The more you sing, the more you will be punished.

Singing in another country means there is no future for that country.

If it happened in Liyue or other empires in the world, such lyrics would only add to the jokes or cause public outrage.

But it is different in Alriel. People live in numbness and repression, and everyone lives under the surveillance of Isabella III.

Secret guards are everywhere, and even when adults scare children, they use secret guards to find you as a threat.

There are people who oppose the queen, but these people are either dead or murdered by assassins hired by the queen after exile.

Almost all important positions in the country are held by Isabella's confidants.

If it were just like this, it would be fine. Informing is a common practice in this country, and any disturbance can attract the investigation of secret guards.

Especially after the End War, in order to maintain the country's economic growth, Isabella III ordered the work to be extended to 16 hours, and countless workers in grassroots positions died of exhaustion in factories.

In order to make up for the missing population, she also ordered a ban on abortions and asked secret guards to work part-time to regularly check women's menstruation.

Although this approach quickly restored the economy to pre-war levels and a large number of babies were born.

But she never considered that in a country where both men and women had to work 16 hours, how could people have the time and energy to raise a newborn.

Not to mention that Arriel did not have a matching infant hospital and welfare.

So even worse things were born.

Because the babies born could not afford it, people began to abandon their children, and many babies were thrown into the wild as soon as they were born to fend for themselves.

Even if the secret guards wanted to stop it, it was impossible. They might be able to prevent abortions, but they could never stop the wave of abandoned babies.

Because banning abortion is an administrative order, but raising a baby is a huge expense and countless energy.

In order to cover up these ugly mortality rates, Isabella III defined humans as humans only after three months of birth.

Babies less than three months old are not even as safe as embryos still in the mother's womb. It has to be said that this is really a hell joke, or black humor.

Based on the various situations in Alriel, Xin Yan's lyrics not only did not anger the people here, but also gave them a huge outlet for venting.

"God bless the queen!"

"I'm telling the truth-"

"Don't let others tell you what you need..."


"No future-no future-no future-"

This song "God bless the queen" has a magical rhythm, and the lyrics even poke Alriel's heart.

After a while, a brave young man followed Xin Yan's passionate singing.

"God bless the Queen!"

"She is not human at all!"

"She is a monster!"

"There is no future here--"

When the impulsive young people sang along, many people who had been dissatisfied with Isabella III for many years also exploded at this time.

After decades of forbearance, they finally couldn't hold it back.

People can't hold it back for a lifetime. Once someone starts, the herd effect begins to take effect, and the anger of decades finally has a place to vent.

"Isabella III is not a human, she is a monster!"

The rebellious lyrics quickly spread from the square to the surrounding neighborhoods, and people stared at this scene with wide eyes.

"Oh my god, someone is singing and cursing the Queen!"

"Who is that woman on the stage? She's so brave."

"Isn't she afraid of the secret guards?"

"Even the audience below is singing along."

"Where are the secret guards? Why don't I see them coming to stop it?"

"Stop it, don't you see the square is blocked now?"

The secret guards found out when Xin Yan sang a line of lyrics, and they immediately ran to the stage after hearing such lyrics.

Unfortunately, they were still a step too late. When they rushed over, the stage was already surrounded by the crowd, and it was quite difficult to squeeze in.

"Get out of my way, I'm a secret guard!"

"How dare you make up stories about the Queen! Take down this bastard!"

"Stop singing, stop it! Stop it."

The secret guards shouted loudly towards the stage, but unfortunately their voices could not cover Xin Yan's singing on the stage, and they could only look at each other helplessly and furiously.

And the people in the square were also intentionally or unintentionally pushing and blocking the secret guards.

The actions of the secret guards.

When the secret guards broke into the stage from the crowd, Xin Yan also finished singing the song. At this time, she looked at the embarrassed secret guards and laughed loudly:

"Hey! Everyone, come and see, they are the accomplices of the monsters!"

The "monster" in Xin Yan's mouth was naturally the Queen of Alriel. Her words immediately angered the secret guards.

"You bastard, who sent you here! How dare you say bad things about Her Majesty the Queen in such a place!"

"Huh? Bad words?"

Xin Yan looked at the secret guards in disbelief, "I'm not saying bad things, but stating the facts."

"Assholes, catch her!"

"If you can't argue, just use force." Xin Yan looked at the secret guards with disdain. There was not even a spellcaster among them, and some of them were even less physically fit than ordinary people.

They were just relying on the power given by Isabella III to bully others.

Rock is a very cool thing, and punk is super doubled.

"Sing for resistance!"

Xin Yan's pick scraped the guitar strings hard, and flames gushed out of her body, blocking the secret guards.

At this time, people discovered that the waist drum behind her actually had an Eye of God hanging on it.

"Look! That's the Eye of God!"

An audience member in the audience exclaimed loudly: "She is someone recognized by God!"

"What! She has the Eye of God?"

"Yes, since she has been recognized by God, doesn't that mean..."

People's eyes flashed with excitement. Will these decades of repression and painful life end from today?

The secret guards also discovered this, and their faces suddenly became very ugly.

In this world, people have summed up many seemingly true and false experiences about the Eye of God.

For example, the Eye of God is because a certain behavior of human beings has been recognized by God, and this recognition is more like a recognition for the people in this world.

As long as the holder of the Eye of God, then some of the other party's behavior has been recognized by God.

Since even God has admitted it, doesn't it mean that the other party is right?

Add to that the other current God's Eye owners, what have they done, the answer is self-evident.

Xin Yan shouted and sang for resistance, and everyone knew who they were resisting in Alriel.

"Can you keep up with the beat?" Xin Yan looked at the secret guards and laughed:

"This is my rock, this is my punk!"

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