The weather was fine, but the weather was fine.

"Welcome to the morning news, citizens of Vestalia!"

"Today is April 20, 1670, the French calendar. The weather is fine. I wish you all a happy mood today."

"It is our responsibility to rebuild the glory of Vestalia. Under the governance of His Majesty the Supreme and Great Jupiter, we have stepped out of the shadow of the post-war period and finally rebuilt the former prosperity in five years."

"Please listen to today's news broadcast..."

The morning light shines through the screen window, reflecting the decoration and furniture in the room. The radio broadcasts the morning news. Fu Li listens to the radio while making breakfast.

"Rebuilding the glory of the Kingdom of Winter is our duty!" Fu Li casually mentioned a country that does not exist in this world following the content of the announcer.

Five years ago, after he was brought to this world by a dump truck, he changed from a 30-year-old body back to a 10-year-old child, and then saw the devastated land and the city that was destroyed to ruins.

Before he could figure out what was going on, he was confused and treated as a war orphan by the officials of Vestalia for unified management and training.

Until he finally got into Vestalia College with a little knowledge from his previous life, he left the dormitory and moved into a single apartment.

The technology in this world is about the level before and after World War II in the previous life. Some technologies are higher than those during World War II in the previous life, and some are a little behind.

The most important thing is that this world has many magical powers, spellcasters, wizards; elves and many half-human, half-beast intelligent creatures.

After finishing breakfast and pouring myself a glass of milk, the radio continued to broadcast:

"The economic miracle of Byersos has attracted the attention of various countries. Five years ago, the economy of Byersos collapsed and inflation reached an astonishing 1000%."

"Five years later, Byersos has not only restored its former economy, but also revitalized this cold country in the north, with remarkable performance in the fields of economy and people's livelihood."

"His Majesty Jupiter delivered an important speech on the economic miracle of Byersos. He believed that such an economic model was worthy of reference and learning from Vestalia, and sent official personnel to investigate."

"Speaking of the economic miracle of Byersos, we have to mention two crucial figures, they are Pucciniera and Pantalone..."

"Pucciniera As the Prime Minister of Byersos, his political principles and ideas of governing the country undoubtedly played a decisive role. "

"The Bank of the North, established by Pantalone, has become one of the largest banks in the world in just a few years, and it also gave Pucciniella a strong economic strength to endorse and implement his political ideas."

"Similarly, Pantalone's Bank of the North can develop so rapidly, and it is inseparable from Pucciniella's help."

"Many people are speculating about the relationship between them. Some people say that they are good friends who are as close as brothers, and some officials of Byersos have said that their private relationship is not harmonious..."

"This radio station has no opinion on this..."

"Well done, rooster and rich man!" Fu Li raised the cup, said to the void, and drank the milk.

"Is it a bit bad to praise yourself?" Fu Li said to himself after putting down the cup.

"Hey, I'll praise it, it's not beautiful."

After Fu Li traveled through time, he also had the legendary plug-in.

That is, the "Genshin Impact Role Playing System".

He can obtain characters through the system's card drawing to play. As long as the character he plays is in line with the character's personality traits, form and behavior, he can exert his greatest strength.

Five years ago, the first card pool he obtained from this system was the Fatui of the Kingdom of Winter.

As long as you participate in the big and small things in this world by playing a role, you can get causal points.

Regardless of the size of the matter, you can get causal points. The more things you participate in, the more people you can influence, and the more causal points you get.

Causal points can be used to draw characters, and can also be used to buy many things in the system.

Puccini and Pantalone of Byersos are the characters he plays.

From the original god, the executive of the Fatui of the Kingdom of Winter, the fifth seat Puccini, codenamed "Rooster"; the ninth seat Pantalone, codenamed "Rich Man".

Thanks to the magical power of the system, he can multitask and play multiple characters at the same time, so that he can

Can remotely play all characters in Vistaria.

One's own body is the most important. During the five years, Fu Li tried his best not to let the character he played have any relationship with his own body.

And each character he played has already gained its own fame on this continent.

The system's card pool will add a force and country every year, not only the characters of the Fatui, but also the characters of other countries in Teyvat.

If all his forces are concentrated together, it will be a force that can change the world.

After breakfast, after turning off the radio, Fu Li took his handbag and left the small room.


Vestalia College is a comprehensive college that brings together elite students from this country. It includes military, economics, politics, magic, culture and other disciplines. Those who can enter the home college are young geniuses carefully selected from this country.

Nine years ago, a war that affected the entire world broke out, and various countries clamored to fight a war that could end everything.

The war lasted for four years, with casualties reaching hundreds of millions, cities in countless countries reduced to ruins, and countless people lost their homes.

The result was that nothing was accomplished in the end, but countless widows and a large number of unattended elderly people and children were left behind.

After young men suffered heavy casualties and almost a generation was wiped out, all countries finally realized that if they continued to fight, they would only be able to send the elderly, the weak, the sick and the widowed to the battlefield.

So five years ago, countries around the world signed a ceasefire agreement to recuperate.

But the root cause of the war has never been resolved. Perhaps in the near future, these newly grown people will become the main force of future wars.

Vestalia College was established for this purpose. Its predecessor was an aristocratic college.

The war five years ago led to the death of a large number of middle-aged men. In the face of a serious lack of labor after the war, those women who had been at home to take care of their husbands and children were required by the state to enter the society to work. The aristocratic colleges that were once closed to civilians have also become comprehensive colleges open to civilians.

Its purpose is to train various elites for the country to prepare for the future.

Fu Li was a commoner in this world. He entered this academy five years ago because he was good at drawing handmade PPT and pancakes.

Although the things he drew were all specious things that were everywhere in his previous life, they were attractive enough.

The most important thing was to get the right to live alone.

Fu Li stood at the entrance of the academy with a smile. After five years, it was finally time to reap the fruits!

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