The grievances and entanglements of the four members of the Narcissus Cross House came to an end.

But there are still many questions in the minds of the audience that have not yet been answered.

What was the final outcome of Nazissen Cruz, who threw himself into the primordial fetal sea?

Did Alain leave behind him after learning of the apocalypse?

And, Jacob, who appeared in the chat channel before, what is he doing now?

Countless mysteries are intertwined in everything, and it is as difficult to sort out as a ball of yarn.

Tighnari: Is this the end?].

[Tighnari: Or maybe what conspiracy is brewing in Nazisencruz, hidden in the primordial sea of womb?].

[Kaeya: It's a bit of an overkill to call this plan to save the world a conspiracy. 】

Kaeya: To be honest, I admire the Narcissus Cross group. 】

[Kaeya: With human strength alone, it can do this to this extent. 】

[Diluc: In a way, it does fit your Kanria bloodline. 】

[Charlotte: Rene's life is like a wonderful movie!].

[Charlotte: The only thing that stimulates the heart is that it really reveals too much shocking information...].

[Navia: yes! I still can't believe that we Fontaines have all been transformed from pure water elves!].

[Charvoile: There are a few other details worth noting. 】

[Shavore: According to the live broadcast room, the battle between the Shadow Court and the Narcissus Cross Society gave birth to Merusin. 】

[Sigwen: Yes, that's why I said that we have a lot of relationship with that strange machine.] 】

[Charvoilet: But I remember that the Merusin were brought to Fontaine by Lord Navillette. 】

[Navillette: Indeed, during the follow-up process of cleaning up the Narcissus Cross, I accidentally discovered the newly-born Melusin at that time. 】

[Naviette: The reason for their birth is closely related to Fontaine, which is why I brought them to Fontaine. 】

[Sigwen: Well, at that time, Fontaine had just experienced the Cataclysm of Kanria, and many people were terrified of the Abyssal Creation. 】

[Sigwen: We've suffered a lot for this, even Carolet... Fortunately, with the help of Master Navilet, we were able to truly integrate into Fontaine. 】

[Navelette: ......].

Even though it was only a few words, the people of Fontaine, Navia and Charlotte, could guess how difficult the situation had been for Melusin.

Even now, there are some people in Fontaine who are critical of Melusin's appointment as a member of the Court of Shadows.

Not to mention the people of Fontaine, who had just experienced the abyssal plague five hundred years ago.

[Navia: Oh, okay, okay, the past is gone. 】

[Navia: The top priority now is to find Naqisencruz!].

[Navia: Although he has been hiding in the primordial womb sea for 500 years, I don't believe he will give up his ideals!].

[Clorinde: That's right, just in case, we should take the initiative and stop his plan.] 】

[Ningguang: But this kind of thing is probably not easy for the people of Fontaine, right?].

[Ningguang: Isn't the reason why Nazisen Cruze chose to hide in the primordial sea of the womb is because you can't touch the sea of the womb?].

[Shavore: It's very troublesome, and the only feasible way is to send out the security machinery to conduct a large-scale search. 】

[Shavore: But given Naqisencruz's knowledge and precautions about the Strange Machine, I'm afraid he may have the ability to make the clockwork mechanism get out of control. 】

[Hu Tao: Oh, have you forgotten that Fontaine is a kingdom ruled by the god of water?].

[Hu Tao: The primordial fetal sea water is also water, as long as the water god makes a move, he will definitely be able to catch it!].

[Funina: Ahhh

[Funina: Ahem, this Miss Walnut is right! As the ruler of water, I naturally have such abilities!].

[Funina: Well, though—most of my powers are spent maintaining the supply of the Decree Cardinal and the Judgment Mixture!].

[Funina: If you leave rashly, it will cause chaos in the whole of Fontaine!].

Paimon: Uh, why does it sound like he's making excuses for being lazy?].

[Servant: Oh? Did the cardinal's operation be maintained by the water god himself?].

[Navillette: The Primordial Fetal Sea is extremely dangerous, and even Lady Funinga may encounter an accident in it. 】

[Navillette: What's more, Naqisencruz already has the ability to transcend, and judging from the strength of will alone, he may have reached the realm above the government. 】

[Navillette: Therefore, Lady Funina must not rush into it and risk her life. 】

[Charlotte: What then? Are you waiting for Natsisencruz to complete his plan?].

[Navelette: Let the Shadow Court search Jacob's whereabouts first, and at the same time carefully arm the seal of the seal exposed in the live broadcast to prevent the remnants of the Narcissus Cross Society from reversing the effect of the French seal and triggering the primordial fetal sea. 】

[Navillette: As for the Nazissen Cruze, we need to think again. 】

Navillette publicly issued an order to the Shadow Court in the live broadcast room.

This move is also to warn Jacob and others that Fontaine officials have already begun to act.

After understanding that the prophecy crisis was most likely from Sky Island, a hint of urgency rose in Navillette's heart.

There is no doubt about the strength of Heavenly Principles, and even the Dragon King Nibelungen of the year was wrapped in the power of the abyss, but he could not destroy the throne of the sky.

With his incomplete water dragon that was less than five hundred years old, it was impossible to fight against him. (Note).

Even if it is likely to fall asleep today, the rules it has left behind to maintain the world order are very much more than anyone can contend with.

After watching Rene's experience, the wisdom displayed by the other party shocked Navillette.

But at the same time, he also saw in it a glimmer of possibility beyond the rules of the world.

If possible, he would prefer to work with Natsencruz to fight the impending prophetic crisis.

PS: The age of Navilet is only speculation here, according to the text of Fontaine's wings, Egolia is the heart of the fetal sea created by the Archon of Life, which was used to replace the original position of the water dragon.

Therefore, I speculate that at the time of Egria's life, the water dragon could not have been born, because his ecological niche was already occupied by Egria.

In addition, it is likely that Navillette's birth in human form is also related to Egrea or Fcalos.

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