Chapter 475

“Ah, Paimeng can’t understand, Paimeng is so dizzy, Paimeng wants to throw this thing away!”

Seeing the densely packed text, Paimeng only felt that his intensive phobia was about to be committed, so he urged Su Ze to throw away the contents.

Su Ze frowned too, looking at these strange words, it was quite difficult to understand their true meaning.

But Su Ze looked at Mandrill next to him, and thought, since he is an immortal, he must know how to translate these strange words.

Mandrill saw Su Ze looking at himself, and just silently nodded and said to him: “I don’t know what the text is, but it can be presented to us in another way through the fairy law.”

I heard Mandrill say another way, and he said 900 cents.

Su Ze has a headache, shouldn’t he let him go and find some props to use in the fairy law?

Fortunately, Mandrill was quite simple this time. He made a gesture directly to the letter paper, and the letter paper gave out a weird weird light.

Just when Su Ze thought the strange words on the letter paper would be transformed into things that real people could read. He didn’t expect a golden light to be sent out from the letter paper, and suddenly several strange figures appeared on it.

There are not only a few strangely dressed people, but also Qiuqiu people.

There was even more colorful light around them. Su Ze only felt that the scene seemed a bit familiar. He thought about it carefully, and suddenly reacted, how come these people are holding a concert here? !

Facts have proved that Su Ze’s hunch is very accurate.

After those strange figures appeared, I looked around, greeted Su Ze and them enthusiastically, picked up the microphone and began to sing some inexplicable words.

“I have a big plan! It is feasible and reliable to make money! Hey hey hey hey!”

“Is my heart moving? Is my heart moving? I won’t admit you wrong, and I will dress up in disguise!”

“Both parties are cool, never inform, see you somewhere!”

From the moment they started singing, everyone’s expressions were very painful.

Even those from the Pirate Treasure Group looked at Mandrill with unusually entangled eyes. They didn’t know what they had done wrong. They obviously handed over this anonymous letter. Why should they listen to this terrible music?

However, it was quite shocking. After all, Mandrill was also an immortal. He didn’t change his face and heard the end of this ugly concert.

Mandrill finally said to them: “I seem to have heard some key information.”

It’s not just Mandrill, everyone has also heard it. What this letter says is that he wants to cooperate with the Pirate Group, saying that he has a very profitable business agreement, and he agreed to meet at midnight. But it’s best to dress up in disguise, let alone tell anyone, in case the wind is leaked.

The only strange thing is the above requirements, so that the people of the treasure thief can dress up coolly.

Su Ze couldn’t help but shook his head, thinking about this land. It’s so amazing. I don’t know what the use of dressing up coolly in the dark night? Could anyone else applaud for them?

“Well, it’s up to you two to connect with each other.”

Because the other party indicated that they would cooperate with the Pirate Treasure Group, Su Ze directly planned to make the two people in front of him dress up and connect with each other.

But the two of them seemed to be particularly scared, looking at Mandrill in awe, saying that they didn’t want to go there much.

Su Ze looked at Mandrill, but within the range of Liyue, it’s time for you fairy to show your majesty. .

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