After Charlotte left, Bai Ze said to the guard on the side,"By the way, I haven't asked you your name yet, Mr. Guard!"

"Thank you so much just now!"

"Please don't be so polite, Boss Baize!"

"My name is Santalier, and I am a police patrolman responsible for the Lyonnais district of Fontainebleau. If you, Boss Bai Ze, have anything to do in the future, you can always come to me!"

Santalier quickly replied with a humble expression.

He didn't dare to show off in front of this person. After all, anyone who has read today's Steam Bird newspaper doesn't know that this boss has a relationship with Lady Funina, and I heard that today The reason why the superiors asked them to extract the elves was because Lord Villette personally gave the order!

With such a relationship, basically anyone can walk away in Fontaine as long as they don't take the initiative to cause trouble.

What's more, this boss is not simple. Just now, the elves He has also seen the power of Bai Ze with his own eyes. He must be a big man who can bring magical creatures like elves to Fontaine.

So let alone this mere favor, he is very willing to ask him to do something else.

Bai Ze Smiling and nodding,"In that case, Mr. Santalier, you can go and bring in the other security team members in order!""

"After all, you still have official duties and can’t delay for too long, so let’s start with you first!

Santalier said with a smile on his face,"Thank you very much, Boss Bai Ze!" Bai

Ze nodded, and then Santalier lined up the security team members outside the door and brought them in.

Of course, not all of them came in. After all, there were too many people to fit in, so the remaining security team members lined up outside. Waiting, a long queue appeared outside the store door.

After people came in, the originally empty store suddenly became crowded.

A group of security guards looked around curiously.

And when they saw Xianglingling and Ibrahimovic My eyes immediately focused on them and I kept looking at them curiously.

"It turns out this is an elf, it looks so cute!"

"I can't wait, I don't know what kind of elves I will get!"

"Yes, I have some expectations too!"

Listening to the enthusiastic discussion of a group of guards, Bai Ze smiled slightly and said,"Since everyone has come in, let's start with you, Mr. Santalier!

Santalier looked happy when he heard this and nodded happily,"Okay, Boss Baize!""

Bai Ze came to the machine that extracted elves and introduced it under the curious eyes of a group of people.

"Just press this button to draw!"

Santalier came to the machine, took a deep breath and pressed it directly with expectation.

The outline of elves began to flash on the screen, and finally settled in front of an elf.

Everyone's eyes were looking at it at this moment On the screen, I saw an elf with an orange body, black vertical stripes on its back and limbs, and a creamy yellow mane on its neck.

"What a cute dog!"

"Unexpectedly, this guy Santalier actually got a dog!"

"I think this dog is so cool!"

"Yes, especially the black markings on this body are so handsome!"

Hearing the people around him discuss Santalier, he was also very happy at this time.

Because he already liked dogs, so when he saw this cool dog elf in front of him, he liked him even more!

He asked with a smile on his face road

"Boss Baize, can you introduce this elf to me? Bai

Ze nodded and said,"The name of this elf is Kati Dog, and it belongs to the fire attribute elf!""

When he heard about the fire attribute, Santalier said excitedly,"Boss Baize, do you mean that Kati Dog can use the power of the fire element?"


Bai Ze nodded slightly.

After receiving Bai Ze's approval, Santalie looked at Kati Dog with excitement in his eyes.

He can use the fire element!

You must know that in the past, only people with the Eye of God could use this element. Power.

And he can only hope for it.

But now, although he still does not have the Eye of God, he will soon have an elf that can use the fire element. How can he not be excited?

Bai Ze understands his Mood, after all, I was very excited when I got Ibrahimovic and Gulton.

Speaking of which, this mood should be the same!

Bai Ze thought about it and then said

"The Kati dog is a kind of elf that is very friendly to humans. It will get close to people as long as they are familiar with it. It is very smart and cute!"

"It has an honest and reliable character and a strong sense of justice. It can fight against opponents who are stronger and bigger than itself without fear, without any flinching or timidity. It can be said to be very brave."

"Moreover, the Kati dog is also very loyal to its owner. It will not move even a step without the instructions of the trainer."

"In addition, if its trainer is in danger, it will chase and bark desperately to protect its trainer.

"In addition, it is also very vigilant and will be wary of any stranger it does not know. It can be said that elves like Kati dogs are born to be used as police dogs!"

After saying so much in one breath, Bai Ze could clearly see that not only Santalier but also the other members of the security team were breathing rapidly.

The longing in his eyes was about to overflow.

The next moment would not be over. When Santalier spoke, the other security team members couldn't help but said,"Boss Baize, why don't you sell this Kati dog to me, and I'll add ten thousand more!"

As soon as these words came out, others couldn't help but said,"Boss Baize, why don't you sell it to me, and I'll add 20,000 molas!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sell ​​it to me, Boss Baize, and I’ll add fifty thousand molas!"

"I’ll add 100,000 molas!"

Bai Ze was a little stunned. What a good guy, is he rolled up now?

At this moment, Santalie was also anxious. He pointed at his nose and cursed at the group of people who had just increased the price.

"Bastards, what are you guys doing? This katy dog ​​is mine!"[]

"If you want elves, go and smoke them yourself!"

The scolded security team members were not angry because they also knew that what they did was unethical, but they couldn't help it because they really liked this elf so much that they couldn't help but retort.

"Santalier, it's not that we are unreasonable, but I think we need this elf more than you do. After all, the Leonai area you patrol is a famous safe area in Fontaine!"

"Not only is the Adventurer's Guild stationed there, but the Duel Agent's office is also at your place. It can be said to be very safe, unlike the place we patrol!"

"That’s right, that’s right!"

Santalier tried hard to refute, but after opening his mouth, he felt speechless in the end, because he knew this too!

He even suggested to his superiors many times that he wanted to patrol in another place, but he felt that there was no place to patrol. It is necessary to patrol.

But who knew that the superiors said that only you can shoulder the responsibility of patrolling this area and ignored his opinion.

The fact was put here and he didn’t know what to say for a while!

He was in Santalia When he felt a little helpless, Bai Ze suddenly said,"Okay, you don't need to fight. After all, there is no rule that each person can only own one elf. If you want a Kati dog, you can just smoke it later. You will definitely get it."!"

"Moreover, the rule of our store is that whoever draws the elf belongs to the same person. Unless the person who draws the elf agrees, it will not be given to anyone else!"

After speaking, he looked at Santalier and said,"Just nowHaving said all that, do you want this Katie dog?

Santalier nodded vigorously and said with gratitude,"Boss Bai Ze, I want it!"

Bai Ze couldn't help laughing,"Are you sure, Mr. Santalier!"

"I'm sure!"

Santaliye nodded with firm eyes.

"Okay, I'll take it out for you!"

After Bai Ze finished speaking, he pressed the button next to the machine, and as a white light flashed, a Cady dog ​​with bright eyes appeared in front of everyone.


As if knowing that Santalier was its owner, the Kati dog wagged its tail at Santalier and barked.

Santalier squatted down and touched the Kati dog's head with affection in his eyes. Tigou was also very cooperative and even licked his palm.

Seeing such a harmonious scene, Bai Ze smiled. It seemed that the process of subduing him could be saved!

At this time, the surrounding security officers couldn't help but leaned over and said ,"Santaliye, can you let me touch it?"

Santalier glanced at them. He wanted to snatch my elf just now and now he comes to touch it. How can you be so embarrassed!

A group of people were a little embarrassed by Santalier. They scratched their heads and said,"I'm sorry just now. Sorry, we were too impulsive. We apologize to you and hope you can forgive us!"

Seeing the sincere expressions of these people, Santalie could no longer hold on to them, so he waved his hand,"Okay, I get it!"

"I’m not that stingy, so if you want to touch me (well), then go ahead and touch me!"

The group of people suddenly became happy, and then they came to the front of the Kati dog and wanted to reach out and touch it.

However, as soon as their hands reached in front of the Kati dog, the Kati dog jumped away and stared at it with a vigilant look. They.

Santalier couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

"That's not why I don't let you touch it. There's nothing I can do if Kati doesn't like you!"

"Who makes you strangers?"

The hands of a group of people suddenly froze, and then they retracted their arms helplessly.

At this time, Bai Ze came over and handed the gifts he took from the house to Santalier and said,"Inside are the gifts provided by our store. You should already know what it is specifically, so I don’t need to explain it anymore!

Santalier stood up and took the gift and said with a smile,"No need!""

"I just heard it from Miss Charlotte!"

"Thank you so much, Boss Baize!"

Bai Ze nodded and said,"Kadi Dog's qualifications are very good. You must train them well. When he evolves into a Wind Speed ​​Dog in the future, his strength will not be worse than those who have the Eye of God, and may even be stronger!"

Santaliye nodded heavily,"I know, I will definitely train Kati dogs seriously!"


Bai Ze smiled,"Then let's go to the next one!"

But as soon as Bai Ze finished speaking, several more figures suddenly walked in outside the door!.

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