When the wise are still considering all kinds of doubts, the little people are already changing the world in their own way.

This sentence seems a bit funny and ridiculous when it is put on those who are eager to try for Andrius's trial, because these people are almost impossible to pass the trial.

But their repeated succession may allow many masters to avoid trial and error and take fewer detours on the road to passing the trial.

This is also a way to change the world, although weak, but very effective, providing valuable experience for later generations.

"In two months, I will be here waiting for those who can pass the trial."

"I'll wait for you in the north."

After saying that, Andrius turned into a cold wave and swept towards the north of the capital of Alriel.

"Did you hear that? That's the Demon God! That's the Demon God's trial!"

"It just mentioned the wind god Barbatos."

"From its tone, it seems that His Majesty Barbatos likes to drink?"

"What does it have to do with us that the wind god likes to drink? He is the god of Mond, not our Alriel."

"Don't worry about those things, isn't the point the trial?"

"The inheritance of the Demon God! The blessing of the Demon God, if I get that kind of power, wouldn't I be the strongest under the Demon God?"

"Wake up quickly, didn't you notice what it just said? Only a wisp of residual soul is left, which means that the power is no longer effective."

"No matter how bad it is, it's still the Demon God. I'm going to participate in the trial."

"You...you want to die, then go ahead."

On December 25, the birthday of the sun god Mithras, two things happened in Alriel, which made this extremely depressed country burst into unprecedented enthusiasm.

The first thing was that a Liyue rock musician sang a song on the stage and scolded Isabella III.

The second thing was that the demon Andrius appeared and set a trial. Humans who passed the trial could get the inheritance and blessing of the demon.

This was the original appearance of the incident, but a few days later, after various disseminations and exaggerations, some of the content became more and more wrong.

So, Liyue rock singer Xin Yan changed from singing and scolding the queen on the stage to Xin Yan using the Eye of God to control the fire and then killing more than 2,000 secret guards with a guitar.

Finally, under more than 10,000 fully armed guards, they swaggered into the Morda Palace, and then sang a song to Isabella III, scolding the queen to the point of being hospitalized.

Because there are so many points to complain about, people who know the truth don’t know where to start complaining.

As for why they could only sing under more than 10,000 guards, instead of assassinating.

And why the queen was hospitalized instead of letting a private doctor enter the palace.

That's not important. Anyway, the rumor was spread with details, and many people believed it. Some even said that Isabella III was so angry that her brain was congested and she was dying.

Especially the last sentence. Even those who knew the truth couldn't help but hope that the rumor was true. Isabella III would be angry to death.

It can be seen how hateful she is in the hearts of the people of Alriel.

As for why no one refuted the rumor in the media, how could it be possible? The secret guards were too busy covering up the truth, so how could they put the people who scolded the queen in the media to refute the rumor.

Do you still want to be a secret guard?

But their life is not easy. Xin Yan's affairs can't be concealed at all. Many people are discussing her privately.

They can neither publicly refute the rumor nor completely stop the singing, so Xin Yan is almost the savior of Alriel under various outrageous rumors.

Although Andrius has been mentioned in various ways in the media, this involves a more terrifying incident about the demon god, so the media are very cautious.

If it is not handled properly, the demon god may retaliate.

It has been not long since the Liyue Rock God threw a spear to suppress the demon god and the cult. Although Andrius claims to be a remnant soul, no official wants to know how powerful this remnant soul is.

So a few words were mentioned in the media in a bland and formulaic manner. In short, it is better to do nothing than to make no mistakes or change.

Let the rumors about Andrius go. To a certain extent, its current danger is not as destructive as the song sung by Xin Yan.

At least Andrius did not come here to scold the queen. This alone is enough.

"Have you heard that as long as you can pass the trial of the North Wind Wolf King, you can gain the power of the demon god."

"What you heard is not true. As long as you pass the trial, you will be able to gain power comparable to the wind god Barbatos."

"No, no, you will be able to gain power beyond the wind god and become one of the seven gods!"

The rumors about the Andrius Trial continued to escalate, and finally reached a very outrageous height. Finally, someone couldn't help but stand up and wake everyone up:

"Didn't Andrius make it clear that day? Those who pass the trial can gain powerful power and the blessing of the demon god."

"Don't you have your own ears? The sound that day spread throughout the capital."

For this wise man who told the truth, his fate was to be thrown into the trash can, and finally he was disgusted and didn't eat dinner.

The so-called self-deception is nothing more than this.

It's like a couple who fantasize about winning the lottery jackpot, and they fight because they are imagining how to use the money and sometimes they distribute it unevenly.

I know this is fake, but can't you let us fantasize about it?

The appearance of Andrius immediately attracted the attention of the international community. After hearing about the trial, countless spellcasters took their tools to Arriel overnight.

Among them, there are many top masters, and they are also very curious about what the trial of the demon god is like.

Even if you can't pass the trial, it is also a good combat experience. It would be best if you can pass it.

Arriel, a country that is not very famous in the world, has nothing to show for itself except their ruler Isabella III.

Although Isabella III's reputation is not good, a bad reputation is also a reputation.

"The good show is about to begin!" Xin Yan stood on a tall building, plucking the strings and laughing: "I don't know how Isabella III feels now."

"I don't know, anyway, it won't be very good."

Rosalia was looking at the Morda Palace in the distance with a telescope, and put down the telescope after a while.

"It will be very busy in Alriel these days, but it is also a good time for us to take action."

"Tardalia, you can fight, but don't forget the business."

"Of course I understand, rescuing slaves and collecting evidence are important." The water in Tartaglia's hand formed two double knives.

They never expected these people to return the slaves, and the diplomatic words issued by Qin were just a statement.

"Next, it's our turn."

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