Seeing that just one strike could cause such horrific destructive power, Lin Fan was also a little shocked.

"Turtle, even the whole river can be frozen, it's incredible!"

With his strength that he had just mastered the ice element for a short time, it was already amazing that he could freeze this turbulent river for a moment.

Maybe in the future, when he is proficient in mastering the ice element, he can also freeze a river easily.

But it is definitely not like now, where he can freeze a river with a wave of his hand easily!

You have to know that this is a river that is five or six meters wide and flows very fast.

And it has been a while, and the river is still frozen, with no signs of thawing at all.

This alone is enough to show how strong the extreme cold power he absorbed from Noel is!

"No wonder a single Frost Sky Nail was enough to destroy an ancient country and leave behind thousands of years of lingering snow and wind!"

Looking at the faint blue light remaining in his hand,

Lin Fan now had a deeper understanding of how powerful the Frost Sky Nail was.

If it weren't for the ice attribute immunity brought by the icicle slab, he probably wouldn't be able to absorb and use the power of the Frost Sky Nail. This extreme cold force is really not something that ordinary people can contend with.

Thinking of this, he suddenly discovered a blind spot.

"Absorbing a little bit of the extreme cold power will greatly increase the power of my ice attribute. If I absorb the entire Frost Nail....."

Lin Fan was shocked by the sudden idea that popped up in his mind.

Absorbing the Frost Nail is something that has never been done before, if not unprecedented.

In the past, people encountered the Frost Nail as if it were a life-threatening thing, and they didn't even have time to hide. But he didn't think about staying away from it, and even thought about absorbing this terrifying"nuclear weapon".

But it's true that his idea is not unfeasible.

After thinking for a while, Lin Fan looked at the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain in the night and made a decision in his heart.

He didn't think about it anymore and turned to go in the direction of the camp.

Only a frozen glacier with biting cold was left.

About half an hour later.

A group of people holding torches walked out of the mountain in the heavy snow and walked towards the stone bridge.

Before they got close to the stone bridge, everyone felt a chill coming at the same time.

"Hiss, what's going on? Why is it so cold here today?"

"Yes, why is it so cold by the river today? It feels even colder than on the snowy mountains."

"Stop talking, I already feel like my body is out of control, it’s too cold!"

"It's a little cold, everyone be careful, there might be something wrong!"

At this time, even the most insensitive people noticed that something was wrong. It was too cold here.

When they were looking for people in the snowy mountains before, it was not this cold even when it was snowing heavily.

""Look under the bridge!"

With a cry of surprise, everyone looked at the river under the bridge in the light of the torches. With just one glance, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank, and they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air!

The originally rushing river had already turned into an ice river.

Under the illumination of the fire, the ice river flashed with a bewitching light, which made everyone's heart tremble.

And the biting cold that had invaded everyone before was also emitted from the ice river.

"this.....What's going on? How come the river is frozen in just one afternoon?"

"Could it be that when we were in the mountains, there was so much snow outside that the river froze?"

"Is your brain frozen? You should know that this river has never frozen in all these years."

"Something is wrong. This is obviously not a natural phenomenon. It is likely to be caused by a demon or man."

"What kind of strength does it take to freeze such a huge river!"

"Let's just ignore it and go back to the camp. It's scary to encounter such a thing in the middle of the night."

Looking at the frozen river, everyone felt a little scared and a chill ran down their spines.

The snow mountain has been unstable recently, with more and more monsters and more and more snow.

Now they have encountered such a strange thing again. It would be a lie to say that they are not scared.

While everyone was talking, another group of people came out from the road behind them.

However, compared with the first group, the second group of people coming out of the snow mountain seemed to be much smaller in number.

""What are you doing?"

A young man with brown hair came closer and asked in confusion.

Hearing this familiar voice, the people in front seemed to have found a savior.

"Captain Albedo, you are finally back. Something strange happened here, and it makes everyone feel a little uneasy."

"Captain, you see, this river was fine before we entered the mountains, but now it's frozen for no apparent reason."

"Captain, do you know what's going on?"

Listening to everyone's chatter, Albedo also roughly understood the current situation.

"Did a river suddenly freeze over?...."

After staring at the silent river for a while, Albedo walked down the slope with the torch in his hand.

Before he reached the river, the scene on the river bank made him frown slightly.

He saw that the large grass on the river bank was now covered with crystal clear white frost.

"Even the birds couldn't escape. It seems that the river was frozen instantly."

"And because it is close to the river, even the grass on both sides of the river is frozen."

Looking at the lifelike birds in the ice sculpture, Albedo frowned even more deeply.

Based on the current information, he couldn't tell whether it was caused by humans or monsters.

Or maybe something happened in the snow mountain, which caused the river to freeze. He immediately checked the surrounding area again, and at the same time, he stepped onto the glacier to check it out despite the biting cold.

Finally, on the other side of the river, he found a series of footprints.

"Is that so?"

"It looks like there is an extraordinary guest in the camp."

When Albedo saw this series of footprints, he had the answer in his mind.

Now the situation is very clear. The one who caused the entire river to freeze was undoubtedly a person, not monsters.

And if nothing unexpected happens, the person who froze the river just arrived at the camp today.

This made him interested.

Why did such a powerful person come to the snow mountain?

While Albedo was thinking.

A little guy wrapped like a potato ran to his side.

"Brother Albedo, have you discovered anything?"

"Why don't we go back first? Everyone seems to be a little cold."

Little Potato pulled up the big hat on her head, revealing a childish face and said to Albedo.

While she was talking, she touched the good friend hanging on the backpack behind her, fearing that the good friend would fall off.

"Sorry, I was too focused. Let's go back to the camp."

Albedo came to his senses and rubbed his sister's head. After helping her put her hat back on, the two returned to the stone bridge.

Then, under the leadership of Albedo, everyone crossed the freezing cold glacier and headed towards the camp.................................................................................................................................................

PS:The new book is launched. Please give me some flowers, votes and rewards. I beg all the handsome and wealthy readers..................................................................................................................................................

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