The situation is far more chaotic than expected.

The sea is more chaotic than expected, this is what Sanbing thought after listening to Fusi's story.

There are dozens of well-known forces, big and small, and the forces are complicated. For example, Fusi's Crimson Blood Wolf Gang is actually a subsidiary of another large gang.

Most of these large gangs are black gloves raised by the royal family, nobles and chaebols, no matter how many people die every day for the sake of profit.

But the money that should be handed in cannot be less, especially the royal family.

The royal family supports powerful spellcasters. Once these strong men take action, no gang can resist.

"I have told you everything I know, please...let me go."

"You are so...powerful, you must be able to rule the underground forces of Hai Mo Ling, cough, I can lead the way for you..."

Fusi looked at San Bing and begged, he didn't know if the other party would spare him, but now he had no choice but to beg for mercy, and he even thought about leading the way for the other party.

"Lead the way? Hahahahaha————" San Bing couldn't help laughing.

"Did you misunderstand something?"


"In order to save your own life, you really sold everyone out without mercy." San Bing looked at Fusi sarcastically and said, "But I never said I wanted to rule any forces, right?"

"Cough...what?" If it weren't for the strong pain stimulating his brain, he would have doubted whether he had heard it wrong.

What exactly are you doing here?

As if he understood what Fusi was thinking, Sanbing lifted him up: "How can an ignorant ant understand what I am thinking?"

"I came here without ever thinking of ruling any power, nor do I need anyone to lead the way for me."

"Why, why..."

Fusi, who was being strangled by the neck, felt the other party's hand getting tighter and tighter, almost suffocating him.


"You asked a really good question." Sanbing tilted his head and said with disdain:

"No reason, the so-called thunder and rain are all the grace of the king. I don't need any reason to do what I want. I am moody and willful."

"Even if that blind guy didn't provoke me before, you are destined to be destroyed by me."

"All this is just because I simply want to destroy this place. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Fusi looked at the other party in disbelief. He was almost suffocating, and finally couldn't hold the last string of reason after hearing Sanbing's words, and completely collapsed.

As his vitality was lost, Furth was finally thrown aside by Sanbing like garbage.

"A bunch of ugly maggots, are you worthy of my control?"

Sanbing sneered.

At this time, the Fire Debtor came to him: "Lord Sanbing, most of the Crimson Blood Wolf Gang has been cleared out, and the rest have escaped from the slums because they are too scattered."

"What should we do next? Should we designate the slums here as our sphere of influence?"

"Sphere of influence?" Sanbing looked at him strangely: "No need to do anything."

"Uh, no need to do anything?" The Fire Debtor was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a while and asked carefully:

"Now that the Crimson Blood Wolf Gang has been destroyed by us, it will inevitably cause a power vacuum here. If we don't do anything, other forces in Hai Mo Ling will also intervene."

"Then clean them all up." Sanbing said easily: "We are not here to rule a certain force."

His mission is to come here to cause trouble for the royal family and nobles of Hai Mo Ling. As for whether to support a force in the future, that is not something he considers.

"Just pay attention to the qualified people and take them back to the Kingdom of Winter for training."

"Yes, Lord Sanbing." After listening, the Fire Debtor did not say anything more and stepped aside.

"Okay, it's time for us to leave. Starting tomorrow, we will randomly select a lucky force from the list of forces just recorded, and then destroy it."

As for the consequences after the destruction, it is none of his business. What to do will be left to another self.

"Please leave it to another me to deal with the rest of the things, Rooster." Sanbing thought silently in his heart.


The news that the Crimson Blood Wolf Gang was destroyed spread quickly. Not long after Sanbing left, other gangs

They sent forces, intelligence dealers, spies and others to check.

But when they saw the bodies that had not been dealt with yet and Forth who died in a dirty corner, they knew that things had gotten serious.

First of all, the people who destroyed the Crimson Blood Wolf Gang were not from Hai Mo Ling's forces. From the confessions of the gang members who escaped, they learned that these people were most likely a kind of spellcaster that could not be sensed by the magic detector.

Each of them was powerful, and no one in the entire Crimson Blood Wolf Gang could resist.

This was an extremely dangerous signal, indicating that an external force had intervened in Hai Mo Ling, but the strange thing was that after they destroyed the Crimson Blood Wolf Gang, they did not take over the slums, but left directly.

They did not have any communication with the ordinary people here.

But the result of doing so would make the slums a battlefield for many gangs to fight for.

This idea was not wrong.

It was just that on the second day, when many gangs began to prepare to swallow up the slums, they heard another explosive news.

The group that destroyed the Crimson Blood Wolf yesterday destroyed another gang today.

Viscatto, this is a large gang that has been rooted in Haimo Ling for many years.

Compared with it, the Crimson Blood Wolf is like a child.

In an underground intelligence trading market in the capital of Haimo Ling, many people are constantly whispering.

"Who is this person?"

An intelligence dealer said puzzledly holding a photo, the person in the photo is the scattered soldier.

"I don't know. It is said that he destroyed the headquarters of Viskato alone. More than 300 people died under his hands, including spellcasters." Another intelligence dealer said with a cigarette in his mouth, frowning:

"It is said that this man didn't do anything at the time, and let those hundreds of people die under the lightning from his body."

"After that, his men appeared and wiped out all the Viskato members scattered in other parts of the headquarters."

"Those men are all powerful and can use strange powers, but they can't detect magic."

After the two looked at each other, they were silent for a moment.

"What did the upper level of Hai Mo Ling say?"

"I don't know... Anyway, they won't be very happy."

"Hey, guys, something happened again!" At this time, a middle-aged man came here and said loudly: "We received news again."

"The Desville family that supported Viskato was eliminated."


Everyone looked over quickly. This news was more shocking than the destruction of Viskato.

That's the great noble of Hai Mo Ling. No matter how powerful the Hai Mo Ling gang is, they dare not target the Deswell family!

"The man who killed the Deswell family..." The man with his eyes clenched looked at the other party in disbelief.

The middle-aged man nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, it's the man who killed the Crimson Blood Wolf and Viskato."

"Except for the children and servants of the Deswell family, everyone else is dead."

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