The green wind was stained with dark miasma.

The fierce murderous aura filled this space.

On a desolate land, countless corpses piled up like a mountain, forming a huge and terrifying monster.

This monster is composed of countless twisted limbs and twisted faces, some of which have rotted, and some of which still retain their original form.

Their skin is pale, their eyeballs are protruding, and they emit creepy roars from their mouths.

However, in this horrible scene, a masked immortal stood in front of the monster, holding a spear with a cold light flashing on the tip of the spear.

Xiao's eyes were cold and firm, looking at the monster that kept roaring on the ground.

He raised his spear and swung it towards the ground. In an instant, a whirlwind blew up, forming a whirlwind around his body. The power of the wind element gathered in his hands, forming countless dazzling wind blades flowing around him.

"Jing Yao Nuo Dance."

Xiao shouted softly, and the tip of the spear carried countless whirlwind blades and pounced on the monster without hesitation. The wind blades drew thousands of lightning-like trajectories in the air.

The verdant spear shadow lit up in the dark night, and the sky rained down attacks like heavy rain.

"Ah ... Xiao's figure kept moving back and forth, left and right, up and down. This monster was like a clumsy live target, allowing him to cut it at will.

If there were no other means, it would soon be destroyed.


Cindy screamed hysterically: "Don't try to succeed!"

The strange tone sounded again, the spell was enchanting and evil, and countless corpses smiled as if they were alive, chanting spells with Cindy.


The bright moon in the sky was suddenly covered by the sudden black curtain at this moment, and the originally dim earth fell into darkness again.

The shrill cries rang in Xiao's ears, including men and women, old and young, countless curses, screams, madness, and pain intertwined, making people crazy.

The monster made of corpses disappeared without a trace in the darkness, and the next moment it suddenly attacked from nowhere.

"Hmph, a boring trick!"

Xiao's figure turned into a violent tornado, and the spear was pointed at the ground, bursting out with terrifying power.

"Disappear now."

Like a meteor, the moment the spear touched the ground, the ground within a few hundred meters nearby made a sound like a wail.

Since we can't find where this monster is, we will completely destroy this place.

After one shot, Xiao jumped up again, and then pointed the spear at the ground again.

Boom boom boom———!

The spear was thrown directly by Xiao, and the ground seemed to be lifted up, countless sand and lime embers turned into dust all over the sky, and thousands of wind blades filled the empty space.

"Ah ... But now this is a dream created by their voodoo cult, but it is their home ground. Even if an immortal like Qiqi who can freeze the sea surface comes here, it will not be good.

Of course, they naturally don’t know that although Xiao and Qiqi are both immortals, there is a big gap in strength and combat experience.

Unlike other immortals, the title of the Great Sage of Demon Conqueror is enough to show that he is a Yaksha immortal who focuses on killing.

"Playing tricks in dreams with immortals is really ignorant of life and death."

Xiao was once enslaved by the Nightmare Demon God, and he knows more about dreams than ordinary immortals. Playing tricks in dreams in front of him is tantamount to showing off one's skills in front of an expert.

The power of the wind blew around, and the sound of wailing was endless. Jacqueline and others were specially protected by Xiao, so these powers did not affect them.

Although they couldn't see the scene of the battle in the dark, they also learned from Cindy's screams that Xiao had the upper hand.

Xiao's wind blade is constantly

The power of the dream was weakened. Just one minute later, cracks like broken mirrors appeared in the surrounding scenes.

The black curtain of the sky also disappeared in the violent wind.

"Impossible... Impossible!"

Cindy's impotent rage could not prevent the dream from being destroyed.


Everyone only heard a shattering sound, and then saw the original scene appear in front of them.

The moon in the sky was no longer hazy. It emitted a soft light, illuminating this desolate land.

"Asshole, asshole!"

Hearing Cindy's voice, people looked over and saw a skinny woman sitting on the ground staring at Xiao with resentment, holding a dirty doll in her hand, which was full of steel needles. It was Cindy.

And Annie closed her eyes and lay behind her. From the rise and fall of her chest, it can be seen that she was probably unconscious.


The spear was inserted beside Cindy, and the terrifying murderous aura frightened her so much that she supported her body and quickly stepped back several steps.

"What else do you have in mind?"

Cindy didn't say anything, but stared at Xiao with a vicious look.

Xiao walked up to her and said, "Tell me, what is the purpose of you voodoo people coming to Liyue?"

"Hmph, kill me, I have nothing to say."

Cindy sneered, "I'm just a voodoo priest. After I die, the high priest will definitely cause trouble for you Liyue."

"The God of Voodoo will come to the world one day, and the position of the Seven Gods will also be won by Him."

"Nonsense, come if you have the ability." Seeing Cindy still looking like she didn't know whether to live or die, Xiao realized that there was no reason to talk to such cult members.

They had no doubts about the God of Voodoo they believed in, and they were not even afraid of death.

Even if the deeds of the God of Rock had spread all over the world, they would still believe that their own God of Voodoo could defeat the other party.

It's not that they are stupid and can't see the difference, but blind worship has completely brainwashed these voodoo cult members.

"I will hand you over to Ningguang."

Xiao didn't want to explain anything to such a person. He drew a few strokes on her with the spear. Cindy collapsed to the ground with a cry of pain.

Her tendons were cut, and her body that could guide magic was also sealed.

After taking off the mask, he turned to Jacqueline and others and said, "You can hand her over to Ningguang."

Jacqueline and others only saw the true face of the opposite side at this time, and were surprised that under this terrifying mask, there was a handsome boy.

So with an uneasy mood in his heart, he asked Xiao who was about to leave, "Can I ask your name?"

"If you encounter the difficulties of losing your way in the wilderness, the difficulties of thieves on the road, the difficulties of water, fire, swords and weapons, the difficulties of ghosts, gods, drugs and poisons, the difficulties of evil beasts and poisonous insects, and the difficulties of enemies and evil people, call my name."

"Three-eyed and five-manifested immortal-Xiao."

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