The beginning of the dream, will anyone remember it?

All dreamers will only remember some scattered fragments, but no one ever remembers the beginning of the dream.

All the stories in dreams start halfway, and all this is taken for granted.

After listening to Jacqueline's statement, Pine asked in confusion: "Are you saying that we are in a dream now?"

"It's not that we are in a dream, but someone has turned this place into a dream-like existence."

Jacqueline took out a book and handed it to Pine and said: "No one remembers the beginning of the dream, and no one will remember the words in the book in the dream."

"This book shows that we are not in our own dream."

Pine flipped through the words on the book, closed it and silently recited it, and found that he could clearly remember the words just now.

"Indeed, we are not in a dream, but this place has become a dream."

"What are you talking about?" Daniel asked when he saw that the two seemed to have discovered something.

"Just trying to explain how Annie could take Cindy's existence for granted."

"If this place is a dream, then it makes sense, just like no one cares about the beginning of a dream."

Annie said at this time: "But why was it that only I could see it before, but you couldn't."

"Because dreams are illogical?" Daniel replied, touching his head.

"No, it should be some kind of ritual."

Pine suddenly said with an expression of sudden enlightenment: "I remember, the method of Voodoo sacrifice."


"Legend has it that Voodoo sacrifices specifically use young girls as the main sacrifices, and they are not ordinary living sacrifices."

"Those girls who are chosen for sacrifice are usually cultivated by Voodoo people as friends or relatives for a period of time."

"When the relationship reaches a certain level, the cultivator will personally sacrifice them to achieve the deepest sense of despair."

"Cindy, was he very good to you from the beginning?"

With every word Pine said, Annie's face became worse and worse.

Especially the last sentence, Cindy has been very gentle to her since they came here.

"I see, the suspension bridge effect."

Jacqueline nodded and said, "Annie was originally afraid of the test of courage research this time. Cindy lurked beside her and comforted her gently, so she naturally had a great liking for her."

"When this liking is betrayed, that kind of despair is what the Voodoo Cult wants."

"Asshole! I will make those scumbags of the Voodoo Cult look good!"

Daniel pounded the wall heavily and said angrily, "Let's leave quickly and find Mr. Ambassador to ask him to communicate with the Liyue officials to wipe out these bastards!"

"Are we really going to leave at this time?" Jacqueline looked at the night outside the window and said, "I'm not sure if the night here is real, but..."

"Are we going to wait here?" Daniel said unconvinced, "Look at this corpse, I don't want to spend the night with it."

"I naturally understand your considerations, but it's too dangerous to go out at night."

Just when several people were struggling whether to leave now, Cindy's voice rang out again in the room.

"Hehehe————You, can't escape."

The voice came from the corpse. The broken corpse was motionless, but it gave people a feeling that it was about to come alive.

"Get out of here, you bastard!"

Daniel roared and smashed the rotten wooden chair beside him at the corpse.


The blood of the corpse kept splashing, staining Daniel's body and face, making him look extremely hideous.

"Don't smash it, Daniel!" Pine grabbed Daniel who was about to lose his understanding.

"Calm down! Calm down!"

"Hahahaha, guys who destroyed the ceremony, you will never get out of this area."

Cindy's voice was still mocking, sharp and weird.

"Let's go!" Several people made a prompt decision and hurriedly pushed open the door, not even taking the camera and luggage.

Under the moonlight, their figures were quite embarrassed. Pine looked back when he ran away, but saw that the house looked like a huge head, opening its bloody mouth to swallow everything.

"You can't escape, just be obedient and die here, hahahaha."

Cindy's voice followed them like a shadow, lingering.

"Damn Voodoo, how come they came to Liyue!" Jacqueline grabbed Annie's hand and cursed: "These rats can be seen everywhere."

Voodoo is one of the most well-known cults in the world. The believers act crazy and are extremely cruel. Naturally, countries will not let them go.

"Annie, where are those witch amulets you bought before? Use them quickly..."

Jacqueline suddenly felt that the hand she was holding Annie became light and felt bad. She turned around and saw that she was holding a dry arm.

This arm, if she was not mistaken, was Cindy's...


Jacqueline tried to shake off her arm in fear, but this arm was like an iron clamp, holding her tightly.

"Daniel, Pine!" Jacqueline called Daniel and Pine.

"Annie-Annie is gone!"

After hearing Jacqueline's panicked voice, the two turned their heads to look at Jacqueline.

"What's on your hand is..."

"Hahaha, you can't escape, die!" A mouth suddenly appeared on the dry arm, sneering at the few people.

It was still Cindy's voice.

"Fuck you!" Daniel took the hunting knife and chopped at the arm.


The hunting knife chopped on the dry arm, as if it had chopped on a hard pillar, causing Daniel's mouth to hurt.

"Where did you hide Annie, you bastard!"

"Who knows, hehe." Cindy laughed and said, "But don't worry, you will see her soon."

As soon as it finished speaking, many monsters that had been hiding in dark corners appeared nearby.

A gloomy roar came from the forest, followed by a group of corpses that flickered and emerged from the darkness, their eyes were empty and deep, flashing with indifferent light.

"That's... a zombie infused with spirits!" A few people looked at the zombies, and a stinging chill emerged.

"Your witch amulets, feel free to try them, hahahaha, I just like to see you struggling in despair!"

"You will become a sacrifice to the gods, the great god of witchcraft, will surely ascend to the throne of the Seven Gods!"

Seeing more and more zombies surrounding them, despair is spreading.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have come here." Jacqueline laughed bitterly, thinking with regret in her heart.

Although Daniel was still holding on, his whole body trembling had betrayed his mood at the moment.

Suddenly, a man wearing a terrifying mask and holding a spear with a fierce murderous aura descended here in the hazy moonlight.

"The three-eyed and five-manifested immortal is here, all evil should be killed!"

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