A familiar name finally appeared in Silkcock's mouth, and Paimon immediately spoke:

"Reindot, I know, it's a member of the Witch's Society, Albedo's mother!"

"Oh, you know the name, I heard these titles from Master, but I don't know them either. "

Sekirk went on to explain. :

"But in this way, you should understand that my master is similar to Reindot. "

"It's all people who are looking for some kind of extreme. "

As soon as Sirkok's words came out, it immediately caused a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

[Lisa: The Alchemist of Gold, Reindot... I didn't expect that the master of the last seat of the Fatui executive still had such a relationship with these people. 】

[Childe: Well, actually, this is the first time I've known this...]

[Childe: Maybe it's because I'm too weak in Master's eyes, but no matter what happens now, I will definitely impress her in the future!]

[Paimon: You can't say that, can you?

[Sucrose: What I care more about is Albedo-sensei's mother.] 】

[Sucrose: Gold Reindot, I have seen this name in ancient books. 】

[Sucrose: Legend has it that five hundred years ago, it was she who caused the abyssal plague that swept through the Seven Kingdoms!]

[Albedo: ......]

[Sucrose: Ah, I'm sorry, Mr. Abedo... I'm not speaking ill of your mother...]

[Albedo: It's okay, there is nothing wrong with what you said, whether it was intentional or unintentional, Master made such a mistake back then. 】

[Paimon: Hmm, everyone is paying attention to the Reindot thing16, so no one is paying attention to the other names that Skirk said?]

[Paimon: Visfernir the Prophet and Surt Lodge, the Evil Rider...]

[Paimon: These people are as famous as Reindot, they must all be very powerful people, right?]

[Paimon: But why hasn't anyone heard of them?]

[Keqing: I think these people are probably from Kanria like the Golden Rheindot!]

[Paimon: Ahhhh


[Harlequin: ......]

[Dainsleif: ......]

Even a few people who experienced that disaster didn't want to mention it again.

Or, because they knew everything that happened back then, they didn't want to mention the past!

That's a bad deal, where can you tell who is right and who is wrong?

But the truth is, Kanria is gone.

And the people who witnessed all the earthly rulers of the year were disgusted by the behavior of the Heavenly Principles.

The Empress of Winter directly changed her temperament and directly raised the banner of rebellion against the principles of heaven.

It can be said that everything that is happening in Teyvat now has an inexplicable connection with the Kanria catastrophe of the year!

Seeing that the live broadcast room was silent again, the audience also guessed that the events of the year had become an unspeakable secret.

Their eyes returned to the light curtain, hoping that the live broadcast room could reveal the truth to the world that even the gods kept silent!

Inside the video.

Silk Kirk apparently didn't know much about these people.

She immediately digressed and began to remind the traveler and Navelette.

"When the Star-Swallowing Whale fought you just now, it used almost all of its strength. "

"With such a surging water elemental force, the deep sea of the planet is difficult to digest. "

"Theoretically, Fontaine on land should be a mess by now. "

"In other words, the prophecy you have been fearing all along, should have played out by this time. "

Hearing this, Paimon panicked.


But Navillette and the Traveler, who had calmed down, were very calm.

"Paimon, there's nothing surprising about that. "

Ying explained to Paimon, the only unaware person present.

"Because that's a matter of course, the prophecy will be staged, we have known for a long time... And accepted. "

It's just that Ying, who doesn't know the specific plan of Fucarus, doesn't know what means the other party will use to avoid the destruction brought about by the prophecy.

Navillette felt the confusion in his eyes, and he was silent for a moment before speaking.

"It's okay, Focallus, she... I have deceived Tianli..."

At this time, the picture of the light curtain was also just right to switch to Fontaine on the ground.

Obi Clay Opera.

Completely in despair thinking that the plan had failed, Funnina was sitting on the throne and weeping silently.

A voice-over-narrator repeats the prophecy that had already been played out in the audience's ears.

“... Eventually, everyone will dissolve into the sea, leaving only Funina herself to cry on the throne. "

"Only then will the sins of the people of Fontaine be washed away!"

Outside the opera house, the audience was amazed.

The surging waters of the primordial sea have engulfed all of Fontaine!

The familiar streets, the originally lively Lujing Spring, are now flooded by the sea!

[Navia: Fontaine, I'm really overwhelmed!] (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Charlotte: Hmm! I saw the steambird newspaper in the water...]

[Keqing: Even if His Excellency the Water God's plan has been completed, I'm afraid that such a terrifying flood will cause a lot of casualties, right?!]

[Ganyu: I'm afraid the losses suffered by Fontaine are incalculable!]

[Linny: Before, everyone in the Fireplace House and I have been handing out magic bags to the people that can hold some supplies...]

Linny: I hope it can help these poor people. 】[]

[Clorinde: This kind of disaster is terrible, but compared to the fate of being dissolved...]

[Clorinde: This is already the best result that Lord Aqua and Lord Funina sacrificed themselves to get for us. 】

Just as Clolinde said, compared to the ending of being dissolved by the water of the primordial fetal sea, the immediate disaster has become acceptable.

in the video.

A white dove, a symbol of hope, flies across the sea with an olive branch.

Following its perspective, the viewer sees the survivors of the apocalypse of the Fontaine people poking out from the sea.

They shouted loudly, helping each other and relying on each other in this terrible calamity.

[Charlotte: Great! No one has been dissolved! Lord Fucarus's plan has succeeded!]

[Paimon: However, those who have been dissolved have forced into Mr. Silver and Mr. Myles, and they can't come back...]

[Navia: ......]

[Paimon: Ahh

[Navia: It's okay! That's just the future in the video, after all!]

[Navia: Now that we know the future, we will definitely be able to find a more perfect plan that does not require anyone to sacrifice!]

Then, an even more astonishing scene appeared.

Just when Navia, Linny and the others were still driving a small patrol boat to the rescue.

The churning sea suddenly splashed with a 100-meter wave!

Then, a mechanical ship the size of a castle broke through the scene and rose from the depths of Merlot Petersburg!

On the floating ship, Leosley was standing in the bow of the ship, commanding the men of Merlot Petersburg.

"All members!

This is exactly what Leosley was prepared for the prophecy!

When the giant ship boarded, countless anchors were lowered, so that those who had not yet had time to be rescued by the patrol ship held on.

With the concerted efforts of countless people, the people who were submerged in the sea began to be rescued one by one.

And the sea soon receded as the prophecy was fulfilled.

The survivors of the disaster also realized that this was the scene of the flooding of Fontaine by the sea mentioned in the prophecy.

They looked at the clouds that had dispersed in the sky, and the sun that had reshone on the land of Fontaine.

Countless people shouted excitedly: "The prophecy is false! We have not dissolved!! The prophecy is false!"

767 [Nagano Hara Yoimiya: The prophecy is not false! It was the water god of Fontaine who sacrificed himself to save them!]

[Kamisato Ayaka: For ordinary people, maybe keeping the truth is the protection for them...]

[Barbara: But won't people never know about the gods' efforts?]

[Ningguang: I once read in an ancient book that gods are responsible for loving people. 】

[Ningguang: At that time, I never thought about how many stories were hidden in such simple words. 】

[Ningguang: But after seeing the actions of His Excellency the Water God of Fontaine, I realized that this is not an empty word, but more like an exclamation left by someone who has witnessed a similar incident!]

[Ying: The reason why the gods love people is because the gods really love humans...]

In the midst of everyone's emotion, the cheers of the people in the light curtain finally reached the Obiclay Opera House.

Their joyful voices saved Funina from despair.

She watched as the receding waters and the traces of water left on the ground carefully walked out of the opera house.

Until now, Frunina thought her plan had failed.

She even wondered if the voice she heard was just a self-soothing illusion of despair.

But when she walked out of the opera house and saw the cheering people near Lujing Springs.

Funina's eyes finally widened.

Tears were streaming down the corners of his eyes again.

Unlike before, this time the tears were shed for joy!

The prophecy has happened, but the people have not dissolved!

Intelligent, she recalls everything that happened before and gradually realizes the truth!

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Funina watched as the sun of hope shone back on the land of Fontaine.

Although the catastrophe brought by the sea has changed everything familiar beyond recognition.

But she understands that everything is in the past, and that real hope has come!

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