The two of them were excited by Bai Ze's words. Although they didn't quite understand what the employee level was, it didn't stop them from being fascinated by the pie painted by Bai Ze.

Not to mention anything else, just being able to draw an elf for free every month was very exciting for the two of them.

At the same time, the two also decided to go back and take a closer look at the employee benefits recorded in the contract.

Then Ying and Paimon nodded with firm eyes,"I understand, Boss Bai Ze!"

"We will definitely work hard to get the job done!"

Bai Ze nodded with satisfaction upon seeing this.

At the same time, he also felt that the idea of ​​setting up levels for employees was extremely wise.

Didn't his enthusiasm immediately rise!

After all, no matter where you are, you must have something to pursue. Otherwise, you will lose motivation over time.

What's more, with the gradual popularity of elves in the future, your own elf home will not always be able to maintain its current scale. It must become bigger and stronger, and the employees under it will not be able to maintain it. There will be only the two of them.

So this employee hierarchy can be considered a plan for the future!

And the so-called treasures about elves are naturally evolution stones, master balls and various props that can enhance the strength of elves.

Even if Even if it is a legendary item, Bai Ze will not be stingy.

After all, it is nothing to him. He believes that as he progresses in popularizing elves, the rewards he will receive will only be more powerful than those items.

For example, his super power Likewise, it directly gave him a strength comparable to that of a divine beast. He even still doesn't know where the upper limit is because there is no chance for him to exert his full strength. Before, he only took random shots against those mechanical guards. Nothing can be tested at all.

The only time he can use all his strength is to fight those demons.

But there may not be such an opportunity in the future!

As for those precious props, of course they will not be able to obtain them directly but will follow them. The level improvement is gradually open to them.

So do you want my baby? If you want, I can give it all to you. Let’s move towards the highest employee level. I put everything there!

Thinking of this, Bai Ze’s face turned slightly Yixiao nodded to Paimon and Ying and said,"In that case, go ahead, after all, you two are the first batch of employees to join my Elf House!"

"In the future, when Elf House becomes bigger and recruits more employees, you will also be veterans by then, so don’t let me down!"

Looking at the two people whose eyes were getting brighter and brighter, Bai Ze turned his attention back to Linni.

"Sorry, it took a little time!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Linni waved his hand. In fact, he was also somewhat interested in what Bai Ze just said. It was not that he wanted to join but that he wanted to know more about the elves and the Elf House.

The more you know about elves, the clearer they will be. Its future importance to the entire Fontainebleau and even Teyvat, and based on what Boss Baize just said, the Elf House will not stop here, so there is no doubt that it will be another huge force in the future.

So it is definitely good to know more about it. Yes, maybe it will be used in the future.

But since Boss Bai Ze stopped talking, he did not ask. After all, he was not an employee of Elf House, so it was good to hear this information.

He turned He said to Bai Ze,"Boss Bai Ze, can you take out the new leaf cat?""

"Are you going to choose it?"

Bai Ze asked


Linni smiled and nodded,"This elf is very cute, and my sister also likes it very much, so I plan to get this elf! But

Bai Ze chuckled and said,"This elf is more than just cute, Mr. Linny!""

"In fact, I think this elf may be the most suitable elf for you!"

"Even those elves with quasi-god potential may not be more suitable for you than this elf!

Linni suddenly showed a surprised expression,"Why did Boss Baize say that?".!"

"Is there anything special about this elf?"

Although Linnet and Femini didn't speak, there were curious looks in their eyes.

Although this new leaf cat is very cute, they can't tell that it is the most suitable elf for Brother Linny.

But at this time Paimon, who was standing behind a few people, suddenly had an inspiration in his mind and said,"Could it be related to the future evolved form of Xin Ye Miao!"

Linni and the others were stunned as soon as these words came out.

Linni couldn't help but said,"Is this really the case, Boss Baize! Bai

Ze gave Paimon a look of affirmation,"Yes, you are indeed my employee!""

"you are right!"

Paimon smiled sheepishly after being praised by Bai Ze.

"I just suddenly thought of it. After all, Navia's elves had three forms after evolution, so I naturally thought that it might be related to evolution. Unexpectedly, I guessed it right!"

"Boss Baize, please tell me why Xin Ye Miao is the most suitable elf for Linni!"

Hearing this, the others also looked at him intently.

Seeing this, Bai Ze also explained,"New Leaf Meow has a total of two stages of evolution, and its final evolved form is called Magic Mask Meow!"

As he spoke, he looked at Linny and smiled,"And Magic Mask Meow is also the only one among all the elves that is classified as a magician!"


After hearing this, several people immediately widened their eyes.

"Isn’t that just like Linney!"

Paimon said with a look of disbelief on his face.

"No wonder Boss Baize would say that this elf would be the most suitable for my brother. Is that so?"

Linette sighed expressionlessly.

Linny nodded blankly.

He didn't expect that an elf he randomly picked out would have such a relationship with him.

Is there such an elf?

No wonder Boss Baize said this, it seems that it is indeed the most suitable elf for him!

Linni gradually recovered from the surprise and then looked at Xinye Miao on the screen with surprise in his eyes.

At this time Many ideas suddenly burst out in his mind, and most of them were naturally about magic! The biggest difficulty as a magician is that you need to constantly study new magic, otherwise you will always perform the same magic no matter how confusing it is. Being amazing for a long time will only make people feel dull.

Although he has never stopped to continue to improve his magic skills, it is undeniable that as he brings more and more wonderful magic performances to the public, Feng Dan's audience's threshold for magic is getting higher and higher.

Perhaps the appearance of this elf will bring him new inspiration and also bring a different experience to his audience!

When thinking about this, Linny becomes excited I feel extremely lucky that I will come to extract the elves today.

Maybe this is all fate!

Let you come to me!

A smile appeared at the corner of Linni's mouth, and he said to Bai Ze,"Boss Bai Ze, I think the future I may have an extra partner on my magic stage!"

"Then I will definitely go see it myself!"

Bai Ze said with a slight smile.

After saying that, he came to the machine and pressed his palm, and a milky white light lit up in front of everyone's eyes.

Everyone was very familiar with this scene. Linni looked expectantly at the elves looming in the white light..This is my future partner!

Finally, the white light gradually dissipated, and Xinye Miao appeared in front of several people.


The expression of the new leaf cat that just appeared was a little confused and a little wary.

While it was watching a few people, Linny slowly walked forward, squatted down and said with a smile.

"You don't have to be afraid!"

"I won't hurt you!"

When Linnie suddenly came over, Xinye Miao was a little wary, but after hearing what he said and not making any drastic actions, Xinye Miao also gradually relaxed. Seeing this, Linny slowly stretched out his palm.

"New Ye Miao, first time meeting, my name is Linny, I am a magician!"

"Will you be my partner?"

Linni said in a soft voice.

Hearing Linni's words, the new leaf cat did not make any movement but looked at it quietly.

Linni was not in a hurry, and just looked at it so gently.

Gradually, he seemed to feel Linni's feelings. Xinye Miao hesitated for a moment and finally put his furry little paw on Linni's hand.

Linni looked happy when he saw this and said,"Then please give me more advice!""


Xinye Miao also responded happily.


"Linny, why do I feel that you understand so well?"

Seeing Linni subdue the new leaf cat so smoothly, Paimon sighed on the side.

You know, Navia and the others caused a lot of trouble yesterday when they subdued the elves!

"This may be related to the fact that we have adopted many cats!"

Linette explained on the side

"That's right!"

At this time, Linni had already held Xinye Miao in his arms. He smiled and said,"Linette and I have adopted many cats before. Because of frequent observation and contact, I have a good understanding of the cats' habits. It’s quite understandable!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"A cat's ears can actually express emotions. Folding back indicates fear or alertness, while pricking forward and occasionally pointing outwards usually indicates a happy mood!"

"Rapid shaking is a sign of vigilant assessment of the surrounding situation!"

"These are all things I figured out through observation before!"

"Because I feel that Xinye Miao is very similar to cats, I just used this method without realizing it!"

"I didn't make any move when it was alert. I didn't approach until it relaxed. This way it would be much easier to gain its approval!

Paimon suddenly realized,"It's actually like this!""

"Linny, you really have a way!"

"I certainly wouldn’t have been able to figure it out! Linnie waved his hand and said with a smile,"It's actually not difficult, as long as you pay more attention!""

"And everyone has what they are good at. For example, when it comes to traveling, I am definitely not as good as you and Ying!"


"This is true!"

Paimeng laughed unceremoniously after hearing this.

Ying shook her head helplessly, but didn't say anything. She was already used to her partner's character.

"Linnet, Linnie has finished smoking, you should smoke one too!"

Ying said with a smile to Linnette.


"Lynette, please start quickly!"

"Linny drew the new leaf cat that suits him best, and I also want to see what you, as my sister, can draw!"

Paimon reacted and said expectantly.[]



"In fact, I’m looking forward to it too!"

Linette said lightly


Paimon scratched his head in embarrassment.

Although he already understood that Linnette's character was like this, seeing her say this expressionlessly was still unconvincing!

"Haha, don’t worry!"

"In fact, I haven’t expected Lynette to show such a happy expression for a long time!"

"This shows that she is really looking forward to it!"

Linny stood up and explained to Linnette at this time.

But the more he explained, the more confused Paimon was.

"Do you call her expression happy?"


Linny nodded with a sure look on his face.

Paimon immediately fell silent. From his expressionless face, he could actually see emotions of happiness and expectation. I really don't know how Linny could see it!

I can only say it's true. As expected of brother and sister!

"Okay, Paimon, don't ask anymore!"

"Lynette, start extracting elves!"

Ying said directly.

Linnette nodded (King's) head, and then walked to the machine that extracted the elves. She slowly stretched out a hand and was about to press the button when suddenly her palm stopped in the air.

She turned around and said,"Brother, what are you doing!"

I saw Linni standing next to Linnette, clenching her hands and looking at her nervously.

Seeing Linnette suddenly turning her head, Linni said with some embarrassment,Ahem, it’s nothing, I just want to see what kind of elf you will draw, haha!"


Linette nodded and then turned her head back. Linnette also breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't lie. He really wanted to see what kind of elf Linnette would draw.

But in fact, there was still something unsaid. , that is, for some reason, he was even more nervous when he saw Linnette extracting the elves than when he was extracting the elves!

Especially at the moment when Linnette was about to press the button, his nervous palms became sweaty. The image of Linnette drawing a fossil pterodactyl even appeared in his mind.

When he thought of such a ferocious elf standing next to his sister, Linnette felt uncomfortable, and it didn't feel right no matter how much he thought about it.

But he also knew I am thinking too much, and from my sister’s point of view, I probably wouldn’t choose that kind of elf!

But looking at it from another perspective, wouldn’t Linnette be able to protect herself better if she draws such an elf? , so that Linnette will be safer when performing tasks in the future.

Linnette didn’t feel anything for a while, and Linni started to get entangled as she stood aside.

But no matter how Linnet struggled, it could not affect Linn Special.

After all, she has been looking forward to the elves for a long time.

Even Linni didn't know that she had been looking forward to it from the moment she saw Funina's Bogaman.

Looking at the button in front of her, Linni Nite pursed her lips and finally pressed it without hesitation.

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