"To understand the world, start with history......"

"This guy is very smart."

Seeing this, Ning Guang couldn't help but praise.

On the side, Ke Qing sneered at this:"Smart? That guy is more than just smart!"

"Su Chen's talents are even better than those of you and me."

"In the past few days, I have invited him to work for me, but unfortunately he has declined them all."

"oh? It's rare for Yuhengxing to be deflated. It seems that my evaluation is still low."Ning Guang showed a meaningful smile.

She knew that Ke Qing's eyes would never tolerate laziness.

But it happened that Su Chen seemed to be acting up right under Ke Qing's nose.

This is obviously unreasonable!!

Ningguang’s smile at this time made Keqing very confused, but she didn’t think about it carefully.

【I spent the entire day in the library】

【But the harvest is not much】

【The history of Teyvat is so fragmented and incomplete that I was confused when I read it.】

【Among them, what concerns me the most is the history of the destruction of Kanria】

【A godless country rises strongly with the help of technology】

【At the same time, due to the development of science and technology, the people of Kanria developed ambitions for expansion, and eventually ended up being destroyed.】

【But, with all due respect, it is expansion ambition that is guilty, and technology is not guilty. Kanrea’s technology should not be buried here.】

【Knowledge should be circulated and shared, and so should truth】

【What's even more ironic is that the manager of this world calls himself"Tianli", the synonym for truth.】

【But it’s using a false sky to cover up the truth】

【Do not want to see the development of science and technology and reject the circulation of knowledge】


【「"The maintainer of heavenly principles" has never maintained any truth】



Life is a series of shocks.

The maintainer of heavenly principles has never maintained any truth?!

That is the existence of creation.

He was actually demoted to be worthless by Su Chen. How dare he?!

Do you really think that heaven will not interfere in the affairs of the human world?

The nails of the cold weather in the snow-capped mountains are still stuck there!

"It seems that when Su Chen comes back, he will have to tell him everything secretly....Just write in the diary, don't talk nonsense in daily life."

Ke Qing's face was solemn, and she had an idea in her heart.

She actually had a certain fondness for this extraterrestrial visitor.

The extraterrestrial visitor's identity, his remarkable insights, and his words of enlightenment.

In Ke Qing's opinion.Su

Chen is the most critical chess piece in leading Liyue towards change, and it is indispensable!


"Interesting little guy."Ning Guang chuckled, her burgundy eyes overflowing with light.

If what Su Chen said in this diary is true, then can a heaven that refuses the circulation of knowledge and creates a false heaven still claim to be heaven?

Su Chen this diary......His status in her heart continues to soar.

Regarding Su Chen's cognitive ability and insight ability, Ningguang thought that he was completely defeated, and he was convinced of his defeat.

In just one day, I had a general understanding of Teyvat.

She even put forward viewpoints that she, an indigenous person, had never imagined.

It seems...

After Su Chen returns, he will look for opportunities to have more contact with him.

He squinted his eyes.

Ning Guang threw these thoughts behind, and then turned his attention to the diary again.

【「"Tianli" is a betrayer of the truth. This cannot be washed away at all.】

【Even if He destroyed Kanria, the essence was to protect the world】


【Again, quantum is chaotic and disordered, and everything in the"Quantum Sea" will end in collapse.】

【All in all, it's too late!】

【The undertide has arrived, and darkness is about to fall!】


Ningguang and Keqing, who had just calmed down, felt like they were struck by lightning again.

No one else.

The amount of information in these few sentences is really too amazing.

Destroy Kanria.

Is it actually to protect Teyvat?

But Su Chen But he said.

It's too late.

The undercurrent has arrived?!

At the same time, their hearts were in their throats again, and they continued reading without having time to think about it.

【But there is still a glimmer of hope】

【I call it the"etheric anchor point", which is the only way to fix the"world bubble"】

【After a day of investigation】

【I discovered that the"Ley Lines" of the Teyvat Continent are very similar to the"Aether Anchor Point"】

【It is fixed with"earth veins" and protected by"eggshells"......】

【This world can continue to exist despite reincarnation.】

"It turns out that the power of earth veins is so important!"

"This is completely the foundation of our Teyvat world!"

The clever Ning Guang understood the general idea. She couldn't help but marvel!

At the same time, deep down in her heart, she believed more and more in the authenticity of Su Chen's diary!

After all, it was clearly written in black and white.

Earth veins and eggshells gave Teyvat the basis for its existence.

How could this have anything to do with destruction?

Her and Keqing's previous worries were completely unnecessary!

Thinking of this,

Ning Guang turned to Ke Qing chuckled softly:"I'm sorry for my previous doubts."

"Now I believe, eggshells exist, and the false sky is real"

"Other universes, galaxies, star gods, destiny, etc., all really exist. Su Chen traveled through the world in the tree."

Hearing this, Ke Qing also nodded lightly:"All of this must be determined. If it weren't for that evil wind, we could see the second chapter of this diary."

"We may still be blindly worrying about the safety of the world."

No wonder they think so.

In the past, they could not see through the history at all, but now they can cut through the fog and get a glimpse of it.

As the contents of the diary unfold, they have a certain interpretation of the laws of nature.

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