Listening to Qin's words, Lin Fan smiled meaningfully and said

"Who told you that King Rock was fine? You didn't really think he was a piece of stone, did you?"

"Even if he is just a piece of stone, after more than 6,000 years of erosion and experiencing so many people and events, he has reached his limit."

"If nothing unexpected happens, after this year's ceremony of inviting the gods, Liyue will also enter an era of godless human rule."

He even suspected that these gods had communicated with each other, and one after another came on stage. Barbatos had just gone down to take care of things, and Morax was even more ruthless, and he just died!

As soon as these words came out, the pupils of everyone present couldn't help but shrink suddenly!

They all suspected that they had heard it wrong, otherwise how could they hear such a ridiculous thing.

You must know that the Rock God Morax is the oldest of the seven gods.

Before the birth of the Wind God Barbatos, the Rock God had already controlled the entire Liyue.

Later, he protected Liyue for 3,700 years. Even if the Rock God is not a god in their country, everything the Rock God has done is still respectable.

But now they heard the news that the Rock God is about to die, how can everyone not be shocked!

Although Lin Fan did not say it clearly, he only said that Liyue would enter an era without gods in the future.

But in the eyes of everyone, the Rock God would definitely not give up Liyue, which he had protected for so long.

Then there is only one way to fall.

The thought of the Rock God falling , the God of Wind will abdicate, and everyone feels like there is a mountain pressing down on their heads. It is so stressful that everyone is a little breathless.

After hearing this, Wendy couldn't help but look at Lin Fan a few more times.

He didn't expect that this guy actually knew so much about the old guy Morax.

But he didn't believe a word of what Lin Fan said, that Morax's memory was worn out and he was about to die.

There is indeed such a thing as memory wear, but they all have their own ways to deal with it.

So the memory wear is not as serious as Lin Fan said for gods like them.

At least it is not serious enough to kill.

And that war didn't hurt Morax at all, he was in very good condition.

How could such a big change happen in just a few hundred years.

So he just regarded Lin Fan's words as a story, and believing any of it would be disrespectful to Morax.

Qin asked with some reluctance:"Is there no way to reduce the damage caused by wear and tear?" She didn't expect that, but she just thought about it, and then the Rock God actually had problems.

Now it's all right.

She couldn't comfort herself with the idea that the Rock God didn't have problems, so the Wind God wouldn't have problems either.

"The solution is very simple. Just step down from the position of the Seven Consuls. This way, at least you can hold on for a while longer."

"Moreover, during the hundreds of years when the Wind God was asleep, Mondstadt was still developing very well. Does it really matter whether there is a Wind God or not?"

"Freedom ordered by gods is also a kind of unfreedom, right?"

After Lin Fan glanced at Wendy, he said something that seemed outrageous in the eyes of ordinary people.

Everyone has his own interpretation of these words.

Even the most devout believers of the God of Wind, such as Qin, still find it difficult to accept this situation.

But people like Diluk and Kaeya, because of their identities, experiences and positions, agree with Lin Fan's words.

The God of Wind has not appeared in the past few hundred years, and Mondstadt has developed and prospered to this day.

So is it really important for Mondstadt today to have a God of Wind?

Wendy looked at Lin Fan thoughtfully, and some memories came to his mind.

There was overthrowing the lonely king of the tower with the nameless boy, the knight, and the archer.

There was summoning Tevarin from the sky, and the two worked together to split the mountains, blow away the ice and snow in the north, and founded Mondstadt.

There was overthrowing the old nobles of Mondstadt with the Lionfang Knight Vanessa, and spending a relaxing and pleasant time.

There was also the battle of Canrea, and the tragic scene of Mondstadt being invaded by monsters and fighting.

"Freedom commanded by God is also a kind of unfreedom."

For some reason, after hearing this,

Wendy, who originally felt that he could hold on for a while, suddenly felt a wave of fatigue in his heart.

Yes, so much time has passed in the blink of an eye, and he has said goodbye to so many friends.

He has experienced so many things, and the burden on his shoulders is getting heavier.

He carries the hopes and sustenance of more and more people.

He even forgot that he originally just wanted to be a carefree bard.

Complete the unfinished wishes of his friends, compose the most magnificent poems, and then let the poems drift with the wind.

"Perhaps it is true as he said, that Mondstadt can prosper now without the protection of the God of Wind."

Wendy glanced at the Knights and suddenly felt relieved.

Mondstadt now has such a group of powerful and reliable people to protect it.

Perhaps he should really remove the shackles on his body and do something he has always wanted to do.

But he still has to think about how to step down from the position of the Seven Consuls in a more reasonable way.

In order to avoid any objections from Sky Island at that time.

After thinking about this, he realized that it was bad, it seemed that Lin Fan really said it!

He was a little amused and embarrassed about this. He didn't expect that he was really ready to abdicate in the end.

I don't know whether to say it was fate or Lin Fan had anticipated this.

At this time, Lin Fan was thinking about how to use Mora who would be credited later.

"Captain Qin, I have answered your question."

"If everything is ok, let's start extracting the elves."

After allocating the Mora that was about to be received, Lin Fan said to Captain Chao Qin with a smile. After spending so much time, the harvest is about to come, and it's 30 million Mora at a time. How can I not be happy?

"Wait, I have another question to ask you."

Seeing Qin about to nod, Kaiya immediately interrupted her.

This voice directly attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone was very curious, what questions could Kaiya want to ask?

Although he was a little unhappy about the interruption of the transaction, Lin Fan still patiently said:"What do you want to ask?"

In fact, he was still a little curious about Kaiya's question.

"What I want to ask is, I heard that hundreds of years ago, an ancient country was destroyed, and it seemed to have caused a huge disaster."

"Do you know what the reason is?"

Kaia stared at Lin Fan with burning eyes, and said in a slightly excited tone.

He knew that asking this question would most likely attract the attention of others.

But he really wanted to know why his hometown suddenly perished.

From some of the information and relics he had learned, the technology in his hometown, Kanreya, was really advanced.

But how could such a powerful country disappear just like that?

As the captain of the Mond cavalry, he could no longer carry out the last order given by his father.

Then he needed to find out why his hometown was destroyed!........................................................................................................................................

PS:The new book is launched. Please give me some flowers, votes and rewards. I beg all the handsome and wealthy readers..................................................................................................................................................

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