"It turned out to be it!"

Just through the outline of the black shadow, Bai Ze recognized the identity of this elf at a glance.

But it really suits Funina!

A smile appeared on Bai Ze's face!

And the black shadow on the screen also showed it. The true appearance of a penguin.

It has a round head, big eyes, and its back and head are dark blue. It looks like a penguin but is cuter.

"Boss, is this?"

Funina's eyes lit up, and then she turned back to look at Bai Ze. After all, she didn't know any other elves except Ibrahimovic before.

But Funina fell in love with her appearance just by looking at it!

But she still needed Bai Ze to do it. Let me introduce you.

Bai Ze said with a smile,"Miss Funina, you are very lucky!"

"This is a water elf named Bogaman!"

"It is a Pokémon that is very suitable for newcomers to train!"

"In the world of elves, Bogaman is even known as one of the three Pokémon families!"

Funina was stunned immediately!

Because Bai Ze's words contained a lot of information.

Funina blinked.

"You mean the world of elves?"

"That's right!"

Looking at Funina's naive expression, Bai Ze couldn't help laughing.

"Could it be that Miss Funina thought that these elves were creatures that originally existed in the Teyvat continent?"

"If that were the case, wouldn't it have been discovered long ago!"

Funina's little face turned red.

She didn't think that the elf belonged to Teyvat, it was just because she was completely attracted by the elf's cute appearance and ability and didn't think much about it!

"So do you......!"

Funina immediately reflected. After all, if he could bring creatures from other worlds to Teyvat, then he himself would most likely not be a local.

Bai Ze nodded,"Yes, like the elves, I came to Teyvat from other worlds!"

Funina was not surprised this time. After all, he was not the only one who came from other worlds.

The most famous person from the outside world now is the blond traveler.

A while ago, she heard that the traveler seemed to be causing quite a stir in Sumeru with her flying object!

"So what is your purpose in coming to Teyvat?"

Funina asked this question not because she wanted to cross-examine something, but just out of pure curiosity.

Bai Ze did not answer directly, but his expression was straight.

"I haven’t formally introduced myself yet!"

"I am under Baize, from a world called Blue Star"

"As for the question you mentioned, Miss Funina, in fact, it was just an accident that I came here. If I had to say one thing, it would be to spread elves to the whole of Teyvat!"

"Of course, the meal must be eaten one bite at a time, and the plan must be realized step by step!"

"So I’m going to start with the country of Fontaine!"

"That’s why I opened this little shop here!"

Speaking of this, Bai Ze had to lament the impermanence of life!

Just yesterday, he was still in his home playing the map of Gan Fengdan. He finally finished all the liver and wanted to draw Funina. After several dozen attempts, he drew Liyue Thunder God. , he was so angry that he almost smashed his phone.

Who would have thought that he would wake up and come to Teyvat!

Is this compensation for his skewed guarantee?

And there is a system that comes with him!

It's called Elf Popularize the system.

And released a main task for him to completely popularize Pokémon in this world.

The system will give rewards at each stage based on the completion of the popularization.

Of course, this task is not mandatory, but Bai Ze only thought about it for a moment before accepting the task.

No way, who made him like elves too!

Although he has not been able to travel to the world of Pokémon, if elves can be popularized in this world, then it can be regarded as coming from another world. You have fulfilled your dream!

Moreover, the arrival of the elves has also brought new possibilities to countless creatures in the Teyvat continent, giving them the opportunity to change their original tragic fate.

In short, it is a win-win situation, so why not No!

"Spread elves throughout Teyvat!"

"It’s incredible!"

"But let alone Teyvat as a whole, it might not be easy just for Fontaine!"

Funina was a little surprised when she heard Bai Ze's purpose. After all, no matter what happens to the entire country or even the world, it will not be a trivial matter.

So the difficulty of this matter can be imagined.

But Bai Ze doesn’t think so!

"Miss Funina, you have now seen the elves, so do you think which human would not want to have such a friendly, loyal and powerful partner?"

"You are right, but not everyone will like creatures like elves!"

"Just like Meilu Xin, when she first came to Fontaine five hundred years ago, she was targeted and disliked by many people, and some bad things even happened!"

Funina didn't say something very clearly, but Bai Ze knew what she meant.

Thinking of this also shows that Funina is not the silly god she seems on the surface.

That's right, After all, even a pig should have become a sperm after living for five hundred years, let alone a human!

In fact, she knew many things, but she just didn't have the ability to change it. After all, regardless of her status as a so-called god, she was just an ordinary person.

What's more, there were some things Even the gods are not easy to take action!

After all, this is Fontaine, a country that relies on law and judgment to maintain order.

In fact, what Funina said is indeed correct, because even Meluxin used five It took hundreds of years for the Fontaine people to gradually accept its existence.

It is indeed difficult to popularize elves here.

Although with the example of Meiluxin, the Fontaine people may accept the elves faster, but it will not be a short time. He can do it internally.

But Bai Ze doesn't want to wait.

If it were in a country like Liyue Xumi, he might really have to rely on time to make people accept the existence of elves, but it was different in Fengdan.

He had a way to make Feng Dan Dan people quickly accepted elves and even liked elves.

This is why he chose Fontaine as the first country to popularize elves. He only needs an opportunity.

And this opportunity is not far away!

Bai Ze is confident in Fu Nina He said,"Maybe what you said, Miss Funina, makes sense, but elves and Meluxin are different after all!"

"Because the elves are more powerful!"

"Maybe you don’t know that some elves are as powerful as the Demon God, or even surpass the Demon God!"

Funina's pupils shrank.

"Beyond the devil!! ?"

She doesn't think Bai Ze would lie about this kind of thing, because as long as he wants to popularize elves in Tetivat, she will know whether it is true or false sooner or later, and it will be easy to expose.

So does such a thing really exist?

You know Although she is a Water God, not to mention surpassing the Demon God in terms of strength, she does not even have the strength of an ordinary Demon God!


Fu Nina's heart beat violently, and an idea suddenly appeared in her mind.

If this is the case If the beings take action, then the people of Fontaine will be saved!

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