The old man was very busy, but the old man was very busy.

A week later, at the port of Haimoling, Yvette was carrying a lunch box and looking at Ara Taki Ichito who was carrying a big bag.

After being rescued, after a brief contact in the past few days, she understood some of his personality and characteristics, such as the "work one day and rest seven days". When she knew that Ara Taki Ichito worked one day and rested for seven days, she couldn't help but sigh that he was worthy of being her boss.

The idea was indeed different.

Now Yvette has been promoted to the third in command of the Ara Taki faction, which is also a high position.

Although there are only three people in the Ara Taki faction at present.

"Boss, it's time to eat."

Today is her day off, and Yvette came to the port with the prepared dinner.

"I'm coming!" Aratake Ito put down the hundreds of kilograms of goods on his body, showed a playful look, and walked towards Yvette.

"What did you prepare today? No beans?"

"Don't worry, there are no bean products."

Yvette handed the lunch box to the other party, looked at him for a while and said: "Boss, speaking of it, Du Aren is working for Lord Ningguang, why don't you go to help."

"I've said that I'm a gangster. Of course, the main job of a gangster is to be idle. Coming to the port to carry bags is just to earn some pocket money."

Although Yvette has heard Aratake Ito's explanation many times, she still can't help asking.

Boss, you have the Eye of God, why do you still hang around here.

Now as long as you are a holder of the Eye of God, you can get the treatment of a guest of honor in any country.

Isn't it more comfortable than you here.

However, Aratake Ito is Aratake Ito, his ideas and ways of doing things are completely different from others.

The dock workers nearby also saw this scene and gathered together to whisper:

"Look at the person who delivered food to Ara Taki Ichito, is she his girlfriend or wife?"

"I don't think she's a girlfriend."

"Then what does she look like?"

"She looks like a mother."

"...That makes sense."

In a sense, Yvette and Kuki Shinobu are really Ara Taki Ichito's old mothers, worrying about him every day.

"Look, someone else has been arrested!"

Someone suddenly said.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw several men with pale faces being escorted by Hai Moling's guards.

"Those people are the ones who often hang around the casino."

"I heard that many people have been arrested recently."

"Yeah, I guess many people will be arrested to mine this time."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, these people deserve it."

After Ningguang sent Ye Lan to investigate the details in secret, he launched a large-scale purge. So far, at least thousands of people have been arrested, and those who resisted have died at the hands of Ye Lan.

This made many people in many forces silent.

Most of Hai Moling's forces now chose to be loyal to Ningguang, restraining their subordinates and not daring to cross the line.

But there are always fish that slip through the net in this world. These people secretly began to develop themselves after Ningguang came to power.

Some even got involved with some larger forces.

Obviously, their end will not be much better.

"Let me go! Let me go! I have done meritorious service for Ningguang, I have shed blood for Ningguang! You can't do this to me!"

"I want to see Ningguang! I want to see Ningguang!"


The guard was annoyed by the noise and punched the other in the abdomen.

This guy was already talking nonsense.

If you don't know, you might think you helped Ningguang unify the Sea of ​​​​Moling, but you just chose to bow down to Ningguang.

Have you done meritorious service for Lord Ningguang? Have you shed blood?

What a joke.

Yvette looked at the noisy crowd and said with emotion: "Lord Ningguang's methods are really swift and decisive. It only took a few days to clean up those guys hiding in the dark."

She can be regarded as the fuse of this great purge. After Ningguang shouted "If the purge is not absolute, it is absolutely not purge", many people from various forces labeled Yvette as someone who cannot be provoked.

Not only did she cause this incident, but she also joined the Aradaki faction.

People who are well-informed already know that Kuki Shinobu is the second-in-command of the Aradaki faction. As a high-ranking official who was parachuted into Hai Mo Ling, Kuki Shinobu showed her outstanding ability as soon as she took office.

Although she claimed that she was only helping temporarily and would return to the Aradaki faction in the future, people from all major forces could not help but sigh at the luck of Aradaki Ito.


, what are you going to do next? "Looking at the time, it was almost evening, and the work of carrying bags at the dock was coming to an end.

"Well - hahahaha, I made an appointment with a little kid today to compete in insect fighting!"

Arataki Ichito laughed: "I didn't expect that Hai Mo Ling would have such a competition, it's so exciting."

"My Shogun is already impatient!"

Forget it, just pretend she didn't ask.

Yvette sighed inwardly, and gradually got used to this unreliable boss.

But she didn't feel impatient. On the contrary, she liked people like Arataki Ichito very much, otherwise she wouldn't recognize him as her boss, and she wouldn't join the Arataki faction.

This kind of liking is not love between men and women, but more like some kind of family affection.

The first ten years of her life were spent under the shadow of her gambling father. After her mother died, he became worse and even planned to let Yvette pick up customers.

This made her She immediately cut off contact with her father. Unfortunately, after her gambling father died, all the debts were transferred to her. Even after she used her savings for several years to pay off the debts, she could not escape the entanglement of those people.

If she had not met Ara Taki Ichito, she didn't know what would have happened.

This period of time was one of the few days in her life when she could relax.

For her who had not experienced the happiness of childhood, sometimes it was a very pleasant thing to compete with Ara Taki Ichito and the little brats in fighting insects.

"Fighting insects, it seems not bad, but unfortunately I have been busy with work recently and have not caught a good one."

"Hahahaha, Xiao Yi, don't worry, I will definitely help you find a powerful fighting insect!"

"Okay, then I will wait for your good news, boss."

"Hahahahahaha, don't worry, with me, it will be easy to catch. "

Under the gorgeous sunset, the figures of the two also left with the afterglow of the sunset.

At the same time, in another country.

Valhalla, a country that controls an important transportation hub among the Western countries, also had an important event.

Although compared with the news that the Seven Leaves Silent Lord established the Kingdom of God on Earth a few days ago, it was not a sensational news.

But for the local citizens, it was indeed a big deal.

The old emperor died of illness and had no heir.

According to the inheritance law of Valhalla, the new emperor will be selected from the seven electors.

And the most eye-catching thing is that a girl suddenly became one of the seven electors.

Her name is Fischer von Rufuschloss Nafedot.

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