The main body has already considered the establishment of Inazuma. Wendy can provide a certain amount of mountains and rivers for sea reclamation, and the rest can be purchased by the system. But there is still one key point that has not been solved. "But the most important thing is, if Inazuma is opened in the future, how should the population be solved?" Ningguang said after thinking for a moment: "It is obviously not enough to just draw cards." "After all, as a country, it is impossible to have so few people, and it is impossible to recruit people from outside to fill it, otherwise it will be exposed." This is indeed a problem that is not easy to solve. After all, the real world cannot be as small as in the game, and it is impossible for a country to have only dozens or hundreds of people. Now whether it is the Kingdom of Winter, Mondstadt, or Haimo Ling, they are all established based on the population and land in this world. It is indeed quite difficult for a closed country like Inazuma, which is isolated overseas and surrounded by thunderstorms, to include the local population.

"Unless there is a reason that makes the world believe, there are very few people who believe in Inazuma." Ganyu took out a map and pointed at it and said, "So, we need an opportunity."

"Now the whole world is speculating what the war between demons will be like. Why not develop it according to this and present a battle between demons to the world, and by the way, use some reason to make the world believe that most of the Inazuma people are very few."

Ganyu pointed to the direction of the map, which was the northwest bordering Haimoling. It was once one of the main battlefields of the end war, but now it has become a deserted ruin.

This land is very large, but no country has set its sights on it. It is no longer suitable for human habitation.

This world has things like the spirit world. As the main battlefield during the end war, tens of millions of people died here, and eventually formed a gloomy ghost domain.

Moreover, it inexplicably attracted many ferocious beasts to settle here, and even mutated, becoming extremely cruel and bloodthirsty, and their size and bodies were several times larger.

This is also the reason why Ningguang did not immediately change the name to Liyue after settling in Haimoling, because only after this huge land was incorporated, the conditions for establishing Liyue were met.

"So what reason should we use?"

"That's up to the main body to consider."

Ningguang looked at the map for a moment and concluded: "Now our stall is very large, but we still don't have enough manpower. Not to mention the Liyue forces and Zhidong, Xumi and Inazuma are also short of manpower."

"We are also constantly absorbing talents from this world, but only the Seven Gods can truly change the world."

"After the arrival of the Wind God, Mondstadt welcomed a large number of people from this world to join him."

"After the Seven Leaves of Silence established the Saha Kingdom, I think many people will join."

"Although we have the legend of the Seven Gods, many people are on the sidelines before the gods really come out."

"The Seven Gods are like nuclear weapons. You can not use them, but you can't have them."

"The main body has prepared a lot of cause and effect points for this. It depends on which one you can draw this time."

After several people discussed, they roughly decided on the subsequent plan. Next, it depends on the luck of the main body.

Afterwards, Kuki Shinobu took Ara Taki Ichito away. Before leaving, he was still obsessed with challenging Ningguang.

However, the few people were too lazy to care about him. After arranging a place to live, they let him develop.

Although Ara Taki Ichito often made a fuss, he would really step forward without hesitation when encountering difficult things.

The next day, after waking up in the place that Ningguang arranged for them, Ara Taki Ichito planned to step on the land in Haimoling Port and think about how to develop his career.

Well, it’s better to say where to go to do odd jobs than a career.

Kuki Shinobu was going to help Ganyu and left him some money.

But he spent it all on the day he got it.

He bought a pearl from a fishmonger that was said to be caught from the deep sea. If it was made into jewelry, the price would increase by more than a hundred times.

The fishmonger said so, and Ara Taki Ichito believed it.

In the morning, he realized that he had been cheated. When he went to look for the fishmonger angrily, he was no longer there.

"Damn it! Don't let me see that guy!"

Ara Taki Ichito touched his stomach. He had spent all his living expenses for the past two days. Before Kuki Shinobu came back, he had to work as a temporary worker.

Fortunately, there were many dock workers who needed to carry bags at the port.

With his power, it's not a problem.

So today, a strange sight appeared at the Haimoling Port. A tall guy wearing strange clothes, carrying a package that required more than ten people to carry, wandered back and forth between the cargo ships.

People were even surprised to find that this guy was actually the owner of the Eye of God.

Not the kind of swindler, but the real Eye of God.

When the dock workers saw Ara Taki Ito carrying huge cargo with the element of rock, they couldn't help but think:

You are the owner of the Eye of God, why do you still come to be a dock worker?

Or a temporary worker!

You can do something else with your power, brother.

Fortunately, the daily cargo throughput of Haimoling Port is very large, and these dock workers are not worried about the other party stealing their jobs.

However, many merchant ship owners who came and went hurriedly tried to please Ara Taki Ito to join their fleet after seeing that he was the owner of the Eye of God.

A wild owner of the Eye of God!

That's someone who has received the attention of the gods!

At present, all forces in the world are recruiting holders of the Eye of God. Some countries even said that except for the position of king, other positions are left to the holders of the Eye of God to choose.

These merchant ship owners naturally did not miss such a great opportunity and extended an olive branch to Ara Taki Ichito.

Unfortunately, he was ruthlessly rejected.

In Ara Taki Ichito's words, he is just a gangster, and being idle is his job. He came to work as a temporary dock worker today just to make a living.

The money he earned today is enough for him to eat, drink and have fun for a week.

Work one day and rest seven days, it's so comfortable.

The merchant ship owners finally looked at Ara Taki Ichito speechlessly after he got the salary for the day, and the arrogant laughter, and they wondered if the gods who were paying attention to him had made a mistake.

Why let such a guy get the Eye of God.

Work one day and rest seven days?

The incompetent monarchs of a country are more diligent than you!

At your age, how can you come up with such a plan?

No matter what these people think, Ara Taki Ichito insists on his own ideas. It is impossible to be a long-term worker. Only temporary work is his favorite.

"Hahaha, these guys also want to recruit me?"

Ara Taki Ichito holds a skewer in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other, laughing.

"Huh? What is that?"

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