【Young Master]: Isn’t it?

【Rich man: xx you xx you xx


Looking at the overwhelming wave of mechas in front of them, Kallen and Suzaku's mechas started to move.

According to the information obtained by the intelligence network, the second princess led more than 4,000 mechas this time, and the mechas gathered from other areas of Area 11 also exceeded 800.

In general, the difference in the number of mechas is nearly 100 times!

Nearly 5,000 mechas, 7 years ago when Holy Britannia attacked Area 11, there were not so many!

It was just a wave of tentative attacks, and the opponent could take out more than 800 mechas!

If it was two days ago, facing such a lineup, Kallen and Suzaku Kururugi would not choose to fight head-on without saying a word!

But now, Kallen and Suzaku are ready to drive their mechas directly to the place with the largest number of mechas on the opposite side!

Cornelia! Times have changed!

Kallen:"Stand by in place first. If there are any fish that slip through the net and run over, you must take them down as soon as possible. No one is allowed to disturb Zero!"

The other members of the Black Knights spoke in unison:

"Got it!"

Suzaku:"Then! Knights of Light! Attack!"

Kallen:"Roar! Hell Red Lotus!" The red"Hell Red Lotus" and the golden"Knights of Light" suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Faintly, there seemed to be shadows of two mechas left on the spot.

The air seemed to be torn apart easily like cloth, and immediately made a sharp explosion.

The focus of this live broadcast of the trial is not the trial of the third prince.

Compared to the third prince, the war in front of them is undoubtedly more important.

This is related to whether the Black Knights can take over District 11!

For some other plans, Lelouch asked the Black Knights to broadcast the battlefield scenes and the trial scenes together.


"Are you kidding me? This is supersonic speed? Can a heavy thing like a mecha reach supersonic speed?"

"Are you sure it's the sound of supersonic speed and not the engine?"

People all over the world were talking about what had just happened.


【Yaoyao]: What is supersonic?

【Wendy: It should be the literal meaning, faster than the speed of sound

【Yidou]: Can the speed be faster than sound?

【[Wendy]: Of course! For example, when Ms. Alice bombed the Wind Dragon Ruins, I first saw the raging fire over there, and then I heard the explosion.

【Albedo: The lightning on a rainy day is also like this. Think about it, do we see the lightning first and then hear the thunder?

【Ichito: I remember! That’s true!

【Thomas: Hiss~ How fast is supersonic speed? Although the sound of lightning is a little later than we see it directly, it is only a few seconds.

【Thomas: It only takes a few seconds for sound to travel from the distant sky back to the ground. How fast must supersonic speed be?


On the battlefield, the golden and red mechas passed over the heads of the first wave of Holy Britannia mechas like phantoms! At such a close distance and such a fast speed, the golden and red mechas disappeared in less than a blink of an eye.

If it weren't for the strong wind and the harsh explosion from above, the soldiers operating the mechas would have thought they were hallucinating and seeing things wrong.

Many people didn't even have time to figure out what was happening, as the flames and explosions had already engulfed them.

In just a few seconds, more than 100 Holy Britannia mechas were destroyed!

The power of the supersonic mecha shocked the world for the first time!


When everything that just happened was transmitted to every corner of the world through live broadcast, the whole world was boiling.

"The Black Knights' mechas can really reach supersonic speeds!"

"You must be kidding! What kind of reaction is needed to operate a mecha of this speed?"

"How can we target a mecha of this speed? At this speed, no one can aim at it, right?"


In the cockpit of Hell Red Lotus, Kallen clenched her fists excitedly.

Even though she had expected such a scene to happen when she was experimenting in the training ground two days ago, she still couldn't suppress her excitement when the reality really happened as expected!

She destroyed more than 50 mechas in one encounter, and it was a replicable operation. How outrageous is this?

Just two days ago, it was still so difficult to defeat a mecha.

Not only does it require better operating skills than the opponent, but it also takes a lot of time. When encountering equal skills, it is impossible to tell the winner for a while.

It's not like now, there is no need to aim one by one!

But it's impossible to aim one by one at such a fast speed.

But it can be covered by firepower!

She only needs to fly over the opponent's head in the Hell Red Lotus, and she only needs to estimate the time to shoot.

This doesn't look like a war at all, but more like a one-sided massacre!

Under Kallen and Suzaku's mechas, double-digit mechas are being written off every second.

In just one minute, the vanguard troops sent by the second princess are almost gone!

How exaggerated is this?


【Kujo Sara]: Horrible!

【Alice】:@Albedo, this is what I want, exactly the same as this one!

【Albedo: Ms. Alice, this may be difficult. Just from the few minutes of video just now, there are at least ten things on this mecha that I cannot understand for the time being.

【Albedo: If we want to research these things, not only will it take an incalculable amount of time, but it will also require a considerable amount of funds to support the research experiments.

【Ningguang】:@Albedo, if you are willing to share your research results, Liyue can provide you with research funds

【Albedo: Or let's just forget it. This mecha has too much lethality. If it is manufactured and put into use, I don't know how many people will be killed.

【Zaoyou]: How scary!

【Ningguang: I know your concerns, but have you ever thought that even if you don’t study it, some people will study it

【Ningguang: The Fatui just said that their Executive Doctor has already done research on this type of mecha and even made a semi-finished product.

【Ningguang: If one day, someone develops something like this to attack us, it will be too late to regret.

【Ningguang]: I think having a mecha and not having a mecha are two completely different things!


【Albedo: Okay, you convinced me, but I have to be frank. I'm not sure if it can be made, and I don't know how long it will take.

【Ningguang: No problem, I believe in your ability! I will arrange for someone to send the first batch of Mora to you later.

【Qin]: Mond also wants to join, is that okay?

【Ningguang]: Of course, we can discuss the specific details of how to join later.

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