The old man was so angry that he couldn't help but think about it.

"Mooria?" Fu Li looked at the map pointed out by the lady. This is the starting point of what the lady called "Witch of Fire" in this world.

"When I was in Moria, those spellcasters kept giving me trouble." The lady's tone was a little unhappy: "They didn't cause any trouble, but it took me some time to get rid of them."

"This time, we must get back the ground and test the sincerity of the Witch Association."

"You can do these things. If the Witch Association can join the Winter Kingdom, the middle and lower-level strength of our Faint People can be greatly improved." Fu Li added: "As long as they don't do anything like sacrificing people."

"Don't worry, those witches are a minority after all, and the Witch Association will not accept such people."

Then the two exchanged some recent situations and left the spiritual space.


Hai Mo Ling, it has been a week since the Crimson Blood Wolf Gang was destroyed. The scattered soldiers sat bored on a ruin, propping up their heads and looking at the scene in front of them.

A few minutes ago, this was still a luxurious courtyard with luxurious decorations and buildings at the master level. Everything was sold at a sky-high price.

At this time, it had completely become a ruin, and the corpses everywhere represented that a terrible killing had taken place at this time.

The survivors were not much better off. They were covered in dust and blood, and were forced to kneel in front of the soldiers by the elite of the Fatui.

"Asshole... Asshole! What on earth do you want to do!" The oldest old man stared at the soldier with bloodshot eyes and said fiercely: "Why do you do this? Killing us will not do you any good!"

The soldier was unmoved, just quietly watching these embarrassed nobles. After a long time, he said lightly: "Keep barking, wild dogs."

The old noble seemed to have a short breath. He coughed several times before he recovered and stared at the other party angrily.

"Why do you always feel that the will of the world is turning according to your ideas?" Sanbing shook his head helplessly and said, "The rules of Haimo Ling do not apply to me. It is too ridiculous to persuade me with interests."

"What I want to do depends on my mood."

"So you destroyed most of the Haimo Ling gangs within a week and killed several big nobles. Is it all just because you are in a bad mood?" The old nobleman's face was stained with blood and he was crazy. He yelled at Sanbing:

"You lunatic!"

"When you say others are crazy, you might as well look at yourself."

"Eighty percent of the prostitutes in the Haimo Ling market are protected by you. You really have no self-awareness at all."

"Even bloodthirsty beasts will not harm their own cubs. You are so crazy that people can't catch up."

"Forget it, it's useless to explain so much to you. Kill them all." Sanbing waved his hand. He didn't want to explain to this group of people anymore. He ordered the Fatui to execute them all.

"You bastard, someone will come to take care of you!" The old noble looked at them struggling before dying: "The Hai Mo Ling royal family will not let you go!"

"Ha, then I'll wait."

The soldier chuckled and didn't give them a chance to speak again.

With the sound of a few gunshots, the last noble in this courtyard also died under the guns of the Fools.

In the past few days, the soldiers swept through the big and small gangs and several nobles in Hai Mo Ling with lightning speed.

After seeing their methods, the remaining gangs all hid in unknown places and trembled, and some had already packed up their belongings and ran away.

They were afraid that this killing god would take action against them one day.

The heavy killing made the underground forces of the entire Hai Mo Ling capital extremely depressed, and even a spectacle appeared that no one took over after the power vacuum.

After the ordinary people were no longer exploited by the gangs, they suddenly found that the public security had improved, and there were no gangs bullying them all day long.

They also discovered that Sanbing and his gang were not interested in ordinary people, and only targeted gangs and nobles.

Sanbing would naturally not attack ordinary people, but those he killed were a group of scum who really deserved to die.

If ten out of ten people are innocent, then nine out of ten will definitely be missed.

Killing them will not have any psychological burden.

And he did not let go of the Hai Mo Ling nobles who protected these gangs.

Now there are only the royal family and a few nobles left.


It's not that Sanbing deliberately let them go, but he was preparing for a big one.

What happened in Haimo Ling these days has spread all over the world through local reporters, intelligence dealers and spies.

Everyone knows that a master called "Sanbing" has made Haimo Ling restless, and many gangsters and nobles have all died tragically at his hands.

It caused a huge international sensation.

"Lord Sanbing, Haimo Ling's royal spokesman has made a speech." At this time, a Fatui soldier came to him with a newspaper and said.

"Our identities are exposed."

"Oh? Instead of hiding in the secret room and shivering, he made a speech?"

Sanbing took the newspaper and looked at the speech of the royal spokesman on it. He took out the badge worn by Sanbing and the same badge of the Fatui of Zhidong Country, and accused Zhidong Country of killing innocent people in Haimo Ling, and demanded that the international community impose severe sanctions on Zhidong Country.

At the same time, the subordinates of the Sanbing in Haimo Ling were given as evidence, and their clothing, badges, weapons, etc. were all standard for the Kingdom of Winter.

"Humph, it's exposed." Sanbing said indifferently. He came to Haimo Ling this time to show off his muscles. It doesn't matter if his identity is exposed. It's better to say that this is better.

Killing innocent people?

Sanbing looked at the newspaper sarcastically, crumpled it into a ball and threw it aside.

"Lord Sanbing, what should we do next? Several countries have already accused us and even said they would sanction us." The soldiers of the Fatui asked with an angry voice.

As elites trained by the Fatui for several years, they are extremely loyal to the Kingdom of Winter. Once they see someone slandering the Kingdom of Winter, they can't help it.

After coming to Haimo Ling, after seeing all kinds of things here, they can't help but think of the purgatory on earth that they had seen during the war.

I didn't expect that there would be another way after the war. Isn't it for the better of Haimo Ling that Lord Sanbing cleaned up these scum here?

These Fatui soldiers couldn't help thinking.

"Other countries can do whatever they want, just let the rooster hold it back, we will do our own thing." The scattered soldiers jumped off the ruins and ordered the Fatui:

"Let's go, we should give a big gift to the Haimoling royal family."

"I guarantee they will like it very much."

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