at the same time.

Liyue Port.

More and more Qianyan troops received the secret report, and their expressions became strange, but also a bit solemn.

Like Keqing, Ningguang's description of the secret realm is also difficult to describe in one sentence.

But fortunately, these Qianyan troops are all Liyue's elite, and their discipline and quality are extremely high.

Even though they were a little unclear, they were still efficient and took action.

In Liyue Port, they are patrolling all the streets and alleys.

In addition, a large number of Qianyan troops originally stationed in Liyue Port spread quietly towards the border.

In this way, under the premise of making big moves.

Even ordinary people in Liyue inevitably noticed something was wrong.

"Hello......Something's wrong, something's wrong"

"Why are the Qianyan troops patrolling so frequently today?"

"Why are they everywhere?"

"Has our Qianyan Army expanded its troops recently? Is Liyue Port preparing to strengthen security?"


In the open-air teahouse, voices of discussion can be heard from time to time.

They are tea drinkers.

When drinking tea, they will always chat and say a few words. Chatting is the basis of their preference to come to the teahouse to drink tea.

"Doesn’t that guy Liu Su brag every day that he knows everything?"

"When that guy comes, we'll ask him."

At this time, a teahouse regular stood up and consoled him.

However, his words obviously could not hold up.

"ask him? He's just a storyteller......What can he understand?"

"The way I see it"

"This is definitely a sign of the coming storm, Qianyan Army is searching for people!"

"I saw that they didn't even spare the corners."

"Obviously, there is some extremely dangerous person who has sneaked into our Liyue."

Dangerous person?

" This rhetoric instantly aroused the resonance and worry of many tea drinkers.

It's just that...

When a handsome man heard this, he picked up the tea cup, shook his head, and blew the tea in the cup.

"in terms of universal rationality......"

"Dangerous people who can leave Liyue Qixing and Qianyanjun without any clues and need to be searched all over the place......."

"It shouldn't exist."

This person behaves elegantly and speaks in an unhurried and unhurried manner, which is convincing.

In addition, this person is a guest of the Hall of Rebirth.

Everyone turned their heads in an instant and said:"King Zhongli, if you are not a dangerous person, why would you make such a big move? Do it easily? What do you think? Do you already have any guesses?"

"Why don't you say it and let everyone listen attentively?"


Facing the confused looks from everyone, Zhongli was speechless for a moment.

After taking a leisurely sip of tea, he continued seriously:

"This is it......I don’t know the specific matters."

He is really unfaithful.

Recently, all his thoughts have been on planning to fake his own death and retire.

He has neglected too many matters related to Liyue Port.


"This emergency should be regarded as an assessment test for the Seven Stars of Liyue."

"If Liyue can survive this difficulty without my intervention, I can feel at ease and retreat behind the scenes."

Put down the teacup.

A glint flashed in Zhongli's eyes.

He is very optimistic about Liyue's decision-making and execution agencies this time.

Whether it is Ke Qing who dares to disobey his own policies, Ning Guang who admires the rule of man, or planning Uncle Tian of the people's livelihood.

Seven stars.

Eight gates.

General Affairs Department.

After thousands of years of precipitation, Yanran has developed to its peak.............

The other side.

Return to the original.

The sun sets and the glow disappears.

Time flew by and it was evening in a blink of an eye.

Looking for a sunny day, my face looked tired at this time.

The entire Liyue's sphere of influence was really too big. Even if she used all the manpower at hand, after a day of investigation, she still found nothing.

Even though she was meticulous in her work, she seemed a little discouraged at this time.


"According to Su Chen's diary, the secret realms are randomly scattered throughout Liyue, waiting for someone who is destined to enter."

"Could it be that my destiny has not yet arrived?"

Ke Qing found a stone step, sat down and propped her chin up, mumbling.

Now, she had not closed her eyes for two days and one night, and was so exhausted that she could no longer care about the dust on these stone steps.

But, just when she sighed and sighed At this moment, the vision suddenly rose!

In front of Keqing, in the open space not far away, a strange brilliance rose out of thin air.

This dazzling brilliance immediately made Keqing feel dizzy.

"Are your eyes tired to the point of dizziness?"

"It seemed that it was time to go back to sleep. Let’s consider the search for the secret place another day."

Keqing rubbed her eyes and thought in her mind.

However, something strange happened. No matter how she rubbed her eyes or shook her head, the dizziness in her eyes could not be shaken off. Suddenly, something happened in

Keqing's mind. The big characters she had been thinking about emerged.

Simulated universe!!

This sudden surprise shocked Keqing, and all the fatigue on her body was swept away.

At that moment, without any hesitation, she got up and came. The vision came closer and he looked at it carefully.

Through the brilliance, with deep eyes, he discovered that there was a huge machine inside, and there was a door in the center of the machine.

And on the door, there was a A few big characters

【Copy: Fairy Boat World]

No need to think, this is the entrance!


Go through the door.

The scene in Keqing's eyes suddenly changed drastically.

White clouds pass through the clear sky and embellish the blue sky.

Birds fluttered their wings and shuttled among them.

This method is similar to the Chensong Pot, but it is a treasure of the immortal and cannot be scattered in the wild.

"You've found the right place, this is definitely the inner space of the simulated universe!"

Narrowing her eyes, Ke Qing came to a conclusion in her mind.

However, after looking around and taking a closer look, Ke Qing

's face looked a little strange. The birds hovering above their heads were flapping their wings very stiffly. She was a little less agile.

What surprised Keqing even more was that although she was standing on land, she was surrounded by some stacked containers.


At the end of her sight, there was nothing there, stretching as far as the eye could see and connected with the blue sky!

She had seen such a scene before.

Why isn't this the scene at the border of the Jade Pavilion in Liyue?

After much hindsight, Ke Qing realized that this place was not land at all, and that the location he was in was probably in the air.......

A giant hanging city called Xianzhou!!

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