Teyvat continent.

Liyue Port.

Right now, a crescent moon hangs high.

But even though it was late at night, Liyue was still brightly lit and the night market was prosperous.

On the pavilion.

The young man in white clothes leaned against the dim sky, looking up at the bright moon in the sky, his eyes slightly lost in thought.

The young man's name is Su Chen.

He is an out-and-out time traveler. It has been nearly a month since he traveled to this world.

At the beginning, she was wearing Liyue and was picked up by Keqing. She stayed at Keqing's home, where she had food and drink, and her life was pretty good.

It's just that even so many days have passed.

He still hasn't waited for his own golden finger


Su Chen sighed, his face full of helplessness.

He is just an ordinary person without a golden finger. He is destined to live an ordinary life in this world, which makes him feel very regretful.


With another sigh, Su Chen gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind:"That's it....Since the golden finger hasn't come for a long time, I simply stopped thinking about it."

"From now on, just focus on working hard behind Ke Qing, and strive to make Liyue reach a higher level by relying on your shallow management knowledge in the previous life."

In fact, Keqing had tried to win over Su Chen many times before, offering the highest salary, and wanted him to work under her, but Su Chen always rejected her, and then nothing happened.

After all, Su Chen at that time In the morning, I had just time-traveled not long ago, and I was in high spirits.


It is impossible for a time-traveler to work, and it is impossible to work in this life.

However, times have changed.

Su Chen could only say that Sister Keqing had proposed to him before The treatment is so delicious!!

The salary and treatment are definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people in their lifetime.

I just need to work hard behind Keqing, why not worry about making a lot of money?

In the future, when Mora saves more, Picking a beautiful girl from Liyue is considered a happy event in life.


After a brief moment of thought, there was another sigh.


It’s hard to calm down!

【Ding!! The strongest knitting system has been activated successfully!!】

【Congratulations to the host, you have received a gift package for newbies: a seed of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers (worth 10 million emotional points)】

【And 1,000 emotion points starting capital!】

【Do you want to collect it immediately?!】

"Damn it?"

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, and then felt a burst of ecstasy.

As expected of the system, good things are really given out!

"etc! The seeds of the tree of imaginary numbers? Gan! Isn’t this the cornerstone of the MiHoYo universe? Isn’t this thing a high-dimensional concept? Can it still be planted?"

【Can be planted! Produced by the system, it must be a high-quality product!】


With this thing, what kind of job does he have to do?

The end of the world is just around the corner!"


Without any further hesitation, Su Chen immediately gave instructions in his heart.

As his thoughts arose, his entire consciousness stagnated. When he came to his senses again, he was already in total darkness. Land.

In sight.

A seed emitting a faint golden light, suspended in the air.

The aura on it.

Boundless. Eternal.


With just one glance, Su Chen could conclude that the thing in front of him was the seed of the novice gift package..Only the seeds of the tree of imaginary numbers are worthy of such meaning!

【The seeds of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers have been planted in the host's consciousness space. The host is requested to work hard to cultivate it in the future.】


Su Chen showed a trace of confusion.

【Replenish the source of energy for the tree of imaginary numbers: imaginary number energy】


After listening to the system's explanation, Su Chen couldn't hold himself any longer.

Imaginary numbers can? He traveled through the original god, not Beng Tie. Where did the imaginary energy come from?

【Host, have you forgotten that there is an additional 1,000 emotion points starting capital in the novice gift package?】

"Emotional point?"Su Chen was slightly startled. He had really forgotten this.

"System, what is the specific function of this emotion point? That’s all, you’d better introduce the specific functions first."

【This system is called the strongest weaving system. Its specific function is to weave lies and imagination into reality, and randomly obtain a characteristic or ability from the weaved object.】

【Of course, the host needs a certain amount of emotional points to weave reality.】

【Emotion points are equivalent to the universal currency of this system. By weaving lies or reality, they influence others, and the reflected emotions will be automatically collected by the system.】

"Turn fantasy into reality? And you can also gain the ability to weave fabrics!!"

Su Chen exhaled a deep breath, his eyes glowing

【friendly reminder!】

【The deeper the influenced person's belief in the host's weaving, the more emotional points the host can gain!】

【When affecting the original character, the emotional points gained will be a thousand times more critical!】

"Is it like this?..."

"It seems that even if you just fabricate a lie, as long as you deceive the other party and make the other party believe it, you can still gain emotional points that are comparable to fabricating reality."

Su Chen touched his chin and murmured his analysis.

When it came to the characters in the original work, the first thing he thought of was Ke Qing. After all, the place where he is currently staying is Ke Qing's house.

As for the world view he fabricated for the first time....

Su Chen narrowed his eyes and murmured:"Destroy the galaxy and the universe!"

"The power of destiny......"

"Star God!!"

His novice gift package is the seed of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, and the imaginary number energy required to cultivate it is the source of Bengtie's energy.

However, this kind of seed, according to the system's judgment, is worth 10 million emotion points!

These pairs of For him, it is still too far away.

Weaving iron and becoming a star god is the direction Su Chen is currently working on.

After all, the world of Teyvat is the"back garden" of heaven. If he wants to dominate in such a world, he must Without the strength of the Star God, it is absolutely impossible.

Who knows whether the weird things you weave in the future will cause Tianli to end up personally?

Therefore, for the sake of safety, it is absolutely not wrong to give priority to improving your own strength.

Think about it. He was sitting there.

In his mind, he gradually formed a feasible plan.

Putting away his thoughts,

Su Chen turned around and returned to his bedroom.

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