish noodles!

Needless to say, this is the dish that Xiao Dajia used to obtain the qualification of a super chef.

Although it is not as fancy as the previous two dishes, it can glow and stand on its own.

But in terms of taste, it is far superior to the previous two dishes.

So not surprisingly, Su Bai won again.

In fact, when he won the previous two victories, there was no need to conduct the competition for the third dish.

However, Xiangpa, Bados, and even Weiss were all looking forward to what the third dish Su Bai would prepare.

So the competition for the third dish was still held.

Su Bai won all three dishes, and all of them were full marks!

Even Xiangpa, although very reluctant, had to give full marks.

There was no way, the three dishes made by Su Bai were really impeccable!

"But the food in your sixth universe is also good. Except for the first dish, the remaining two dishes are still good."

Except for the egg in the first dish, the remaining two dishes in the sixth universe are still ordinary and very common on Earth.

But at least, they are much better than the egg in the first dish.

And the ingredients used are also ingredients that are not available on Earth, and the taste is a little different from the steak and tempura on Earth.

It is indeed not easy to find such food in the sixth universe where food is scarce.

Of course, it is still much worse than the food in the seventh universe.

Moreover, even if the sixth universe also has food from Earth, Su Bai is not afraid.

After all, the dishes he makes are all delicacies that are not available on Earth.

This is the dish made by Xiao Dajia!

And he is still Xiao Dajia in the early stage.

He has not taken out the dishes such as the map of the sea bream continent, the comet fried rice, and the phoenix crystal.

Of course, Xiao Dajia did not upload these dishes.

After all, even Xiao Dajia himself has not made these dishes yet.

Anyway, in this first round of food competition,

Su Bai won a crushing victory!

Of course, Su Bai did not feel any joy about the victory.

After all, this is a matter of course in his opinion.

What is there to be happy about?

"Su Bai, don't be happy too soon!"

"This is only the first round of the competition. In the second round, my Sixth Universe will definitely win!"

Xiangpa was very unwilling to lose the first round of the food competition.

But he did not give up, because there was still a second round of competition.

A competition between two universe powerhouses! (To read the violent novels, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The food from his Sixth Universe is indeed not as good as the food from the Seventh Universe, and it is the food made by Su Bai, the God of Destruction.

But in terms of the competition between the strong, the strong man from his Sixth Universe will definitely not lose!

Other players are fine.

But you have to know that among the players he brought this time, there is the strongest killer in their Sixth Universe, Hit!

With Hit's strength, the players from the Seventh Universe will definitely not be his opponents!

As long as he wins the second round of the competition.

Then he has not lost!

At most, it is a little different from what he expected. He cannot completely defeat Su Bai, but just fight with Su Bai. It was just a draw.

As for what to do if it's a draw?

Xiangpa has already thought about this.

If he and Su Bai each win one game in the two rounds of competition, then they will have an extra game.

And this extra game is the competition between the gods of destruction!

Xiangpa has always felt that the reason why he lost to Su Bai before was because Su Bai had no martial ethics and because he underestimated his opponent.

As long as he doesn't underestimate his enemy, Su Bai will definitely not be his opponent!

Xiangpa has already thought about what will happen next.

He has indeed considered it very carefully.

But he forgot to consider another possibility.

That is, what if their Sixth Universe loses again in the second round of the competition?

Perhaps, he did not forget to consider it, but he simply did not think that their Sixth Universe would lose another round of competition.[]

Su Bai didn't care about Xiang Pa's trust.

In fact, he didn't pay attention to Xiang Pa.

Because he was sharing the dish he used to win in the group.

Su Bai:"I told you before that I will compete with that purple fat cat again."

Su Bai:"We will have two rounds of competition. The first round is food."

Su Bai:"I have won the food competition just now. This is the food I used to win. [Picture】,【picture】,【[Picture]

Although the dishes have been eaten by Xiangpa and Bados, he had already taken pictures before they ate.

If you don’t poison other group members when facing delicious food, then the fun will be reduced by half!

Su Bai now knows why so many people liked to poison in the past.

Especially poisoning late at night!

It is really interesting!

Little Chef:"Golden Egg Fried Rice, Shenlong Dumplings, and Catfish Noodles! Aren’t these all the dishes I uploaded? Group Master, you bought all the dishes I uploaded."Su Bai:

"Well, in terms of cooking, you can be said to be the well-deserved number one."

A Lu:"Yes, I also bought the dishes uploaded by Little Chef."

A Lu:"Although the world I live in is also a world of gourmet food, it is still not as good as the world where Little Chef lives in terms of cooking."

Khoucho Shinobu:"This is more tempting than the food shared by Brother Su Bai before!"

"Diya:"Indeed, the food shared by Brother Su Bai before is simply incomparable to the food shared now, and it is not even at the same level!"

Although they only saw the photos, the group members knew it very well.

The dishes shared by the group leader this time are completely different from the dishes shared before!

From the quality point of view, they are completely different.

One is just ordinary quality, and the other is at least rare quality.

Su Bai:"Of course, the dishes I shared before were just some dishes I made casually with my god-level cooking skills, and even the ingredients were ordinary." Su Bai:

"But these three dishes, I used god-level cooking skills, combined with the ingredients of the Alu world, and the dishes of the Little Chef. Of course, they are not on the same level." Xiaolongnu:"

Brother Su Bai, can you feed me again?"

Su Bai:"Xiaolongnu, I didn't realize it before, it turns out that you are a little foodie."

It was Xiaolongnu who wanted to feed me before, and this time it was her again.

It was not explained in the original book, but now it seems that Xiaolongnu also has the attribute of a foodie.

But it is true that generally speaking, beautiful women will have the attribute of foodies.

Su Bai:"Not now, I still have a second round of competition."

Su Bai:"If you want to eat, you can find Xiao Dajia. He happens to have mastered god-level cooking skills, and these dishes were also invented by him."

Su Bai:"You can ask him to make dishes and then give you red envelopes."

Xiao Dajia:"No problem, brothers and sisters, do you want me to cook some dishes?"

Garp:"Then I'll trouble Xiao Dajia."

Oga Tatsumi:"I didn't expect to taste delicious food again. During this period of time, that guy Hilda has been trying to make me eat the dark dishes she made. I'm about to vomit. I need to improve the food."

Liu Peiqiang:"Me too. During this period of time, I have been busy with planetary engines and lunar engines. I have been so busy that I have no time to eat." Liu Peiqiang:

"It's a good time to take a break and taste delicious food."

Guo Jing:"Liu Peiqiang, how is the situation over there? You said before that you wanted to take the earth to wander. How are the preparations going?"

Liu Peiqiang:"It's almost done. The manufacturing of 10,000 planetary engines has come to an end and will be available soon."

Liu Peiqiang:"Three lunar engines have been manufactured. As long as the test is successful, the moon can be moved away from the earth, and then the earth can be set off."

Su Bai:"Liu Peiqiang, when testing the lunar engine, be careful of a man named Tu Hengyu."

Su Bai:"He will cause a lunar engine to be scrapped because of the private use of 550w, resulting in the failure of the moon to leave, or even out of orbit."

Liu Peiqiang:"Thank you for the group leader's notification! I will let people be careful!"

Su Bai:"Okay, you just wait for the little chef to feed you, I'm going to the second round of competition."

Diya:"Come on, brother Su Bai! You will definitely win the second round of competition!"

Butterfly Ninja:"Yes, brother Su Bai is so strong, he will definitely win!"

Xiaolongnu:"Brother Su Bai, we are waiting for the news of your victory!"

Su Bai:"Thank you for your good words, but it's not me who is competing, but the strong men under my men and the strong men under the other side."

Su Bai:"But I have confidence in the strong men under my men."

Karp:"In short, the group leader will definitely win!"

The group members had blind confidence in Su Bai.

They didn't think about whether Su Bai would lose.

Even if his subordinates competed, he would not lose!

After all, how could the group leader's subordinates be weak?

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