【Patrol Ranger team, trigger random events!】

【Random Event: Aha Doll】

【You found a three-person humanoid doll with straw-like hemp rope hair and a counter on its belly.

You opened its manual: Aha made this doll to vent his anger in his image - he wants to see himself being beaten up. The harder you beat him, the happier he is, and he will give you a higher temporary bonus!

Note: Quality control has nothing to do with Aha himself】

【Option 1: Tap it gently, at least it won't break.】

【Option 2: Hit me hard! I can’t let Aha look down on me!】......

"Is this considered an event in the reward phase?"

Seeing the information in front of him, Sanyueqi was very excited.

It's not a statue with side effects, and there is no need to fight with others. This is simply the most wonderful thing in the dungeon!

"But this doll is actually related to the Star God. Why does the Joyful Star God want people to beat him up?"

Alechino didn't understand this.

As the most noble and powerful creature in the universe, the Star God, shouldn't he be awe-inspiring and supremely powerful being?

At least when Lan watched him, he left a deep impression on Alechino.

"Who knows? The actions of other star gods are traceable, but Aha is an exception. He just wants to have fun."

"A dignified Star God should be revered by countless creatures, but when it comes to Him, he wants to be beaten like a sandbag. This kind of shameless behavior of a Star God may be a kind of fun in His eyes, right?"

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Who's interested in fighting?"

Chu Ge briefly explained a few words and then discussed with everyone.

Seeing this, Alechino and Clorinde turned away and didn't want to touch the Aha doll at all.

In their opinion, it's better not to touch this thing rashly.

Even though Chu Ge had explained some of Aha's thoughts, they still didn't dare to offend a star god.

"Why are you looking at me? A beautiful girl would never do such a violent thing."

Feeling Chu Ge's gaze,

San Yue Qi crossed his hands in front of his chest and expressed his negative attitude.

""Let me do it."

Seeing this, Dan Heng stopped being silent and punched the Ah Ha doll.

As for the choice he made, it was naturally option one.

According to the final quality control tips in the incident, Dan Heng knew that this doll was not indestructible.

So option one, at least, could guarantee a certain degree of protection to avoid the destruction of the doll.

If the doll was broken, then there might be nothing to gain.

"Ding ding ding........."

Instantly, the counter on the belly of the Aha doll began to jump wildly.

It finally stopped at 25.

【The Aha doll moved slightly, and the counter started to move, and finally stopped at 25. Your strength is too weak! Aha thinks you need to exercise your body. You can make another choice】

【Option 1: Just give it a gentle tap, at least it won't break.】

【Option 2: Hit me hard! I can’t let Aha look down on me!】.........

"If you ask me, we should hit him hard and not let Aha look down on him!"

"What do you mean? Do you want to do it or should I?"

Seeing the number that Dan Heng typed, Chu Ge wanted to go up and try.

"It's your turn, but I don't recommend hitting too hard, just the kick from before."

Dan Heng still looked calm, not affected by the ridicule of the outcome of the incident.

Because he was just making a small attempt.

With the previous attempt, he also had some judgment on how much force to use on the doll next time.

So Dan Heng suggested that Chu Ge use about the same force as before to break the shield and kick Jeppard away, so as to avoid damage to the doll.

"Don't worry, I know my limits."

Chu Ge immediately stepped forward, chose option 2, and suddenly kicked the Aha doll.

With a thud, part of the Aha doll's body structure instantly caved in.

But fortunately, Chu Ge controlled the force well and did not let it explode directly.

At the same time, the counter on the Aha doll's belly also began to jump wildly.

The final number was fixed at 400.

【The counter slowly jumped to 400. The chip embedded in the doll started up, and a hymn came out:"Destruction is like a madman, and the protection is a fool; the star gods are all stubborn, Aha is really shameless! Aha is really shameless! Aha is really shameless!".......】

【Receive a temporary bonus: All abilities are increased by 40%, which lasts until the end of the dungeon. 】


As the event rewards were distributed,

Chu Ge and the others could feel that their physical fitness and destiny power had been greatly improved!

Alechino and Clorinde could even feel that their rarely used elemental power had also been improved.

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