Listening to Lin Fan's story and the last question,

Albedo and Joseph fell into deep thought.

After a moment,

Albedo frowned and said,"If it were me, I would consider the consequences of doing this."

"If this android named Shila is particularly important to Gunn and is difficult to create again,"

"I might choose to conceal the truth."

As a fellow researcher, he could understand Gunn's idea to some extent.

Although he did not approve of or agree with this practice of dwelling on the past, he had no right to stop Gunn from doing so, nor did he have the right to criticize Gunn's approach.

Unless this android had endangered everyone's safety.

On the contrary, Joseph gave another answer.

"Although I can understand Gunn's thinking, I don't think hiding the truth is a good thing."

"First of all, although Sheila is just a bionic person, she also has memories of her experiences after birth."

"In this case, Gunn also instilled the memory of his deceased wife into Sheila, which is undoubtedly unfair to Sheila."

"If I were to choose, I would probably do the same as you do."

"Tell the truth to Sheila and let Sheila make the choice."

As someone who is in a similar situation to Sheila, Joseph can empathize with this even more.

Even if it is just a failed creation or a bionic man, he should have the right to make his own choice.

But as he was thinking, he suddenly remembered a creation he had made before.

If he agreed with what the other party said.

Then what he had done before was not unfair to that creation?

After listening to the answers of the two, Lin Fan said with a meaningful expression.

"What you said makes sense, but it doesn't make sense."

"After I told Sheila the truth, Sheila died because of memory confusion."

"Although she was happy to know the truth, she also longed to have a brilliant life like the real Sheila."

"But she was just an android and could not go against the will of her creator, so she died."

"When I met Sheila again, she was already a brand new bionic man."

"And this is exactly Gunn's choice. No matter what others do, he will do it according to his own ideas."

"By the way, before I told the truth to Sheila, Gunn had already created 156 Sheilas."It was really difficult for him to criticize Gunn for what he did.

After all, each person has his own reasons.

But when he thought about the other party creating 159 bionic people in order to make up for his regrets, he felt a little scalp numb.

After hearing the ending of the story, Albedo and Joseph were also shocked!

They never expected that the result would be like this!

Although they had different ideas before, they could still find some common points.

But such a result was really beyond the two of them.


Did Sheila die after learning the truth? Just because she was a bionic person and could not go against the will of the Creator? And Gunn had already created 156 Sheilas, which made the two of them a little creepy.

Because of Gunn's approach, they both thought of the same person.

Their creator, their mother, Rhinedot!

Before their mother created them, did she also have many test subjects like Gunn? Would those test subjects also die like Sheila because they did not meet the requirements of the Creator? Seeing the two people's lingering fear, Lin Fan immediately spoke

"So what I want to tell you is that the will of the Creator will not be shaken by other people or things."

"If you are Sheila, all you need to do is live a brilliant life like the real Sheila."

"In this way, even if the truth is revealed and one dies in the end, at least the trip will not be in vain."

The reason for doing this is that Lin Fan made a decision after careful consideration.

Judging from Abexi's current situation, the other party seems to have really put himself into the role of Joel's father. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In this case, if Albedo insists on killing Abexi, it will be a bit...

And even if Albedo kills Abexi today, who knows if Rhinedot will create an Albedo plus or Albedo pluspro in the future.

So he told such a story, hoping to change the two people's minds.

To put it simply, they are all Shira, so why should the androids suffer as androids?[]

After hearing this, Albedo and Joseph looked at each other.

They both understood the purpose of Lin Fan's story.

""I want to talk to you alone." Albedo said to Joseph after hesitating for a while.

He didn't have to destroy these failed creations.

But the premise is that these failed creations cannot affect him personally and will not do evil.

So after listening to Lin Fan's story, he decided to have a good talk with the other party.

See if the matter can be resolved peacefully, and at the same time understand the other party's thoughts.

After Joseph let out a long sigh, he nodded and said,"Okay, I want to talk to you too."

Although he didn't know what the final result would be.

But in any case, the story just now made both parties have a deeper feeling.

I believe that Albedo should not be so aggressive in this matter.

Then the two nodded to Lin Fan, and walked out of the square together.

Looking at the backs of the two, Joel asked worriedly:"Father and Captain Albedo will be okay, right?"

From the beginning, he felt that the atmosphere between his father and Captain Albedo was weird.

He didn't know why, but he hoped that his father would be fine.

Lin Fan chuckled and said,"Don't worry, it will be fine"

"The grilled fish is cooked. Eat it quickly while they are not here, or it will be gone later."

Lin Fan still had some confidence in the outcome of the negotiation.

Because he knew that Albedo was not a ruthless person.

As long as he could convince the other party, many things could be discussed slowly.

He did not think about it anymore.

He took down the grilled fish and meat roasted by the fire and began to share the meat with the two little guys.

After a while.

When the three people and two beasts were eating happily, Albedo and Joseph came back.

Seeing that the two seemed to have reached an agreement, Lin Fan smiled and said,"Hurry up and eat something to warm up your body.""

"Joseph, be careful not to get frostbite again, otherwise Joel will be worried."

As he spoke, he handed two skewers of grilled fish to the two men.

Since the two men had already reached an agreement, there was no need for him to ask any more questions.

Anyway, the ending was good.

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