【Patrol Ranger team, trigger random events!】

【Random Event: Iron Flood】

【You come to the mechanical tribe and find that there are a large number of automatic soldiers here, like a steel army.

The automatic soldiers, beetles, give you instructions: outsiders, we do not welcome you, leave now, no one will get hurt. Otherwise, we will start the agreement war and forcibly expel the outsiders.

You can sense the disgust of this mechanical army, but you have reasons to stay.】

【Option 1: Escape immediately. (No impact)】

【Option 2: I must stay. (Fight all the units of the Mechanical Tribe. If you fail, you will be removed from the instance and all attributes and the strength of the Force of Destiny will be permanently reduced by 50 points. If you succeed, you will permanently gain 50 points of all attributes, the Force of Destiny, and the assistance of the mysterious unit.)】......

"It seems that there is no choice but to choose between the two."

Seeing this, Sanyueqi immediately prepared for battle.

If she had just entered the dungeon, she would not have been so tough.

But after many rewards, she felt that she was terribly strong.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be so proactive this time"

"Then we'll kill him!"

Chu Ge couldn't help but laugh when he saw March Seven's attitude.

So he also took out his double guns and entered combat mode.

Seeing this, Dan Heng, Alechino and Clorinde naturally chose to challenge the Mechanical Legion.

"The agreement was passed. The entire army started the extermination plan and eliminated the outsiders!"

Seeing the actions of Chu Ge and others, the leading automatic robot, the beetle, also knew their choice.

So the eyes of the entire mechanical army glowed red, and they immediately swarmed in.

Beetles, spiders, war dogs, and even grizzly bears and toothed wolf models of automatic robots all emerged from all directions.

And their number also increased from the original 500 to 600........800......1000.......

This place seemed to be the home of the automatons. There were almost endless automatons rushing to the battlefield.

Sanyueqi, who had not taken it seriously at first, became increasingly stiff-faced.

There were so many of them that they were too numerous to count, and their numbers were even increasing.......Can you win?

"Boom boom boom........"

Unlike the automated robots that roamed around in various areas, this mechanical army was more like a well-trained soldier with clear tactics.

So at the beginning, it was the automated robots of the War Dog model that carried out long-range mortar fire.

Suddenly, dense shells flew quickly from the air.

Seeing this, Chu Ge and Clorinde immediately raised their double guns and muskets and started shooting.

"Bang Bang Bang......."

Dense white hunting bullets, with a few lavender hunting bullets, flew upwards, facing the shells.

Instantly, a deafening explosion sounded in the sky.

Puffs of smoke rose up, and the white"sky" was suddenly covered by black fog.

Seeing that the concentrated fire of the war dogs was ineffective, beetles, spiders, even grizzly bears and toothed wolves, all rushed towards the crowd immediately.

"Isn’t this number too much?"

"Chu Ge, Dan Heng, quickly use your hidden strength.

Seeing the group of mechanical troops in front of them charging forward like a torrent of steel,

San Yueqi's face almost turned green.

""You should use it first."

Dan Heng said calmly.

Then, he picked up the Cloud-Striking Gun and rushed into the mechanical army.

As for Chu Ge and Clorinde, after eliminating the threat in the air, they also turned their attention to the mechanical army.

Among them, Chu Ge and Dan Heng gave priority to eliminating the Grizzlies and Toothed Wolves, two elite units.

The remaining beetles, war dogs, and spiders, three types of automatic mechas that are easier to deal with, were naturally left to San Yueqi and the others to deal with.

So the sound of gunfire continued, and one after another, the Grizzlies or Toothed Wolves fell and exploded..

The long spears that were attached with the power of wind that could easily cut through steel were also constantly piercing through each large automatic robot.

The power of thunder and fire was also dancing on the battlefield, quickly engulfing each small automatic robot that rushed towards them.

At the same time, ice arrows were constantly passing through the air.

While destroying the automatic robots, they also covered the close combat between Alechino and Clorinde.

Almost every minute and every second, a large number of automatic robots were defeated by Chu Ge and others.

But this group of automatic robots, as if infinite, kept pouring in from all directions.........

After about five minutes of fierce fighting, the snow was covered with a terrifying amount of scrapped parts.

At the same time, the number of mechanical armies that continued to emerge was gradually decreasing.

It was not until the last automatic robot was destroyed that everyone saw a prompt coming

【Successfully defeat all units of the Mechanical Tribe and permanently gain 50 points of all attributes and strength of destiny】.........

"Finally it's over, I can't take it anymore, I need to rest for a while."

March Seven sat on a mechanical part to rest.

It was her first time to fight such a high intensity battle, which was not only very exhausting, but also almost drained her life energy.

Fortunately, in the dungeon, any life walker can gradually restore life energy. In addition, the strength improvement given by the event reward also restored everyone's status to some extent.

"Oh, right, didn’t they say that there was a mysterious unit in the event rewards? Why didn’t I see it?"

Seemingly remembering something, Sanyueqi looked around, looking for the so-called mysterious unit.

"It's coming."

Hearing Chu Ge speak, everyone followed his line of sight and looked to the other side of the mechanical tribe, which was also the long snow-white bridge.

They saw a tall and mighty mecha slowly walking from the deepest part to the front of everyone.

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