【Patrol Ranger team, trigger random events!】

【Random Event: Guard Officer】

【On your way to Beloberg, you find a group of people coming up ahead. They are the Silver Mane Guards who protect the safety of Beloberg.

Because you, a group of outsiders, defeated the city gate guards, causing heavy casualties and serious damage to military equipment, they want to destroy you.

At this time, a guard officer named Jeppard Landau came out and scolded them for their behavior.

You can sense that this guard officer does not want to help you, but is angry and wants you to obey.】

【Option 1: Please be gentle when you tie me up. (Remove from the instance, permanently reduce all attributes by 10 points and the strength of destiny by 10 points)】

【Option 2: Run! (If you successfully break through and avoid being arrested, you can permanently increase the strength of your destiny by 20 points. If you fail to break through and are arrested, you will be removed from the instance and your destiny strength will be permanently reduced by 20 points.)】

【Option 3: Five vs. Five Hundred, the advantage is mine! (Defeat all enemies to gain 50 points of Fate Strength permanently. If you fail, you will be removed from the instance and lose 50 points of Fate Strength permanently.)】...........

"Do I need to think about this? I have the advantage, damn it!"

After reading the option information, Chu Ge made a decisive choice.

Seeing this, the others also chose to defeat all the enemies.

Because they could see that, except for the guard officer Jeppard, the rest of the Silver Mane Iron Guards were similar to the ones they had encountered before, and they were not very difficult to fight.

However, the reward for option three was so rich, which meant that the guard officer Jeppard was definitely not weak.

"Listen to my orders, the guards charge, the shooters and gunners carry out the supporting strikes!"

When Chu Ge and the others made their choices,

Jeppard on the other side also decisively began to give orders.

At the same time, he slammed the guitar case in his hand to the ground.

A heavy force of life and death instantly covered the guards holding long axes.

This made them all appear as a translucent shield.

"In the name of preservation!"

Then, Jeppard put on a thicker shield for himself.

He picked up the guitar case, and rushed forward like a giant hammer, smashing Chu Ge and Dan Heng in the front.

""Be careful!"

Seeing this, Dan Heng immediately picked up the Jiyun Spear to parry.

With a bang, cracks appeared on the floor under his feet.

Feeling the amazing power coming from the Jiyun Spear, Dan Heng was very surprised.

Isn't this the walker of the power of preserving destiny?

Why does it feel like the fight is almost the same as the walker of destroying destiny?

Just as Dan Heng was parrying.

A long leg wearing a steel boot suddenly rose up and kicked directly at Jeppard's abdomen.

With a thud, the powerful force forced Jeppard to retreat.

""Oh my god, this guy is too tough, isn't he?"

Chu Ge retracted his left foot and felt that he kicked a steel plate.

However, this kick also broke the shield on Jeppard's body.

At the same time, many Silver Mane Iron Guards began to charge.

And behind them, there were shooters and gunners, firing bullets and shells for support.

"Don't resist, I can also put a shield on you!"

Seeing this, March Seven immediately consumed a large amount of his destiny power to shield everyone.

Although these shields were thinner than those protecting the destiny walkers, they could still help Alecino and Clorinde avoid some gunfire attacks.

(March 7th is the destiny of development in the background, not the destiny of preservation in the game data.)

So Alechino and Clorinde took out the sickle, one-handed sword and pistol respectively, and quickly rushed forward to kill the enemy.

Under the interweaving of fire and lightning, the guards of the Silver Mane Iron Guard began to fall one after another.

But the two of them were also very exhausted.

If it were a single Silver Mane Iron Guard, with their current strength, they could kill it with one move.

However, the shield that Jeppard cast for them was abnormally thick.

As a result, they needed to spend more strength to break and kill.

On the other side.

Although Chu Ge kicked Jeppard's shield and repelled him.

But he would not engage in any close combat.

Even though his gun fighting skills were also very fierce.

Chu Ge took out two guns and began to condense the power of the hunting destiny.

At this time, the muzzles of the two guns also emerged with brighter and brighter white light.

"In the name of Langdao, I have gone through ice and snow to build this ambition, which will never end!"

As if sensing the danger of death from Chu Ge's double guns,

Jeppard suddenly burst out all his life-saving power, ready to resist this wave of attack.

"Hey, you dare to take my bullet?"

Chu Ge couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

The next moment, his two guns shook violently.

Two lightning-fast white bullets instantly cut through the air and shot through Jeppard's body.

With a loud bang, Jeppard's shield, which he had condensed with all his life-saving power, was instantly broken.

His body seemed to be bombarded by small artillery shells, and many parts began to break and turned into fluorescent

"I.....Not yet......"

After uttering an unwilling whisper, Jeppard finally turned into a fluorescent light and disappeared completely.

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