After dealing with the antimatter army in the snowfield outside the city, and receiving the rewards of the camp event, and extracting the points reward, each member of the patrol ranger team and the Inazuma team has been improved to a certain extent.

"According to the secret realm buff, this should be the first day's faction event. After completing it, you can move freely."

"I think we should go back to Beloberg and rest for a while."

Yaezamiko shook her pink furry ears.

With a tired look in her eyes, she suggested to everyone.

This war may be a simple killing game for Chu Ge.

But for others, it is a very difficult challenge.

Whether it is Alechino and others, or Lei Yingying, they all reveal fatigue that is difficult to hide.

Of course, Fu Xuan, like Chu Ge, did not feel very tired.

Because when the tramplers were wiped out by Chu Ge,

Fu Xuan no longer needed to activate a large formation to protect everyone.

This also made her pressure drop a lot.

At the same time, she could free up her hands and use the formation to continuously eliminate the virtual soldiers of the antimatter army.

This also made Fu Xuan.

Become the challenger with the highest score among all the challengers present, except Chu Ge.

"Go back. After all, you still have to stay here for several days. The state is the most important thing."

Chu Ge agreed with the proposal of Yae Shenzi.

For him, although today's camp event was completed, he could act alone in the remaining free time.

For example, hunting down the antimatter army from the outside world, or the rift creatures in the north.

As for Alechino and others, since they were not in good condition, it would be best for them to stay in a safe area, that is, in the Beloberg administrative area, and have a good rest.

If they went out with a tired body, they would most likely encounter the danger of being removed from the dungeon.

So Chu Ge naturally hoped that they could go back and have a good rest.

As for himself, he had to make good use of this free time. Time, hunt more hostile units, and thus obtain more points.

Chu Ge’s idea is very simple at present.

That is, the antimatter army in the snowfield outside the city has been dealt with.

Then next, it is the turn of the rift creatures in the north.

Before entering the secret dungeon.

The dungeon did not reveal the random members matched by other challenger teams. 243

Therefore, Chu Ge did not know.

What kind of destiny walker the Liyue team and the Mond team matched.

In addition, there was no news from the other side.

So Chu Ge prepared to return to the administrative district, cross the edge passage, and arrive at the Iron Guard restricted area to see the specific situation.

【March 7: As expected of Chu Ge, he can easily deal with so many legions!】

【March 7: Although I don’t know how many points he has obtained so far, but if the trend continues like this, he will most likely get the highest reward of this copy, an audience with the Star God!】

【Dan Heng: He has become stronger again. I don't know why, but he always gives me a strange feeling.........】

【Walter: Danheng, what did you find?】

【Dan Heng: Nothing, it's just that he's getting stronger too fast. I've traveled with him before, but with the same reward, he was able to gain even greater power.】

【Dan Heng: I think there may be some kind of power hidden in his body, and as he gets stronger, it is gradually awakening.】

【March 7: I knew he had hidden powers!】

【Ningguang: Mr. Chu Ge's strength is indeed extraordinary. If I could become a partner with him, he would be a partner worth relying on.】

【Keqing: The Emperor is almost done dealing with the world-shattering creatures.】

【Keqing: It's just that blade. I feel like his condition is getting worse and worse.】

【Yan Qing: This is the fate of being in the devil's shadow. His mind is turbid, like a beast, he has a strong desire to attack all living things in his sight.】

【Yan Qing: The general next to me repeatedly emphasized how dangerous he is. Although I don't think I can't defeat him, he is extremely dangerous for the Liyue team and the Mondstadt team!】

【Yan Qing: It depends on whether the ten people from Shi Xin's company will take action or wait for Mr. Chu Ge's rescue.】

【Master Liuyunjiefeng: Is that star core hunter really that scary?】

【Dan Heng: Of course. According to the company's assessment, every member of the Star Core Hunters has the ability to destroy a star.】

【Dan Heng: This guy's swordsmanship is very strong, but what's even more terrifying is his self-healing ability. He's like an undead monster, slaughtering the world and completely capable of destroying civilization.】

【Dan Heng: According to my judgment, even if Chu Ge is very strong and can kill that person, he will never be able to completely end the opponent.】

【Funina: Huh???】

【Funina: If he continues to remain in the state of the demonic body, wouldn’t it be very bad for Chu Ge and the others?】

【Dainsleib: Actually there is another solution, which is to throw the blade into the outside world.】

【Dainsreb: Outside of Beloberg, there are only rift creatures and antimatter troops. With these countless monsters attracting him, he probably won't return to Beloberg.】

【Yanqing: This.......That's possible, but if those monsters can't end him, then wouldn't he be one step closer to qualifying for an audience with the Star God than Mr. Chu Ge?】

【Yan Qing: If he uses this to gain the power of the Order, then.......What? General, you said he originally had some of the power of the envoy? ? ? 】

Luofu Immortal Boat, Divine Strategy Talisman.

Yan Qing, who was originally discussing the situation of the dungeon with everyone, was stunned when he learned a huge secret.

"This is not something you should know, but according to what you have said, he does have a high chance of getting an audience with the Star God."

"So it's okay for me to tell you, but remember not to spread it to others."

Jing Yuan sighed slightly, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

This matter dates back to the Yinyue Rebellion.

It was during that period that Dan Feng and Ying Xing studied the magic of dragon transformation together in order to resurrect their dead friends

, trying to let their friends live again in the form of the Chiming tribe.

But something went wrong during the resurrection process.

The friend turned into an evil dragon, and Ying Xing also received the blessing of flesh and blood from the Envoy of Abundance.

Of course, for Ying Xing, this was not a blessing at all, but a curse.

The above news, It is a top-level secret in the Xianzhou Alliance.

Logically, Jing Yuan would not tell Yan Qing about this.

But since the situation in the dungeon has developed to this point, it would not make any difference if he told it.

When Yan Qing heard the news, he was dumbfounded.

Who is Shuhu? He is the most powerful Envoy of the

Abundance Star God Pharmacist in the universe since the birth of the Abundance Star God Pharmacist.

There are also differences in strength between Envoys.

But Shuhu is undoubtedly the top Envoy.

The weaker Envoys are...

They are like ants in front of him.

Even the mid-to-upper level messengers find it difficult to shake him.

In order to kill Shuhu, the Immortal Boat Alliance mobilized the power of three immortal boats.

Basically, all the means that could be used were used.

They even took out the body left by Emperor Sui, whose soul and Lan were upgraded to the Star God together.

Although Shuhu was eventually annihilated, only a little bit of residue was left.

But whether he was dead or not is still a mystery.

So he could receive the blessing of Shuhu's flesh and blood.

The self-healing ability of the blade Strength and immortality.

It's really outrageous if it's not outrageous.

Now the Xianzhou Alliance has imprisoned countless hard-to-kill people of abundance and other special creatures.

But the highest-level prisoners of the Xianzhou Alliance.

(To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) are the little remnants left by Shuhu.

Thinking of this, Yan Qing shuddered.

No wonder the general always showed a strange expression every time he heard him say that he wanted to take down the Star Core Hunter Blade.

It turned out that the power contained in the other party was too strong for him.

"General, if that's the case, then why did the Alliance let him escape in the first place?"

Yan Qing looked puzzled.

"This involves another secret, which you cannot access."

"In short, watch everything that happens in the dungeon carefully, and then tell me any changes in the situation."

Jing Yuan shook his head and did not reveal the reason.

Because it involved another sinner of Luofu Xianzhou, his master. It was Jing

Liu who broke into the prison and took Ying Xing away.

What happened to the two afterwards, and why Ying Xing became the blade of the star core hunter.

This is not something Jing Yuan knows.

In the secret dungeon.

At this moment, the patrol ranger team and the Inazuma team.

Have returned to the administrative district in Beloberg.

For their great contribution to defeating the antimatter army.

The Silver Mane Iron Guards all paid tribute to them and provided the highest standard of housing and food.

Just when Alecino and Lei Yingying and others were resting[]

Chu Ge and Fu Xuan left the administrative area and headed towards the Iron Guard restricted area.

"Even the Immortal Boat Alliance has a lot of confusion about the Sea Patrol Ranger."

"Why did you all suddenly disappear from the universe?"

"Was this done by the original Doctor, or was there some other reason?"

"Could it be related to the battle with the Great Lord of Extinction Zhu Luo many years ago?"

On the way, Fu Xuan said curiously

"The Sea Patrol Ranger has always been wandering around, but if one day, the Sea Patrol Ranger disappears from the universe, there is only one possibility."

"The hunting stars will only fall in the longest night, and after that, the dawn will come."

"Just like the jade sign of your Xianzhou Alliance, once it is broken, thousands of cloud cavalry will be summoned."

"As for the war to encircle and suppress the Great Lord Zhu Luo, that is another matter."

"Countless predecessors shed their blood and died in battle, and finally killed the Great Lord of Extinction, Zhu Luo."

Chu Ge said calmly.

However, when talking about the deeds of the patrol rangers encircling and suppressing the Great Lord of Extinction, his expression could not help but be a little emotional.

""Did you really kill the Great Lord of Extinction, Zhu Luo?"

Fu Xuan heard this, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his tone was a little hurried.

The Great Lord of Extinction was one of the seven great emissaries under the command of the God of Destruction, Nanook.

In front of a real emissary, even the top-level fate walkers would find it difficult to shake the other party.

Although I learned from Chu Ge's tone.

That war also sacrificed countless sea patrol rangers. It was an extremely heroic war.

But Fu Xuan still found it unbelievable.

Because the information obtained by Xianzhou at present is only that the Great Lord of Extinction, Zhu Luo, is still uncertain.

Maybe from the perspective of the Xianzhou Alliance, the war of the sea patrol rangers to encircle and suppress the Great Lord of Extinction can only severely damage the other party, but cannot completely kill the other party.

"It's not me, it's the predecessor of the Sea Patrol Ranger."

Chu Ge shook his head and corrected the person Fu Xuan was talking about.

"As expected of a hunting faction, although I still find it a little unbelievable."

Fu Xuan was silent for a moment before she spoke slowly.

After that, she remained silent all the way.

Because after she came to her senses from such shocking news, she paid more attention to the casualties of the Sea Patrol Rangers.

I'm afraid that was also a heroic battle that was no less than the War of Plenty.

As for the countless creatures who were watching.

Even a few fate walkers in the Collapse Iron Universe, they all had a look of seeing a ghost.

The fall of the Star God Messenger.

Basically, it only occurs when the Star God or other Star God Messengers are the main force.

Ending the Star God Messenger with a mortal body.

This deed is the first in the Collapse Iron Universe.

Not long after, Chu Ge and Fu Xuan arrived at the Iron Guard restricted area.

Although there were many traces of battles around.

The Rift Creatures were suspected to have invaded the Iron Guard restricted area.

But fortunately, the Liyue team and the Mond team provided timely support.

All the Rift Creatures were beaten back, making this place no longer The shadow of any Rift Creature appeared.

However, whether it was Chu Ge or Fu Xuan, they could feel a monstrous killing intent coming from afar. The killing intent and powerful aura like a beast were not what ordinary or even excellent destiny walkers could show.

So the two looked at each other and immediately rushed out of the Iron Guard restricted area and headed for the Echo Corridor.

At this moment, there were still some shadows of the Rift Creatures in the Echo Corridor.

But with the efforts of the challengers, they were gradually eliminated.

When Chu Ge and Fu Xuan arrived, the Rift Creatures had been killed and the battlefield in the North had won.

But Zhongli, Wendy and others present did not show much joy.

Because the crazy blade, after not finding the next Rift Creature, suddenly locked the terrifying killing intent on everyone.

Suddenly, the sense of crisis of death enveloped their hearts. ps: I won’t pretend anymore. This book can only make the author a little money for instant noodles. In order to make a living, I can only open a new book.

But this book will continue to be written, with 4,000 words updated every day, and I won’t eunuch..

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